Digital Cutter – The Ultimate Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Digital Cutter Introduction

What is foam sheet cutting?

Digital cutter can cut foam sheet precisely. Here we introduce main foam sheet cutting ways. Foam sheet cutting is the process of cutting foam sheets into desired shapes and sizes. It is a versatile process that can be used for a variety of projects, including crafting, modeling, and signage.

There are many different ways to cut foam sheets. Some common methods include:

  • Hand-cutting: This is the simplest method and can be done with a sharp knife or scissors. However, it can be time-consuming and difficult to get precise cuts.
  • Die-cutting: This method uses a die, which is a custom-shaped cutting tool, to cut foam sheets. Die-cutting is a more precise method than hand-cutting, but it can be more expensive to set up.
  • Digital cutter: This method uses a digital cutter to cut foam sheets. Digital cutting machines are the most precise method of cutting foam sheets, but they can also be the most expensive.

Why use a digital cutter for foam sheet cutting?

  • When precision is critical: Digital cutting machines can cut foam sheets with great accuracy, even on complex shapes. This is important for projects where precision is critical, such as signmaking and prototyping.
  • When speed is important: Digital cutting machines can cut foam sheets quickly, which can save time and money on large projects.
  • When versatility is needed: Digital cutting machines can be used for a variety of projects, including signs, prototypes, packaging, and more. This makes them a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.
  • When ease of use is desired: Digital cutting machines are easy to use, even for beginners. This makes them a great option for businesses that need to cut foam sheets but don’t have the time or expertise to learn how to use a more complex machine.

If you are facing any of these conditions, then you might need to use a digital cutting machine.

Here are some examples of projects that might require the use of a digital cutting machine:

  • Signmaking: Digital cutting machines can be used to cut foam sheets for signs, such as business signs, store signs, and event signs.
  • Prototyping: Digital cutting machines can be used to cut foam sheets for prototypes, such as new product designs, architectural models, and engineering models.
  • Packaging: Digital cutting machines can be used to cut foam sheets for packaging, such as product boxes, shipping boxes, and display boxes.

If you are working on any of these types of projects, then you might need to use a digital cutting machine.

What are the different types of digital cutter?

Universal digital cutter: A universal digital cutter can cut a variety of materials, including paper, fabric, vinyl, and foam.

digital cuttin gmachine - Digital Cutter - The Ultimate Guide: Everything You Need to Know




Dual beam digital cutter: A dual beam digital cutter uses two cutting beams to cut through materials. This makes them more accurate and precise than single beam cutters.

Digital Cutter D1 1500x630 - Digital Cutter - The Ultimate Guide: Everything You Need to Know



Digital cutter for fabric cutting: A digital cutter for fabric cutting is designed to cut fabric with precision. They typically have a sharp blade and a variety of cutting speeds to accommodate different types of fabric.

auto fabric cutting machine - Digital Cutter - The Ultimate Guide: Everything You Need to Know

What are the different types of foam sheets?

There are many different types of foam sheets available, each with its own unique properties and uses. Some of the most common types of foam sheets include:

  • Polystyrene foam sheets: Polystyrene foam sheets are lightweight and easy to cut, making them a popular choice for a variety of projects, such as packaging, insulation, and crafting.

  • Extruded polystyrene foam sheets: Extruded polystyrene foam sheets are stronger and more durable than polystyrene foam sheets, making them a good choice for applications where strength and durability are important, such as building models and making signs.
  • Polyurethane foam sheets: Polyurethane foam sheets are more expensive than polystyrene foam sheets, but they are also more versatile and can be used for a wider variety of applications, such as making furniture, soundproofing, and creating prototypes.
  • EVA foam sheets: EVA foam sheets are a type of closed-cell foam that is known for its durability and shock-absorbing properties. They are often used for making sports equipment, such as mats and protective gear, as well as for crafting and other DIY projects.

When choosing a foam sheet, it is important to consider the specific properties and uses that are important to you. For example, if you need a lightweight and easy-to-cut foam sheet for packaging, polystyrene foam may be a good option. If you need a strong and durable foam sheet for building models, extruded polystyrene foam may be a better choice. And if you need a versatile and durable foam sheet for a wide variety of applications, polyurethane foam may be the best option.

How to Cut Foam Sheets with a Digital Cutter

Choose the right digital cutter for your needs.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a digital cutting machine:

  • Your budget: Digital cutting machines can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. It is important to set a budget before you start shopping so that you do not overspend.
  • Your needs: What materials do you need to cut? How thick are the materials you need to cut? How accurate do you need your cuts to be? How much material do you need to cut on a regular basis? Answering these questions will help you narrow down your choices.
  • Your skill level: If you are a beginner, you may want to choose a machine that is easy to use. If you are more experienced, you may want a machine with more features and capabilities.
  • The size of the machine: Digital cutting machines can range in size from small desktop models to large industrial machines. Consider the amount of space you have available when making your decision.

Once you have considered these factors, you can start looking at specific machines. There are many different brands and models of digital cutting machines available, so it is important to do your research and compare features and prices.

Prepare the foam sheet for cutting.

Here are some tips on how to prepare a foam sheet for cutting:

  1. Choose the right type of foam sheet. There are many different types of foam sheets available, each with its own unique properties and uses. Some foam sheets are more durable than others, while some are easier to cut. Choose a foam sheet that is appropriate for your project and that will be easy to cut with your digital cutting machine.
  2. Measure and mark the foam sheet. Once you have chosen the right type of foam sheet, it is important to measure and mark the foam sheet before you start cutting. This will help you ensure that you are cutting the foam sheet to the correct size and shape.
  3. Use a sharp blade.
  4. Apply pressure. When cutting foam sheets, it is important to apply pressure. This will help ensure that the blade cuts through the foam sheet cleanly.
  5. Be careful. When cutting foam sheets, it is important to be careful. Foam sheets can be sharp and can cause injury if you are not careful.

With a little practice, you will be able to cut foam sheets with your digital cutting machine like a pro.

Load the foam sheet into the digital cutting machine.

Here are the steps on how to load a foam sheet into a digital cutting machine:

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  1. Prepare the cutting mat. Make sure the cutting mat is clean and free of debris.
  2. Place the foam sheet on the cutting mat. The foam sheet should be centered on the cutting mat and should be aligned with the cutting lines.
  3. Secure the foam sheet to the cutting mat. You can use tape or vacuum pump to secure the foam sheet to the cutting mat.
  4. Load the cutting mat into the digital cutting machine. Make sure the cutting mat is aligned with the cutting head.
  5. Start the cutting process. The digital cutting machine will cut the foam sheet according to the design that you have loaded.

Set the cutting parameters.

  • Blade: The type of blade you use will affect the quality of your cuts. A sharp blade will produce cleaner cuts, while a dull blade may cause the foam sheet to tear.
  • Speed: The cutting speed will affect the quality of your cuts and the amount of time it takes to cut the foam sheet. A slower speed will produce cleaner cuts, but it will take longer to cut the foam sheet. A faster speed will cut the foam sheet more quickly, but it may not produce as clean of cuts.
  • Pressure: The amount of pressure you apply will affect the quality of your cuts. Too much pressure may cause the foam sheet to tear, while too little pressure may not produce a clean cut.
  • Cut depth: The cut depth will affect the thickness of the foam sheet that is cut. A deeper cut will cut through thicker foam sheets, but it may also cause the foam sheet to tear. A shallower cut will not cut through as thick of foam sheets, but it is less likely to cause the foam sheet to tear.
  • Cut the foam sheet.

The digital cutting machine will cut the foam sheet according to the design that you have loaded.

Tips for Cutting Foam Sheets with a Digital Cutting Machine

  • Use a sharp blade.

When cutting foam sheets, it is important to use a sharp blade. A dull blade will make it difficult to cut through the foam sheet and may cause the foam sheet to tear.

  • Use a cutting mat.

A cutting mat will help protect your work surface and prevent the foam sheet from slipping while you are cutting.

  • Use a cutting blade that is designed for foam. Cutting blades that are designed for foam are more likely to cut through the foam sheet cleanly.
  • Use a slow speed. Cutting foam sheets at a slow speed will help prevent the blade from tearing the foam sheet.
  • Test the blade on a scrap piece of foam. Before you start cutting your project, it is a good idea to test the blade on a scrap piece of foam. This will help you ensure that the blade is sharp and that you are using the correct settings.

Projects You Can Make with a Digital Cutting Machine and Foam Sheets

  • Signage: Commercial digital cutting machines can be used to cut large sheets of material, making them ideal for creating signage. You can use these machines to cut out letters, logos, and other designs for use in your business or organization.
  • Advertising materials: Commercial digital cutting machines can also be used to create advertising materials, such as flyers, brochures, and posters. You can use these machines to cut out intricate designs and graphics, adding a professional touch to your marketing materials.

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  • Packaging: Commercial digital cutting machines can be used to create custom packaging for your products. You can use these machines to cut out shapes, designs, and logos, making your products stand out on the shelf.

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  • Fashion and apparel: Commercial digital cutting machines can be used to cut out patterns for clothing and other apparel. You can use these machines to create custom designs for your own clothing line, or to produce high-quality garments for your business.
  • Interior design: Commercial digital cutting machines can be used to create custom pieces for your home, such as furniture, décor, and other items. You can use these machines to cut out intricate designs and patterns, adding a unique touch to your home décor.

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These are just a few ideas for projects you can make with a commercial digital cutting machine. With a little creativity, you can use these machines to create all sorts of amazing things.


Commercial digital cutting machines are versatile tools that can be used to create a wide variety of products. From signage and advertising materials to packaging and fashion, these machines can help businesses and individuals create high-quality products that are both visually appealing and functional.

If you are looking for a way to take your business or creative projects to the next level, a commercial digital cutting machine may be the perfect investment. With these machines, you can easily create custom products that will help you stand out from the competition.


Stainless Steel Cutting With Fiber Laser Cutting Machine – How To?

fiber laser cut stainless steel pipe

Stainless Steel Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Introduction

Fiber laser cutting machine is a popular choice for cutting stainless steel. They offer a number of advantages over other cutting methods, including high precision, smooth cuts, no burrs, no dross, and fast cutting speed.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to cut stainless steel with a Fiber laser cutter. We will cover the following topics:

  • What is a stainless steel fiber laser cutting machine?
  • How do fiber laser cutting machines cut stainless steel?
  • Why are fiber laser cutting machines so good at cutting stainless steel?
  • Benefits of using a fiber laser cutting machine to cut stainless steel
  • How to set up a fiber laser cutting machine to cut stainless steel
  • Common problems when cutting stainless steel with a fiber laser cutting machine
  • How to troubleshoot problems when cutting stainless steel with a fiber laser cutting machine
  • Conclusion

What is a stainless steel fiber laser cutting machine?

A fiber laser cutting machine is a machine that uses a laser beam to cut metal. The laser beam is generated by a fiber laser, which is a type of laser that uses a fiber optic cable to transmit the laser light. Fiber lasers are very efficient and can produce very high power laser beams.

How do fiber laser cutting machines cut stainless steel?

When the laser beam hits the metal, it vaporizes the metal. The vaporized metal is then blown away by a stream of gas, such as nitrogen or oxygen. The laser beam moves very quickly, so it can cut through metal very quickly.

Why are fiber laser cutting machines so good at cutting stainless steel?

Stainless steel is a very tough material, but it is also very reflective. This makes it difficult to cut with traditional cutting methods. Fiber laser cutting machines are very good at cutting stainless steel because the laser beam is absorbed by the metal.


sheet metal laser cutter 845x630 - Stainless Steel Cutting With Fiber Laser Cutting Machine - How To?



Benefits of using a fiber laser cutting machine to cut stainless steel

  • High precision: Fiber laser cutting machines can produce very precise cuts. This is important for applications where the accuracy of the cut is critical, such as in the manufacturing of medical devices or aerospace components.
  • Smooth cuts: Fiber laser cutting machines produce smooth cuts with no burrs or dross. This makes the cuts look good and also reduces the need for post-processing.
  • Fast cutting speed: Fiber laser cutting machines can cut stainless steel very quickly. This can save time and money, especially when cutting large quantities of material.

How to set up a fiber laser cutting machine to cut stainless steel

To set up a fiber laser cutting machine to cut stainless steel, you will need to do the following:

  • Choose the right laser power for the thickness of the stainless steel you will be cutting.

The laser power required to cut stainless steel depends on the thickness of the material. In general, you will need more laser power to cut thicker materials. Here is a table that shows the recommended laser power for cutting stainless steel of different thicknesses:


Teal Modern Vertical Bar Chart Graph 1024x630 - Stainless Steel Cutting With Fiber Laser Cutting Machine - How To?

It is important to note that these are just general guidelines. The actual laser power required may vary depending on the specific type of stainless steel, the quality of the laser cutting machine, and other factors. It is always best to consult with the manufacturer of your laser cutting machine to determine the optimal laser power setting for your specific application.

  • Set the cutting speed and feed rate.


Belwo chart is only for reference. Adjust the rate in actual cutting process.

inch mm in/min
Stainless 0.040 1.0 2362
Steel 0.060 1.5 1654
N2 0.080 2.0 886
0.100 2.5 610
0.120 3.0 354
0.180 4.5 197
0.250 6.4 138
0.375 9.5 59
0.500 12.7 39
0.625 16.0 28
  • Use the correct cutting nozzle.

Nozzle Types

In general, laser cutting nozzles can be divided into single-layer and double-layer nozzles. Single-layer nozzles are used for melting and cutting, while double-layer nozzles are used for oxidative cutting.

How to Choose 1280x630 - Stainless Steel Cutting With Fiber Laser Cutting Machine - How To?

  • Single-layer nozzles are used with nitrogen as the auxiliary gas. They are typically used for cutting stainless steel, aluminum alloy, and brass.
    Nitrogen is an inert gas, which means it does not react with the material being cut. This makes it a good choice for cutting materials that are sensitive to oxidation, such as stainless steel.
  • Double-layer nozzles are used with oxygen as the auxiliary gas. They are typically used for cutting carbon steel.
    Oxygen is a reactive gas, which means it reacts with the material being cut. This reaction produces heat, which helps to melt and vaporize the material.

The type of nozzle used will depend on the material being cut and the desired cutting results. For example, single-layer nozzles are typically used for cutting stainless steel because they produce a smooth, burr-free cut. Double-layer nozzles are typically used for cutting carbon steel because they produce a faster, more aggressive cut.

Choosing the Right Caliber

The following factors should be considered when choosing the right nozzle caliber for laser cutting:

  • Material thickness: The thicker the material, the larger the nozzle caliber should be.
  • Material type: Some materials, such as stainless steel, require a larger nozzle caliber than others, such as carbon steel.
  • Cutting speed: A larger nozzle caliber will allow for faster cutting speeds.
  • Cutting quality: A larger nozzle caliber may result in a rougher cut.

Common Nozzle Caliber Sizes

The following are some common nozzle caliber sizes for laser cutting:

  • 1mm: For thin materials, such as sheet metal.
  • 1.5mm: For thicker materials, such as plates up to 3mm thick.
  • 2mm: For thicker materials, such as plates over 3mm thick.

Use the correct cutting gas.

maxresdefault 1280x630 - Stainless Steel Cutting With Fiber Laser Cutting Machine - How To?

The type of gas used for fiber laser cutting of stainless steel and other metals depends on the material being cut and the desired cutting results. Here are some of the most common gases used for laser cutting:

  • Nitrogen: Nitrogen is an inert gas, which means it does not react with the material being cut. This makes it a good choice for cutting materials that are sensitive to oxidation, such as stainless steel. Nitrogen also helps to prevent dross formation, which is a black, powdery substance that can form on the edges of the cut.
  • Oxygen: Oxygen is a reactive gas, which means it reacts with the material being cut. This reaction produces heat, which helps to melt and vaporize the material. Oxygen is typically used for cutting carbon steel, as it produces a faster, more aggressive cut. However, oxygen can also cause dross formation, so it is important to use a dross-preventing nozzle when cutting with oxygen.
  • Argon: Argon is a noble gas, which means it is neither inert nor reactive. Argon is typically used for cutting aluminum, as it helps to prevent the material from oxidizing. Argon can also be used for cutting stainless steel, but it is not as effective as nitrogen at preventing dross formation.

The type of gas used will also depend on the thickness of the material being cut. For example, nitrogen is typically used for cutting thin materials, such as sheet metal. Oxygen is typically used for cutting thicker materials, such as plates.

It is important to note that the type of gas is not the only factor that affects the cutting results. The laser power, cutting speed, and feed rate also play a role. It is important to experiment with different settings to find the best results for your specific application.

Here are some additional tips for using laser cutting gases:

  • Keep the gas lines clean. Dirty gas lines can cause poor cutting quality. Clean the gas lines regularly with compressed air.
  • Replace the gas cylinders regularly. Worn gas cylinders can also cause poor cutting quality. Replace the gas cylinders regularly, especially if they are used frequently.
  • Use the correct type of gas for the material being cut. Using the wrong type of gas can cause the cut to be rough, incomplete, or even dangerous.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The manufacturer’s instructions will provide specific information on how to use the gases properly.


Common problems when cutting stainless steel with a fiber laser cutting machine

The most common problems when cutting stainless steel with a fiber laser cutting machine are:

  • Poor cuts: This can be caused by using too much or too little laser power, or by using the wrong cutting speed or feed rate.
  • Burrs: Burrs can form on the edges of the cut if the cutting speed is too slow or if the cutting nozzle is not properly aligned.
  • Drossl: Drossl can form on the edges of the cut if the cutting gas is not the correct type or if the cutting gas pressure is too low.
  • Slow cutting speed: The cutting speed can be slow if the laser power is too low or if the cutting speed is too high.

How to troubleshoot problems when cutting stainless steel with a fiber laser cutting machine

  1. Check the laser power setting. The laser power is the amount of energy that is delivered to the material being cut. If the laser power is too low, the cut will be incomplete or rough. If the laser power is too high, the material may overheat and warp.
  2. Check the cutting speed and feed rate. The cutting speed is the speed at which the laser beam moves across the material. The feed rate is the speed at which the material moves under the laser beam. If the cutting speed is too fast, the cut may be incomplete or rough. If the cutting speed is too slow, the material may overheat and warp.
  3. Check the cutting nozzle alignment. The cutting nozzle is the part of the laser cutting machine that directs the laser beam onto the material being cut. If the cutting nozzle is not aligned properly, the laser beam may not be focused properly and the cut may be incomplete or rough.
  4. Check the cutting gas type and pressure. The cutting gas is used to help remove molten material from the cutting area. The type of cutting gas and the pressure of the cutting gas can affect the quality of the cut.

If you have checked all of these factors and you are still having problems cutting stainless steel with a fiber laser cutting machine, you may need to contact the manufacturer of the laser cutting machine or a qualified laser cutting professional for assistance.

Here are some additional tips for troubleshooting problems with stainless steel cutting using a fiber laser cutting machine:

  • Keep the laser cutting machine clean. A dirty laser cutting machine can cause the laser beam to scatter and the cut to be incomplete or rough.
  • Replace the cutting nozzle regularly. A worn cutting nozzle can cause the laser beam to scatter and the cut to be incomplete or rough.
  • Use the correct type of cutting gas. The type of cutting gas can affect the quality of the cut.
  • Use the correct pressure of the cutting gas. The pressure of the cutting gas can affect the quality of the cut.
  • Monitor the cutting process. It is important to monitor the cutting process to ensure that the cut is looking good. If the cut is not looking good, adjust the laser power, cutting speed, feed rate, cutting nozzle alignment, cutting gas type, or cutting gas pressure accordingly.


Fiber laser cutting machines are a versatile and powerful tool that can be used to cut a wide variety of materials, including stainless steel. By following the tips in this blog post, you can learn how to start up and use a fiber laser cutting machine to cut stainless steel with precision and accuracy.

Precision at its Finest: Discover the Ultimate Guide to Ceramic Cutting with Water Jet Cutting Machine

water jet cutting head

Water Jet Cutting Machine: Solution for Precise Ceramic Cut

I. Introduction of water jet cutting machine

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Cutting ceramic materials can be a challenging task that requires precision and accuracy. Traditional methods such as sawing and grinding can often result in cracking, chipping, or uneven edges, which can be frustrating and time-consuming to fix.

However, with the emergence of water jet cutting machine, cutting ceramic materials has become easier and more efficient than ever before.

In this guide, we will explore the benefits of using waterjet cutting technology for ceramic cutting, how they work, and why precision is so crucial in this process.

Whether you are a professional or a DIY enthusiast, understanding the advantages of waterjet technology can help you achieve clean and precise cuts every time.

So, let’s dive in and discover the world of cutting ceramic with water jet cutting machine!

II. The Benefits of CNC Water Jet Cutting Machine for Ceramic Cutting

Versatility in cutting various shapes and sizes

Water jet cutting machine can cut ceramics into various shapes and sizes, thanks to their precise and intricate cutting capabilities. These machines use computer–numerical-controlled (cnc) technology to direct the water stream and abrasive particles along a predetermined path, allowing for tight tolerances and minimal waste. Additionally, it can cut through thick ceramics, making them ideal for large pieces or multiple pieces at once.

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Precision and accuracy in cuts

Water jet cutting machine is known for their precision and accuracy in cutting ceramics, titanium, metalworking, granite, composites, stainless steel, foam and other soft materials. Because they use computer-controlled technology to direct the water stream and abrasive particles, they can make precise cuts without causing chipping or cracking. Furthermore, waterjetmachine can be programmed to make multiple cuts in a single pass, further increasing their precision and accuracy.

Clean cuts without chipping or cracking

One of the most significant benefits of waterjet tool is that they can cut ceramics without causing chipping or cracking. This is because the high pressure water stream and abrasive material particles do not generate any heat-affected zones or thermal stress on the material. As a result, ceramic pieces cut with waterjet machine has smooth edges and clean cuts, making them ideal for high-end applications.

No heat-affected zones

Traditional cutting methods such as laser cutting or plasma cutting can generate heat-affected zones on ceramics, which can cause thermal deformation and affect the quality of the cut. In contrast, water jet cutting machinery do not generate any heat-affected zones during the process. This means the ceramic material remains cool and does not experience any thermal deformation, ensuring high-quality cuts.

Cost-effectiveness compared to traditional methods

Finally, cnc waterjet cutter machine is a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods. This is because they do not require specialized tooling or expensive setup costs. Additionally, water jet cutting machine can optimize material usage, reducing waste and material costs.

III. How Water Jet Cutting Machine Work?

Explanation of the technology and principles behind water jet cutting

Waterjet technology is based on the principle of erosion, where the high-pressure water stream and abrasive particles gradually erode the material being cut. The water jet cutting process is typically computer-controlled, allowing for precision machining with minimal waste. The process does not require heat, which eliminates the risk of thermal distortion or deformation of the material.

Components of the machine

The main components of a pure state-of art waterjet cutting machine include the intensifier pump, head, abrasive water jet mixing system, and computer control system. The high-pressure pump generates the high-pressure water stream that is used to cut the material. The cutting head directs the water stream and abrasive particles onto the material being cut. The abrasive mixing system combines the water and abrasive particles, creating a slurry that is used to cut the material. The computer control system controls the movement and speed of the head, ensuring precise cuts.

The process, including the role of high-pressure water and abrasive materials

The process begins with the creation of a digital file in a computer-aided design (CAD) software program. The file is then uploaded to the water jet cutter machine, which uses the computer control system to direct the head along the predetermined path. The high-pressure pump generates a stream of water that is pressurized to 60,000-90,000 psi and is then mixed with abrasive particles to create a slurry. The head directs the slurry onto the material being cut, eroding the material as it moves along the predetermined path. The optimization process is precise, and the computer control system can be programmed to optimize material usage, reducing waste.

IV. Applications of Water Jet Cutting Machine for Ceramic Cutting

Overview of industries and applications that benefit from waterjet of ceramics

Water jet cutting machines are used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and architecture for cutting ceramics. In the aerospace industry, water jet cutting machines are used to cut ceramic components for aircraft engines and other parts. In the automotive industry, water jet cutting machines are used to cut ceramic brake rotors and other components. In the medical industry, waterjetmachines are used to cut ceramic components for implants and other medical devices. In the architecture industry, waterjet machines are used to cut ceramic tiles and other decorative elements.

Examples of specific ceramic materials that can be cut with water jet cutting machine

Waterjet machines can cut a wide variety of materials ceramic, including alumina, zirconia, silicon carbide, and boron carbide. Alumina is a popular ceramic material used in the aerospace industry for its high-temperature resistance and excellent mechanical properties. Zirconia is used in medical applications for its biocompatibility and wear resistance. Silicon carbide is used in the automotive industry for its high-temperature resistance and excellent mechanical properties. Boron carbide is used in armor applications for its high hardness and toughness.

V. Tips for Successful Ceramic Cutting with Water Jet Cutting Machine

Preparation and setup

One of the key factors in successful ceramic cutting is proper preparation and setup. This includes ensuring that the ceramic material is securely clamped in place to prevent movement during the cutting process. It is also essential to select the appropriate parameters, such as pressure and abrasive flow rate, based on the specific ceramic material being cut.

Selection of the right machine and nozzle for the job

The selection of the right waterjet nozzle is critical to the success of the cutting process. It is essential to select a machine that is capable of generating the required pressure and flow rate for the specific ceramic material being cut. The selection of the nozzle is equally important, as the size and shape of the nozzle can affect the precision and accuracy of the cut. It is recommended to consult with an expert in waterjet to help select the right machine and nozzle for the job.

Maintenance and troubleshooting tips

Proper maintenance of the water jet cutting machine is crucial to ensure a successful cutting process. This includes regular cleaning and inspection of the machine, as well as the replacement of worn or damaged parts. It is also important to regularly check the abrasive feed system to ensure that the abrasive particles are being delivered to the head consistently. Additionally, it is essential to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the cutting process promptly.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, water jet cutting machines are an excellent solution for achieving precision and accuracy in ceramic cutting. With their versatility and cost-effectiveness, they offer numerous benefits over traditional methods. By ensuring proper preparation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, water jet cutting machines can produce clean cuts with no chipping or cracking and no heat-affected zones.

Choose OMNI is the best option among waterjet manufacturers, water jet cutting is revolutionizing ceramic cutting by improving efficiency and achieving high-quality cuts.


Fiber Laser Cutter Top 10 Concerns That You May Have

fiber laser cut pipe

Fiber Laser Cutter Cutting Quality & Precision

Fiber laser cutter are known for their ability to deliver high-quality cuts with smooth edges and precise dimensions. The cutting quality and precision of a fiber laser cutting machine depend on various factors, including the quality of the machine itself, its components, and the cutting parameters used during operation.


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To ensure high cutting quality, the machine must be made of high-quality materials and components, including the laser source, cutting head, and motion control system. The laser source Raycus is powerful and stable, with a high beam quality and wavelength that is suitable for the material being cut. The cutting head Raytools is be well-designed to ensure optimal focus and alignment of the laser beam. The motion control system FSCut is precise and reliable, with high-speed and accuracy to ensure the machine can cut at the desired speed and accuracy.



In addition to the quality of the machine, the cutting parameters used during operation play a crucial role in determining the quality and precision of the cuts. These parameters include the laser power, cutting speed, focus position, and assist gas pressure and flow rate. These parameters must be carefully calibrated and adjusted to ensure optimal cutting results for each material and thickness being cut.

1000W Raycus Laser Source

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Raycus Laser Source 4000W

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Raycus Laser Source 6000W

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Users of fiber laser cutting machines must also consider the maintenance and upkeep of the machine to ensure its continued high-quality performance. Regular cleaning, calibration, and replacement of worn components are necessary to maintain the machine’s performance and avoid any degradation in cutting quality over time.

Power Output

The power output of a fiber laser cutter is a critical factor that determines its cutting capabilities. The power output is measured in watts and determines the machine’s ability to cut through different materials and thicknesses efficiently.

The higher the machine’s power output, the greater its ability to cut through thicker and denser materials, such as metal. However, it’s important to note that higher power output machines also come with a higher price tag.

When you choose a fiber laser cutting machine, they need to consider the types of materials they will be cutting and the thicknesses they will be working with. This will help them determine the minimum power output they need for their cutting needs. For example, cutting through thin sheets of metal may only require a machine with a lower power output, while cutting through thicker sheets of metal may require a higher power output machine.




It’s important to note that a machine with a higher power output may not always be the best option. Other factors such as the machine’s cutting speed, accuracy, and reliability also play crucial roles in determining its cutting capabilities.

Operating Speed


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Operating speed is an important factor to consider when choosing a fiber laser cutting machine. A faster cutting speed increases productivity, which can be beneficial for businesses that require high-volume production without sacrificing cut quality.

However, it’s important to note that the cutting speed is not the only factor that determines the machine’s productivity. Other factors such as the machine’s acceleration and deceleration rates, the type of material being cut, and the thickness of the material also play crucial roles in determining the machine’s overall productivity.



When choosing a fiber laser cutter, we suggest you look for a machine that provides a balance between cutting speed and cut quality. A machine with a high cutting speed may sacrifice cut quality, resulting in a rough or uneven cut. On the other hand, a machine with a slower cutting speed may provide a higher quality cut but may not be as efficient in terms of productivity.

Additionally, you should also consider the machine’s ability to handle different types of materials and thicknesses. Some machines may only be suitable for cutting specific materials or thicknesses, while others may have a broader range of capabilities.

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Ease of Operation

It is suggested that  you choose machines that have intuitive controls and user-friendly software, as it makes it easier to learn and operate the machine, regardless of the operator’s skill level.

Fiber laser cutting machines with easy-to-use software Cypcut, Cypone, Cypnest, Tube Pro and controls like Fscut can help reduce user errors and improve productivity. User-friendly software can simplify the design and cutting process, allowing operators to create and modify designs quickly and easily. Intuitive controls can also make it easier to adjust cutting parameters and settings, allowing operators to optimize the machine’s performance for different materials and thicknesses.

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In addition to user-friendly software and controls, other factors that can contribute to ease of operation include the machine’s accessibility and maintenance requirements. Machines that are easy to access for maintenance and repairs can help reduce downtime and improve overall productivity.

Material Compatibility

Different materials have varying properties, such as density, thickness, and melting point, which can affect the machine’s cutting capabilities.

Fiber laser cutting machines are commonly used for cutting metals, such as steel, aluminum, and copper. Some machines may be more suitable for cutting certain materials than others, depending on the machine’s power output, wavelength, and other factors.

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When choosing a fiber laser cutting machine, buyers should ensure that the machine is compatible with the materials they plan to work with. This may involve consulting with the machine manufacturer or supplier to determine the machine’s capabilities for cutting specific materials and thicknesses. Additionally, buyers should also consider the machine’s cutting speed and accuracy for the materials they plan to work with, as these factors can affect the quality and efficiency of the cutting process.

It’s important to note that some materials, such as reflective metals, may require special considerations and additional equipment, such as a beam splitter or a special cutting head, to ensure optimal cutting results.

Maintenance & Service about Fiber Laser Cutter Machine

Like any industrial equipment, fiber laser cutting machines require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and durability over time.

You should ensure that the machine you choose has a well-documented maintenance schedule and that the manufacturer provides adequate support and training for maintenance procedures. Regular maintenance may involve tasks such as cleaning and lubrication, inspection and replacement of worn components, and calibration of the machine’s cutting parameters.

In addition to regular maintenance, you should also consider the availability of technical support and replacement parts from the manufacturer. Machines that are backed by a reputable manufacturer with a strong customer support team can help ensure that any technical issues or part replacements can be resolved in a timely and efficient manner, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. OMNI offer onsite training and lifetime after sales service, and also have professional installation and training team for offering machine installation and training at your workshop.




You should also consider the machine’s warranty and service agreements when making their purchasing decision. A comprehensive warranty and service agreement can provide added peace of mind and protection against unexpected repairs or downtime.


Budget constraints are always a concern, and you will look for a machine that offers the best value for your investment, considering both the initial purchase price and ongoing operational costs.

The initial purchase price of a fiber laser cutting machine can vary widely depending on its capabilities, power output, and other factors. Higher-power machines with more advanced features will generally have a higher price tag, while lower-power machines with fewer features may be more affordable.

You should also consider the machine’s efficiency and productivity when assessing ongoing operational costs, as a more efficient machine can help reduce energy consumption and lower overall operating costs over time. Of couse, if with limited budget, we are for sure you will be very interested to see OMNI fiber laser cutter on sale.

Safety Features of Fiber Laser Cutter

These machines use high-energy laser beams that can pose safety risks to operators and other personnel in the surrounding area if proper safety measures are not in place.

To ensure operator safety, fiber laser cutting machines OMNI have built-in safety interlocks that prevent the machine from operating if safety features are not properly engaged. Protective enclosures should also be in place to prevent accidental exposure to the laser beam and to contain any potential hazards. OMNI offer full cover fiber laser cutting machine for high power fiber laser cutter, especially over for the one over 6KW.



You should also ensure that the machine is compliant with relevant safety standards and regulations, such as those set forth by CE or FDA.

Software Compatibility to Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

The ability to integrate the machine with popular CAD/CAM software packages can help streamline workflow and improve efficiency by allowing users to easily import and modify designs.

CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software packages are commonly used in the manufacturing industry to design and produce parts or products. These software packages allow you to create 2D or 3D designs and generate cutting paths for machines such as fiber laser cutting machines. CypCut sheet cutting software is an in-depth design for fiber laser cutting industry. It simplifies complex CNC machine operation and integrates CAD, Nest and CAM modules in one. From drawing, nesting to workpiece cutting all can be finished by a few clicks.

To ensure optimal efficiency, you should look for a fiber laser cutting machine that is compatible with popular CAD/CAM software packages. This compatibility can help streamline the design and cutting process, allowing users to easily import and modify designs and generate cutting paths without the need for manual programming.

In addition to software compatibility, you should also consider the machine’s software capabilities, such as its ability to optimize cutting parameters for different materials and thicknesses or to generate reports on cutting performance and efficiency. When you only cut 2D work, suggest you Cypcut, and if you also cut tubes, then add Tubepro software to your  package.


Scalability & Future-proofing on Sheet Metal Fiber Laser

As businesses grow and expand, you may need to upgrade your machines to accommodate higher production volumes or more complex projects.

To ensure scalability, you should look for fiber laser cutting machines with higher laser power or bigger working size to meet changing production needs.

In addition to scalability, you should also consider the machine’s compatibility with industry advancements and emerging technologies. Fiber laser cutting technology is constantly evolving, and machines that are compatible with the latest advancements in laser technology, software, and automation can help ensure that the machine remains competitive and efficient over time.

You may also consider the machine’s ability to integrate with other equipment or systems, such as automation or material handling systems, to improve productivity and efficiency. OMNI offer robotic laser welding machine for enhancing your metal handling capability.



When Every Cut Matters: How Fiber Laser Cutter Delivers Maximum Value For Cutting Stainless Steel 

fiber laser cut stainless steel pipe

I. Introduction

Fiber laser cutter offers significant advantages for cutting stainless steel. They can achieve high precision, speed, and quality while reducing costs and environmental impact. By understanding the properties of stainless steel, factors that affect the cutting process, and best practices for optimization, manufacturers can maximize the benefits of fiber laser technology for their applications.


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Fiber lasers have revolutionized laser manufacturing by providing faster, higher quality and lower-cost production while enhancing worker safety – critical advantages in today’s competitive global economy.  Their unparalleled combination of high power, efficiency, quality, compactness, reliability, flexibility and safety gives manufacturers new capabilities and a competitive edge.



In this blog, we will discuss how this affects the cutting process, how to choose fiber laser cutter and more tips.

II. Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: A Brief Overview

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Fiber laser cutting uses concentrated light from a fiber laser source to melt and sever materials.  The laser beam is directed at the target material, where its high density of photons generates intense local heating.  This causes the material to melt and vaporize, creating a cut with minimal deformation.


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Excellent beam quality. Fiber lasers produce a very clean and uniform laser beam. This leads to more precise cutting, welding, drilling and engraving. It results in fewer imperfections and a superior finish.

          High speed

High power and efficiency. Fiber lasers can generate high power outputs with excellent efficiency. This allows them to cut through thick materials quickly and precisely.

         Low maintenance

Fiber lasers have no moving parts so they tend to be very reliable and low-maintenance. This results in minimal downtime which is critical for manufacturing operations.


The all-optical design of fiber lasers results in no exposure to laser resonator mirrors, cooling water or other potential safety hazards found in solid-state lasers. This makes them much safer to operate and interface with human workers or robotic systems.

III. Stainless Steel: Properties and Applications

  • Composition and types

Stainless steel contains chromium and nickel, which provide corrosion resistance.  Typically, stainless steel contains 10.5-12% chromium and up to 8% nickel.  When chromium is alloyed with iron, it forms a continuous, passive chromium-rich oxide layer that protects the underlying metal from corrosion.

The main types of stainless steel are:

• 300 series: Austenitic grade, high strength and ductility.  Contains 16-20% Cr, 8-12% Ni.  Stainless steel 304 and 316 are common grades.  Used for cutlery, utensils, appliances.

• 400 series: Higher chromium (16-20%), lower carbon (0.08%) for even better corrosion resistance.  Mostly quarantine applications.

• 200 series: Lower Cr (16-18%) so cheaper to produce but less corrosion resistant.  Grade 201 is a common economical grade.

• Duplex series: Equal amounts of ferrite and austenite phases for high strength.  Grades 2205 and 2304 contain 22% Cr, 3.5-4% Ni.  Used offshore for pipes, pumps, valves.

• Ferritic series: Body-centered cubic phase, maximum Cr (10.5-12%) minimum Ni.  Low cost, corrosion resistant but low strength.  Used for cookingware, appliances.  Grades 403 and 430 typical.

• Super alloys: Very high strength/creep resistance for high-temperature applications.  Often contain Ni (up to 80%) and other alloys.  Used for aircraft engines, heat exchangers, industrial gas turbines.

Properties: corrosion resistance, strength, and durability

Corrosion resistance: Stainless steel contains chromium which forms a thin passive oxide layer that protects the metal from corrosion.  The oxide layer is self-healing and protects even when scratched.

Strength: Stainless steel has high tensile strength, hardness, and wear resistance depending on the grade.  Austenitic grades like 304 are relatively soft while duplex grades are very strong.

Durability: Stainless steel is very durable due to its corrosion resistance, strength, and hardness.  It can withstand high levels of stress and last a long time with little deterioration.

  • Applications of stainless steel in various industries

    • Construction

Stainless steel is popular for architectural elements like facades, roofs, doors and frames due to its corrosion resistance and durability.  It is used to make structures long-lasting with minimal maintenance.  Grades 304 and 316 are common for construction.


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Automotive industry

Stainless steel is used for components such as exhaust manifolds, automotive trim, bumpers, wheels, and springs.  Its corrosion resistance prevents rust while its strength enables lightweight designs.  Grades 304 and 201 are often used for heat exchangers, trim and wheels.


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Medical industry

Stainless steel is the material of choice for surgical instruments, implants, prosthetics, hospital equipment and hygienic/sterile devices due to its biocompatibility, corrosion resistance and durability.  Surgical grade 304L is the most common grade for implants and instruments.  It resists pitting and corrosion in moist environments.


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Food processing industry

Stainless steel is essential for equipment and surfaces where food is prepared and served due to its hygienic qualities like corrosion resistance, hardness, ease of cleaning and thermal conductivity.  It is used for sinks, tableware, appliances, pipes, processing equipment and more.  Food grades 304 and 316 are typically used.


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Consumer goods industry


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Stainless steel is used for products such as cutlery, cookware, appliances, appliances, sinks and more due to its attractive appearance, corrosion resistance, hardness and heat conductivity.  Stainless steel stays elegant, shiny and scratch-resistant with minimal maintenance.  Grades 304, 316 and 430 are common for consumer goods.

IV. Fiber Laser Cutting Stainless Steel: Process and Factors




  • Initiating the cutting process

A high-power fiber laser generates a focused beam of light which is directed at the stainless steel material.  The light is absorbed and converted into heat, initiating melting and vaporization at the cutting edge.


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  • Melting and vaporizing the material

The intense heat from the laser beam melts and then vaporizes the stainless steel, creating a narrow molten pool.  As more of the material is heated and removed, the molten metal and vapor are ejected from the cutting path.


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  • Ejecting molten material

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An assist gas, typically nitrogen or argon, is delivered through the focus head and cutting path.  The assist gas forms a jet that helps remove the molten metal droplets and prevent oxygen contamination of the molten pool and cut edge.  This allows the cut to deepen and widen rapidly.

  • Completing the cut


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The laser continues to melt and vaporize the stainless steel layer by layer as it is removed by the assist gas jet.  The cut progresses smoothly until the laser is turned off, resulting in a clean, precise cut edge with minimal deformation.



Factors affecting the cutting process​​​​​​​


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Laser power: Higher laser power enables faster, deeper cutting of thicker sections with minimal heat and deformation to the surrounding material.  However, laser power must be properly matched to the material and process to avoid issues like oxidation, cracking and warping.  Higher laser power alone does not necessarily translate to better results, so other factors like cutting speed and focus position must be optimized for ahieve high precision metal cutting and maximum productivity &quality.



  • Cutting speed


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Cutting speed significantly impacts cut quality and kerf width.  Slower cutting speeds produce narrower kerf cuts with a cleaner edge finish and less oxidation.  Faster speeds result in a rougher edge with more melt and re-solidification along the cut edge.  Cutting speed must be balanced with laser power for optimal performance.  Multiple tools can achieve different cutting speeds for various requirements.

  • Gas pressure


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The pressure of the assist gas (oxygen, air or inert gas) impacts cut quality, kerf width and edge quality.  Higher pressures help more efficiently remove molten material from the cut edge and narrow kerf cuts.  Lower pressures have the opposite effect.  Gas pressure should be adjusted based on material thickness, laser power, and cutting speed.  For most cases, higher pressures will improve results but must be monitored to avoid blowouts.

Auxiliary gases often utilized in fiber cutting machines include oxygen, nitrogen, and air. Nitrogen is commonly utilized in the cutting of copper, aluminum, and stainless steel. In most cases, oxygen is utilized to cut carbon steel. When employing air cutting, a 10 kW air compressor is required, as well as a 7.5 KW drier and a tertiary filter.

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The focus position of the laser relative to the cutting material impacts efficiency, quality and kerf width.  A focused beam produces the narrowest cuts and cleanest edges but the depth of focus limits the cut thickness.  Defocusing the beam widens the kerf and allows cutting thicker sections, but at the cost of cut quality and edge finish.  The focus position must be optimized for each material thickness to balance these factors.

  • Material thickness and type

The material properties substantially influence laser cutting performance and results.  Thicker materials require higher laser power and focused beams to cut efficiently with narrow kerf widths, while thinner sections can achieve superior quality at lower powers.  Different material types also cut differently, as they vary in hardness, thermal properties, oxidation tendency and other factors.  Process parameters must be tailored for best results in each material.

Below is the cutting parameter of 3000W, 1500W, 1000W of fiber laser cutting machine for sale for stainless steel, including aire pressure, power, cutting thickness, speed, nozzle, focus potition and cutting height.

Note: The red-labeled parameters in the table are proofing parameters, whicharegreatly affected by various factors in actual processing, and are only suitable for small batch production. Higher power lasers are recommended for mass production processing.

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V. Advantages of Fiber Laser Cutter for Stainless Steel


The advantages of fiber laser cutting machine for stainless steel are extremely compelling, resulting in its rapid adoption worldwide.  As technology continues to advance, fiber laser cutting will provide even greater benefits, supporting its dominance for high-performance cutting of metals and other materials.

Fiber lasers produce a high-quality focused beam that can cut very precisely with minimal roughness or irregularities, especially in thin sections.  Cuts have a uniform width and can achieve ±0.01 mm accuracy. It is the best choice for high precision sheet metal cutting solution.

  • Clean cuts with minimal burr

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Clean cuts with minimal burr.  The concentrated beam energy and assist gas can cut cleanly through tough materials like stainless steel with minimal burr formation on either side of the cut.  Burr heights are typically <0.1 mm.

  • Increased production speed

Fiber lasers provide high power for fast cutting of thick stainless steel sections.  Deep sections can be cut quickly with minimal heat and distortion.  They can cut steel up to 100 mm thick at high speeds.



  • Reduced heat-affected zone

The narrow focused beam minimizes heat input, resulting in a smaller HAZ where the material properties are modified.  The HAZ is typically <0.3 mm for fiber laser cutting.  This reduces softening,Warping and residual stresses.

  • Lower operating costs

CNC fiber laser has high power efficiency, require little maintenance, have no consumables like electrodes, and have a long lifespan.  This results in lower operating and maintenance costs.  They also produce minimal waste and fume extraction requirements.

  • Ability to cut complex shapes and intricate designs

The precise focused beam can cut intricate parts, profiles and features with exceptional dimensional accuracy and surface finish, even in tight spaces or with sharp corners and edges.

  • Environmentally friendly process

More fiber laser cutting benefits are producing minimal pollution, hazardous waste or emissions.  It generates no toxic fumes or particulate matter that requires special filtration or containment.  What fume is produced is mostly inert gases like nitrogen or argon, not toxic oxides.  It is a very “green” cutting process.



VI. Tips for Optimizing Fiber Laser Cutting of Stainless Steel

With experience, optimizing these keys to setup, parameters, maintenance, equipment and monitoring will become second nature, resulting in world-class cutting results, higher productivity, lower costs and superior part quality. Optimized fiber laser cutting is the path to industrial dominance and leadership.

  • Properly setting up the machine


Ensure the fiber laser cutting machine is level for best results.  Check that the cutting table, clamping mechanisms and ends effector are securely mounted and protected.  Calibrate optical components like mirrors and lenses for optimal focus.  Protect equipment from environmental contaminants and ensure premises conditions meet specifications.

  • Selecting the right parameters


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Choose an assist gas (oxygen, air, nitrogen or argon) suitable for the material and process.  Determin appropriate laser power, speed, focus position and gas pressure based on material type, thickness, complexity and cut quality requirements.  Start with fiber laser cutting conservative parameters and adjust for best results.  Higher power and lower speeds typically require thicker materials while higher speeds usually suit thinner sections.

  • Regular maintenance and cleaning

Conduct routine maintenance like scheduled filter replacement, optical component cleaning, and gas line inspection.  Clean the cutting path, mirrors, lenses and ends effector regularly to prevent built-up debris.  Wipe down the entire machine, especially splash guards, to prevent residue buildup.  Maintain properly for best performance and safety.

  • Using high-quality assist gas

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Use an assist gas that is properly purified and consistent in grade for best cutting results.  Lower purity gases will introduce more contaminants that damage optics, clog filters or impair cutting ability.  High-purity assist gases produce superior, cleaner cuts with less maintenance required.

Carefully monitor cutting results, kerf width and edge quality as cutting progresses.  Make small adjustments to laser power, speed, focus or gas pressure as needed to optimize results.  It is easier to adjust parameters during cutting than after, resulting in better cut quality, less waste and higher productivity.  With practice, balancing these parameters will become highly intuitive.



VII. Choosing the Right Fiber Laser Cutter for Stainless Steel


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Following up fiber laser cutting machine purchasing guide. By evaluating below factors, you can choose a fiber laser cutting machine that maximizes performance, quality and low maintenance for cutting stainless steel while minimizing total costs.  The right machine will give you dominance in the market through superior productivity, part quality, flexibility and ease of use.​​​​​​​ And if there is no high demand on production, you may also could choose cheap fiber laser

  •      Power output

Select a fiber laser with enough power to cut the stainless steel section thicknesses required while maintaining high quality results.  As a rule of thumb, more power enables faster cutting of thicker sections but also higher potential for issues if not properly controlled.  For most applications, 1-5 kW of power is suitable, belongs to low cost fiber laser, while some machines offer up to 10 kW or more for extremely thick materials.  Higher power requires upgrading electrical service and may increase costs.

How to choose a fiber laser cutter with table size and workspace? Check if it allows cutting of the largest parts needed while still leaving extra space for material placement, part handling and possible automation integration.  Larger tables typically mean higher upfront and maintenance costs while smaller tables will limit maximum part size.  Aim for at least 1500-3000mm x 3000-5000mm of clear table space for most applications.


Select a machine with intuitive, user-friendly software that is suited for programming complex 2D and 3D cutting profiles with high accuracy.  Look for software that supports features such as nested cutting, auto-generation of support structures, toolpath optimization and simulation.  Software should also enable macros, templates and easy import/export of files.

For 2D sheet cutting, we suggest :

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The CypCut sheet cutting software is a comprehensive design for the fiber laser cutting business. It unifies CAD, Nest, and CAM components to simplify complicated CNC machine operating. Drawing, nesting, and workpiece cutting may all be completed with a few clicks.


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CypOne is a low-cost technology developed for the advertising business, which mostly produces thin metal sheets. It is suitable for low power range laser machines and can perform operations such as drawing process, toolpath generation, method setting, laser focus control, and pallet changer, among others, to satisfy your high efficiency and quality production requirements.


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CypNest is a nesting program for the CypCut/HypCut sheet laser cutting systems. To satisfy your production demands, it incorporates sophisticated operations such as drawing modification, rapid nesting, toolpath creation, analysis report, and more.


For 3D tube cutting, we suggest:


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TubesT-Lite is a free toolpath generation program for the FSCUT tube cutting machine. It is intended for use with CypTube/TubePro, and it can import a part from an external igs file, draw a standard shape part, and array-nest the part on the tube.


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TubePro is intended for professional tube cutting and can produce tubes and profiles of various shapes. It smoothly integrates with TubesT nesting software to provide method configuration, sophisticated toolpath creation, and nesting for standard and customized production requirements.

Consider the potential to integrate automation such as a robot, gantry system or material handling equipment.  Machines that provide access to programming interfaces, I/O ports, space around the working area and a sturdy frame/base will be easier to automate for unmanned or high-volume cutting.  However, automation adds significantly to upfront cost, complexity and maintenance requirements. If you are with limited budget, go for low cost fiber laser is an option.

Choose a reputable brand that is known for high-quality, durable fiber laser cutting machines.  Look for a manufacturer that provides excellent technical support, training, service and spare parts availability, check if they are familiar with how to import fiber laser to your country, check how much does a fiber laser cost.  While upfront costs may be higher, total cost of ownership will be lower if issues can be addressed promptly by a supportive manufacturer. Get to know more before purchasing a fiber laser cutter.

  • Top fiber laser cutter manufacturers

Trotec – Trotec is a leading German brand that has manufacturing facilities in China.  They are known for high-quality fiber laser cutters that provide exceptional cutting performance, precision and durability.

Bystronic – Bystronic is a Swiss company with a strong presence in China.  They supply fiber laser cutting machines for high-volume industrial cutting of metals, plastics and other materials.

Trumpf – Trumpf is one of the largest global suppliers of laser cutting machines and systems.  They are headquartered in Germany.

Prima Power – Prima Power is a Finland-based company that develops CNC cutting machines using fiber laser, laser and punch technology.

Coherent – Coherent is an American brand that supplies fiber laser cutting systems, heat exchangers, industrial lasers and other products.

• M/s Hamamatsu – Hamamatsu is a Japanese company that supplies industrial fiber laser cutting machines aimed at high-volume manufacturing.



VIII. Safety Precautions for Fiber Laser Cutting Stainless Steel

By following these guidelines and best practices, fiber laser metal cutting  can be completed with minimal risk to people, equipment, facilities and the environment.

  • Understanding hazards associated with laser cutting

Laser cutting poses risks like intense focused light, hot materials/surfaces, gases, fumes and sparks/slag.  Operators must understand all potential hazards to work safely.

  • Properly training operators

All operators must receive comprehensive training on machine safety, lighting/disabling the laser, emergency shutoff, and relevant protective equipment before using the laser cutter.  Only properly trained personnel should operate the equipment.

Operators and bystanders must wear safety glasses with UV protection, protective gloves, steel-toed shoes, dust masks and close-fitting respirators as required.  Hazardous vapors may also necessitate protective suits or SCBA equipment.

Clear rules must be established for addressing issues like machine malfunctions, gas leaks, fires, laser misfires, entrapment, instability, toxicity, etc.  Safety guides should cover setup, operation, maintenance and emergency response procedures.

  • Protecting from intense focused light

Direct/reflected laser light can cause blindness.  The laser beam path must be enclosed within safeguards like barriers, curtains and interlocks with e-stops.  No lasers should emit directly to unprotected areas.

  • Containing sparks, slag and hot materials

Metal sparks, slag and hot cut pieces can cause burns, fires, and explosions.  Shields, guards, chutes and quenching/cooling systems must direct all debris into properly provided and sealed containers.

  • Monitoring gas usage and leaks

Flammable/toxic gases used as assist fuels pose risks of asphyxiation, explosion and fire.  Proper ventilation, gas detectors, valve controls and shutoff systems should be in place to prevent buildup and leakage.

  • Combating potential fires

Due to gas usage, hot processing and sparks, fire is a constant threat.  Fire suppression systems, extinguishers, sand/vermiculite, and clearly marked emergency routes must be provided.

  • Providing access for emergency response

An appropriately sized access path must lead to each laser cutter to allow quick entry/exit and rescue/response equipment access in case of emergency.

  • Conducting regular inspections and maintenance

Rigorous inspection and maintenance schedules should be followed to ensure all safety systems, mechanisms and features remain properly installed, functional and in good working condition.



IX. Conclusion


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In short, invest in the performance, cost-effectiveness and competitive advantage of fiber laser cutting technology.  Superior quality, flexibility and sustainability at a fraction of the total cost.  A proven solution with more and more affordable options to suit any budget.  Stay on the cutting edge or get left behind.  The future is here – don’t delay progress any longer!

Transform your business through the tons of benefits fiber laser cutter provides for little risk or headache.  You have analyzed the potential, now make the leap to future success and prosperity.  Laser cutting pays for itself, so the time for you to get start business with fiber laser cutting machine now.



Parameters you must know when using a fiber laser cutting machine

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Buying a fiber laser cutting machine can be a tedious task but without working knowledge you cannot make a purchase. The most essential factor when purchasing a machine is to understand the different parameters that are used in the functioning of the machine.

If your parameters are not set according to the requirement of the material, it will directly affect the quality of tthe cutting. 

Let’s take a look at the important parameters of setting up a fiber laser cutting machine.

Auxiliary Pressure/Air Pressure

In the fiber laser cutting machine process, the role of auxiliary gas is for it to blow off slag, cool heat-affected zone, and prevent material from burning. We usually include oxygen, compressed air, nitrogen, and inert gases.

For some metallic materials and non-metallic ones (the cutting process), inert gas or compressed air is most suitable since they can prevent metal from burning. For most metals though, active gas (such as oxygen) is used in order to optimize efficiency.

Laser cutting quality is highly reliant on the purity of the gas. High-quality laser cutting requires the gas to be 95.5% pure or higher. It’s important to have a professional company handle the installation and maintenance of your gas infrastructure.

Laser Power

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Fiber laser cutting machine has very specific method and set of parameters, but they all take into account the total power of the laser. For instance, one factor is the thickness – how thick is the material you want to cut.

When considering different types of lasers, thicker materials require more power. For example, 3kW can cut stainless steel up to 12mm; while 1kW can only go up to 5mm for aluminum.

However, in case you’re not able to cut through metal, you should consider getting more power. Along with this, you should also check out the cutting speeds, focal points, and gas pressure used in the machine. These parameters have to work together to give out the best results.

Type & Size of the Laser Head Nozzle

The type of nozzle and nozzle size selected in a laser head has a major impact on how your cutting will go. There are two typical types of nozzles. Single-layer nozzles use nitrogen auxiliary gas, and it is typically used to cut stainless steel, aluminum alloy, brass, etc.

Double-layer nozzles often use oxygen as their auxiliary gas and are typically used for cutting carbon steel. Make sure to check with the laser cutting machine manufacturer to see which type you need to make your work easy.

Some companies provide different types of nozzles for specific jobs like giving a ripped effect on fabrics or making holes in a thick metal sheet. It’s best for you to consult with your machine manufacturer before you buy or upgrade the nozzle on your own.

This will significantly reduce the chance of bad cuts or uncut material, many of which won’t make sense. For example, if your laser machine is cutting well when it’s in the center, it might not be cutting as well on the other side.

Focal lens & its specifics (like point, position, & length)

For best results, make sure that your laser lens is clean and focused. We recommend cleaning your lens after every use. The focal point of the laser needs to be centered in order to get quality cuts. The method of cutting varies depending on the material you’re trying to cut.

Cutting Speed

Fiber laser cutting machines use one or more high-power, high-speed lasers to cut materials such as paper and fabrics. When the speed of the laser is set too slow, the material’s shape will look drastically different than other times when it’s set too fast.

speed - Parameters you must know when using a fiber laser cutting machine


Cutting speed has an adverse effect on the cutting quality because when it’s too slow, a longer action time means that there is often a large difference between slits in the upper and lower parts of the material. As more power is used, action time gets shorter so that there is less diffusion, less heat transfer, and a smaller slit width.

Modes in Which Laser Operates

Laser machines can shoot a laser in two ways:

  • Continuous Wave mode
  • PWM.

In continuous wave mode, the laser continuously shoots out laser. So, you can think of a stream of water. In pulse mode, instead of shooting out the laser persistently, you shoot out the laser in great quantities at once. It feels like firing a shotgun. Continuous Wave mode is good for cutting straight lines and sharp corners and Pulse Wave mode is good for cutting small holes.

Type of Material You are Cutting

When cutting material, there are factors such as material properties that are also important when deciding how to set cutting parameters. It’s good to research what types of materials you’re going to cut and how they react with laser and heat.

Usually, metals with low silicon levels can be cut easily with lasers and high silicon levels are harder to cut. The presence of carbon (such as in carbon steel) makes it more difficult to cut through the material with a laser.

Level of Complexity of Design

When designing with a laser cutter, the shape of your design is something to consider. A simple design does not have any complex curves or small holes in it. Complicated designs, on the other hand, require different parameters and different equipment (like maybe a different nozzle type).

Figuring out all these necessary specifications for complicated designs can be tricky but it is an important part of the process. If you’re dealing with a design with a lot of curves, the cutting speed will be low to get the best cuts.


While a fiber laser cutting machine has helped in the manufacturing process and reduced labor cost, learning how to use it is equally important. One wrong setting in the parameters can cause major problems for the machine.

It is important to read the user guide for the machines before working with them which is why you should make your purchase from OMNI CNC. We offer guides and detailed videos about the machines to help you learn them quickly.

Application of Lasers in the Fabric Industry

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Since the 19th century, laser technology has been implemented in the fabric industry for manufacturing. Laser technology was introduced to reduce the percentage of human error in tasks like cutting, engraving, and embossing.

The accuracy of the laser pointer combined with software support like CAD, Corel Draw, and Photoshop gives better results and products. Laser-cutting machines are becoming more and more popular in the textile, leather, and garment industries because of the –

  • Accuracy of laser machines
  • Efficiency of laser machines
  • Simplicity of laser machines
  • Scope of automation in the future

Let’s take a deeper look at the application of laser machines in the fabric industry.


  • Fabric fault detection
  • Laser cutting
  • Evaluation of Seam Pucker
  • Mass Customization
  • Denim Fading
  • Laser engraving
  • Welded garment production
  • Bar code scanning
  • Laser marking

Laser Cutting Machines- Detailed Study

Laser-cutting machines are rising in the fabric industry. With the implementation of laser-cutting machines, companies have been able to increase their production. Along with this, the laser cutting machines help in the process of fabric fault detection.

While the industry benefits from high-speed cutting and accuracy, the trade came with additional expenses. The tool life, complex laser components, labor training, and downtime during machine maintenance are some drawbacks of the trade.

CUTTING - Application of Lasers in the Fabric Industry

Laser-cutting machines are operational in the majority of textile industries. The purpose of the machine is to achieve precise tailoring in reduced time as compared to manual labor. As a relatively new introduction in the fabric industry, laser cutting machines have vast potential.

Fabric Fault Detection

When the fabric is received by the manufacturers in a production unit, the fabric is checked for damages. This check is done using morphological image processing which is carried out by a laser. The machine uses a laser to capture the diffraction grating of the thread in the fabric.

Multiple lenses with similar focal lengths magnify the test sample images and then invert them. These images are then stored in the computer where the software programs compare the images with the standard images. Any change in the measurement leads to the rejection of the fabric.

Laser Cutting

Using a beam of laser and computer software, the operators input the design details into the system. Once started, a very fine beam of laser is focused on the fabric surface which increases the temperature. This rise in temperature leads to the cutting of the fabric.

This operation is faster and cheaper than a mechanical cutting machine. However, the number of fabric layers that you can cut is lesser as compared to the traditional methods. The laser cutting machine offers high precision with the cuts.

Evaluation of Seam Pucker

Let’s understand what seam puckering is before we know the laser evaluation method. Seam puckering refers to the gathering of seams during the sewing, after sewing, or after laundering for a wrinkled seam on the clothing.

The laser method is used to measure the wrinkle formation in the fabric using laser triangulation. The wrinkle percentage is measured with the help of a laser line on the object and then capturing its reflection at a known distance.

This detail is then used to understand the defect in the fabric. The formation of a seam in the fabric leads to quality deterioration and reduces the aesthetic look of the garment. This eventually leads to a bad name for the brand.

FAX - Application of Lasers in the Fabric Industry

Mass Customization

Mass customization is the industrial term that is used when making customized garments based on body dimensions and individual choices. Laser scanning technology helps in the accurate measurement of an individual’s body.

The machine uses various thin laser stripes with the assistance of cameras to measure the body size. To keep it a safe procedure, only eye-safe lasers are used. The machine focuses on the human body for digitization and the number of optical systems depends on the position of the body.

Denim Fading

Gone are the days of using sandblasting to give a rugged fade to your jeans. Manufacturers now use laser machines for laser fading designs on markings that require fading. Commercially, there are two kinds of laser machines that are being sold- solid-based and gas-based.

The degree of fading on the jeans depends on the wavelength, power density, and pulse of the laser. Laser marking causes less harm to the environment as compared to sandblasting or acid washing. Laser fading also offers a precise and smart look to the denim.

Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is a complex process that is done by computerized laser machines. It is done to engrave or mark an object. Despite being complex, laser engraving can deliver precise engravings with a high rate of production. There is no physical contact between the laser and the operator.

You can use a single machine to produce clean, crisp engravings and cuts. Laser machines are used to engrave on printing screens, create patterns, engrave leathers, and more. Engraved pictures of leather products add value to the products. The advantages of laser engraving are:

  • High-speed operation
  • Minimum wear and tear
  • Reduced wastage
  • Same design and color on all fabrics

Welded Garment Production

Garment welding is another process that is done using high-power lasers. During the production process, the thermoplastic parts of the fabric are joined together with the help of heat. The welded garment is weaker than sewn parts but gives a better appearance and offers flexibility.

Bar Code Scanning

Earlier, manufacturers used helium-neon lasers to scan the barcodes to identify the products. This bar code would contain information like the article number, product pricing, and more information related to it.

However, more and more manufacturers have moved to RFID (radio frequency identification) tags. The reason is that RFID tags can be processed faster and they avoid any physical contact with the product.

rfid - Application of Lasers in the Fabric Industry

Laser Marking

Laser marking includes high precision and fast marking of products of different make and hardness. These can be used for products that have a complex design. Laser markings last long and can be used for various products like clothing, leather, metals, and more.

This process is accepted by several brands for marking their clothing precisely and for marking fashion accessories during their production phase.


Laser cutting can be used widely in the fabric industry on various materials. The process brings several advantages with itself that help in revenue generation while cutting costs at the same time. It also offers the flexibility of cutting or engraving any design you wish for, unlike the traditional methods.

To get the best deal on fabric laser cutting machines, visit us.

Know your laser cutting machine – Which is the best option for you?

printer - Know your laser cutting machine - Which is the best option for you?

Laser-cutting machines have brought revolutionary change in several industries. The cutting-edge technology paired with efficient and fast results makes these machines a great choice for quick functionality. The change has helped in making the production process better.

However, it is very important to ensure that the machine you purchase is the right one for you. It is crucial to make the right choice because this is a major investment for your business. You’ll have to ensure that the investment you make is worth it.

Let us discuss these laser-cutting machines in detail to understand them better.

What Are Laser Cutting Machines?

A laser cutting machine is a CNC machine that is used in a wide range of industries for precision cutting. The machine operates using a high-powered laser beam that

helps in cutting or drawing precision designs on materials like steel, plastic, wood, and more.

These laser-cutting machines are generally classified into three different types depending on their technology. These are classified as:

  • CO2 Laser Cutting Machines
  • Crystal Laser Cutting Machine
  • Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

CO2 Laser Cutting Machines

CO2 laser cutting machines use an electrically driven gas laser to cut the material they are working on. The machine works by combining electricity and gas in the chamber together. This leads to the formation of thin light that is then used to cut various materials.

Further, there are two mirrors set up at the end of the light portal. One mirror is reflective in nature whereas the other let some light pass through. These mirrors help in guiding the laser beam into the material that we have to cut. The light produced is powerful as compared to normal light.

The mirrors help in building up the intensity of the light and it only passes through the partially reflective mirror when it is bright. The heat from the light allows the CNC machines to leave a smooth, clean cut on the material we are cutting.

At OmniCNC, our CO2 laser cutting machines come with an air assist. This air assist removes the combustible gasses and heat from the cutting surface. The laser power ranges from 60W to 150W with a working speed of 600mm/s, and are the best for sheet metals.

Crystal Laser Cutting Machine

While CO2 laser cutting machines are common, another CNC machine that is effective is a crystal laser cutting machine. Operating using electricity, this machine cuts through the hardest of materials using a beam produced by various crystals.

A crystal laser cutter uses crystals like neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate and neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet. These crystals help in generating a powerful beam of light with a shorter wavelength (compared to CO2) which makes it best for cutting strong and thick materials.

laser - Know your laser cutting machine - Which is the best option for you?

However, there is a drawback to crystal laser cutters. Since the wavelength of the laser beam is shorter, it is very powerful. The higher power in return leads to frequent breakdowns which can affect the production process.

Hence, purchasing this machine solely depends on the usage and the industry. The laser can be used to cut wood, plastics, metals, and certain ceramics.

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

A fiber laser cutting machine uses active optical fibers to form a laser beam and transport it to the cutting head. It is a solid-state laser that is used to melt and pierce metals to get precise & efficient cuts.

In fiber laser cutters, a laser diode emits light that is sent to a fiber optic cable that amplifies the intensity. When this laser beam hits a surface we are working with, the light is absorbed and gets converted into heat. This heat melts the surface and gives clean, precise cuts.

The digits are entered in the system and the computerized system in the CNC works according to the cutting data. The first point of impact of the laser should be held in the position for a longer time to pierce through. Simultaneously, the debris is cleared by a high-pressure air outlet.

omnic - Know your laser cutting machine - Which is the best option for you?

A fiber laser cutter is a newer technology and requires lesser replacements. The expense of maintenance is less, and they are easy to operate. These cutters can be used for a wide range of materials, however, you have to be careful when operating on silver.

At OmniCNC, we have a wide range of fiber laser cutting machines available on sale. The power ranges from 1000W to 6000W. The machine comes with the optional choice of autofocus and high-grade Raycus laser generators and optics.


While the technology of laser cutting machines is improving with every passing day, the usage is industry-centric. No matter which laser-cutting machine you opt for, the crucial thing is to buy one that fits your industry needs. It is important for you to study every type of laser-cutting machine before you proceed with your purchase.

There are certain factors that you need to consider like price, technology, industry relevance, cost of operation, and more. Every cutting machine that we offer at OmniCNC is a class-leading machine with the latest technology. Almost all of our laser cutting machines can cut through hard and soft materials of all types.

To know more about our wide range of products, you can visit our website or get in touch with our experts. Our team can guide you through the process of purchasing the right machine for your business.

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

fiber laser

Fiber laser cutting machine guide, it will list the brief introduction, and what elements impact the cutting quality and some maintenance tips.

Below is the details list



Do You Understand How Fiber laser Cutting Machine Work?

laser beam - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

The laser beam hits the surface area of the workpiece. Then the workpiece reaches the melting level or boiling level. So the high-pressure gas that’s straightened with the beam will shock the melt or evaporated steel.

What fiber laser cutting machine can do?

A fiber laser machine can cut thin metals effectively roughly 25mm or 1 inch.

If most of your manufacturing is cutting thin metals as much as 25mm, then a fiber laser cutter will definitely be perfect.

What benefits do fiber laser cutting machines have?

It featured high accuracy, quick cutting. Also it is not restricted to cutting pattern restriction, automated typesetting saving materials, smooth cut, decreased processing cost.

Save time and money by bringing metal laser cutting capacities internal with our industrial-quality, compact, budget-friendly OMNI sheet and tube fiber laser cutter.

The fiber laser cutting machine has the least burr. The cutting surface area is extraordinarily smooth and in addition the speed is really fast.

The fiber laser cutting strategy will slowly improve or replace the typical metal cutting process machines.

What Are Applications of Fiber Laser Cutting Machines?


Laser cutting machine used in several markets including cellphones, computer systems, sheet metal processing, metal handling, electronic units, printing, packing, promotion, crafts, furnishings, design, medical device and also instruments.

This fiber laser is designed for metal fabrication, architecture design, sign shops and corporations. They manufacture customized metal parts. This fiber laser can significantly improve their effectiveness of manufacturing.

How Much Does A Fiber Laser Cutter Cost?

The financial investment of laser cutting tools is high. It is generally used for numerous density under 25 mm consisting of stainless steel, titanium and also titanium alloy, refractory metal as well as precious metal accuracy cutting.

At OMNI, the fiber laser cutting machine cost starts from US$ 14,000 to US$ 60,000.

How Laser Cut Metal With Cnc Controller?

The laser cutting machine composed of CYPCUT CNC system.

It is predicated on the WINDOWS PC CNC system, with fast interpolation operation speed and simple operation.

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The electric control system of the laser cutting machine is the main part to make sure that a range of graphics trajectory.

The electric control system of CNC laser cutting machine mostly made up of the numerical control system, servo system, as well as reduced voltage electric system.

Fiber Laser Machine for Sale 2023

Fiber laser power choice: 1000w-6000w.

OMNI mainly offer

OMNI3015 metal sheet fiber laser cutting machine

sheet metal laser cutter 845x630 - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

OMNI1530 Plate & Tube fiber laser cutting machine

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Fiber Combined CO2 laser machine for cutting metal and also non-metal on one table.

co2 fiber laser - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)


Laser Cutting Power Impact On Cutting Quality


raycus - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

Contrasted to CO2 laser cutting machine, fiber laser cutting machine is no optical course, only need to adjust the laser on the nozzle mouth.

When the laser power setting is also large, the whole cutting surface area is melted, the slit is also huge, and also great cutting quality is not acquired.

So set the suitable laser power, with the suitable cutting gas as well as pressure, can get an excellent cutting top quality, no fused tarnish on it.

In the cutting of stainless-steel, although the cutting gas pressure doesn’t change relative to the density of the material, the cutting gas pressure is continually in a high state.

Beam Focus Adjustment

focus beam - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

The specifications of the laser beam, the efficiency and accuracy of laser cutting machine and NC system will directly have an effect on the efficiency and high quality of laser cutting.

In the laser cutting process, the relative setting of the beam focus and also the surface area of the cutting sheet has a incredible influence on the quality of the cutting. And it is extremely important to appropriately readjust the focus setting.

The capacitance sensor (mounted on the cutting head) in the Z-axis tool detects the range from the nozzle to the surface area of home plate, feeds the signal back to the control system.

In the cutting process for the laser cutter which takes on flying ray, only the cutting head moves along the X in addition to Y path, and also the position of the table is repaired.

The beam is positioned on the assistance rail of the bed (the guide rail has a linear guide rail and also a level guide rail). And it is supplied with high-grade linear guide rails, and servo motor drive gear turning via the reducer. In this way, it ensures that Z-axis skateboard to achieve X-direction reciprocating movement, the activity stroke is 1450mm.

Nozzle Effect And Adjust Laser At Nozzle Mouth


In enhancement to the beam top quality as well as its control directly affect the top quality of cutting, the design of the nozzle and also air flow control (such as nozzle pressure, work surface placement in the air, etc) is likewise extremely essential variables.

The cutting head has a nut that adjustments the focal size and adjustments the placement of the focus based on the product, also thickness of the cutting product, thereby acquiring an excellent cutting area.

Effect Of The Nozzle On Cutting Quality And Nozzle Size Selection.


laser nozzles 1030x541 - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)
Fiber Laser Nozzles

The nozzle can transform the cutting gas discharge situation, can control the gas diffusion location and size, therefore impacting the cutting quality.

Because the laser facility is repaired, the facility of the nozzle is transformed by adjusting the adjustment screw on the cutting head deal with to correspond to the laser.

In summary, the facility of the nozzle and also the concentricity of the laser is among the many important elements contributing to the quality of cutting, particularly when the work surface is thicker, its impact can be higher.

Laser Cutting Gas And Pressure Effect Cutting Quality & Selection Instructions

Fiber laser gases - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

On top of that, the pulse perforation should likewise have a good gas course control system to recognize the control of gas kind, gas pressure switching and also opening time.

1) When the gas pressure is also lowered, the laser is difficult to pass through the cutting plate, piercing time rises, causing low efficiency.

2) When the gas pressure is expensive, causing penetration point melting, layout a bigger melting point, thus affecting the top quality of cutting.

3) laser exploration general usage high sheet metal punching pressure, while the thick plate of the punch uses lower gas pressure.

4) in cutting common carbon steel, the thicker of the material, the fairly reduced pressure of the cutting gas.

Basically, the selection of laser cutting gas and pressure should change according to the real circumstance. It needs to decide on varied cutting criteria based on the specific conditions in particulars purposes.

Machine Linear Guide Impact on Cutting Quality

linear guide - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

CNC laser cutting machine is normally geared up with the high precision linear guide, and furnished with an automatic lubrication gadget.

Equipment rack and also linear guide take on closed dust-proof system, included light-weight dust cover and also reliable operation.

Machine Motor & Driving Mode

yaskawa servo motor driver - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

Via the numerical control system to control the AC servo motor drive, coaxial drive beam to achieve the reciprocating movement of Y-axis, and also attain fast movement along with fast feed movement.

The X and also Y axis are chosen with the servo motor as well as outfitted with the corresponding reducer, which is driven by the high accuracy gear rack.

The lifting movement of the cutting head is understood by the numerical control system manage the servo motor.

As the Z-axis servo control is managed by the CNC system, so the accuracy of the servo control is relatively high and stability is better, therefore making sure the top quality of cutting.


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    Laser Cutting Machine Installation & Operation

    Installation Environment Requirements

    The installation and commissioning of the laser cutting machine are extremely vital for each manufacturing facility. So please maintain checking out the complying with details prior to the operation.

    Machine Location

    Plan out the location of the machine and also other devices.
    The site where the machine is to be installed need be clean.
    The floor needs to be tidy and also.
    Uncrate all machine parts and also put them peroperly.
    The head cleanup and help gas bottles need to be positioned and secured as not to tip over.

    Electrical Requirements

    Power has to be provided to the disconnects for the adhering to components.
    Laser power supply.

    Products to be supplied by the client:.

    LAN Cable with 3 static IP addresses.

    Oxygen assist gas, 1 connection.
    Nitrogen help gas, 1 link.
    Air aid gas, 1 link.
    Nitrogen for head cleanup, 1 connection.
    5 gallon pail for draining antifreeze from cooling down system.
    A 3/4″ minimum airline at 125PSI provided to the work cell location. This will certainly need connected to the machine as well as dust collector.
    De-ionized or distilled water 20 gallons for the refrigerator.

    Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Operation.

    Prior to using this laser cutting machine, please realize the machine-related operation technique and comprehend the procedure of the numerous parts of the machine, the correct operation is the reliable measures to make certain the normal work of the laser cutting machine and also individual security.

    Check Before Use

    A. Check related water and gas channel, ensure there is no leak, no water contaminated.

    B. Ensure laser beam ejected from the center of gas nozzle.

    C. Check the gas nozzle if could meet the demand of cutting materials.

    D. Check gas type, gas pressure is approprite.

    Turn On Machine

    A. Turn on extermal main power

    B. Turn on water cooler

    One particular thing to note is the cooling system of the laser cutting machine– the cooling cupboard.

    Linked to the inlet and outlet pipes according to the join the refrigerator shell, connected with the inlet as well as electrical outlet door of the laser, must not disjoint the direction of the inlet and also outlet of the pipes.

    Before connecting the pipes, must make sure that the outside pipe of the chiller with out garbage and also foreign matter.

    C. Turn on emergency stop, “servo”, “laser” button

    D. Turn on computer/ control system

    E. Import cutting program

    F. Check cutting material types, thickness

    G. Adjust cutting head position, and nozzle center.


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      Laser Cutter Safety

      This post primarily focuses on laser safety notice, electrical safety, laser cutting machine protective measures, common knowledge must be understood by the operators.

      Electrical Safety

      To stop electric shock damage, non-professional upkeep workers is purely restricted examination, maintenance of the electric control part of the laser cutting machine.

      The area of the laser cutting machine outfitted with lighting indicators means these parts have high electrical voltage or electric components, the driver close to these components or open maintenance ought to be careful to avoid electric shock.

      Common Knowledge Should Be Known By The Operators

      Machine commissioning calls for expert team, need to be strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions of the application. Please understand the performance of the laser cutting machine prior to analysis as well as check out the relevant random technological details.

      Specify the laser safety and security administration location, in the management area of the entry to set up a warning card.

      This card info should include laser processing machine power, laser type, restrict outsiders to go into, pay attention to safeguard the eyes as well as safety supervisor name.

      The operator need to use protective glasses, the driver is banned to leave during the procedure of the laser cutting machine.

      The general power supply voltage of handling laser cutter is a number of thousand volts to 10s of countless volts, should protect against the laser high voltage as well as X-ray produced by the electron tube under high voltage.

      Keep the laser cutting equipment clean and tidy, refueling according to the provisions to make sure practical lubrication; to follow the change system, handle the devices as well as devices well, do not shed; stop the machine for inspecting quickly when discover malfunction, if can not be taken care of by the driver, must timely notification associated designers to offer it a thorough overhaul.

      Laser Cutting Machine Protective Measures

      The driver of the laser cutting machine or the person near the laser during the use of laser cutter, must put on suitable laser goggles and wear protective apparel, in the location of using protective safety glasses, need to have great indoor lights to ensure the smooth procedure of the operator.

      The laser-equipped on the laser cutting machine is 4 level laser products, the laser is unnoticeable light, the shot beam, lens representation and scattered light might trigger damages to the body (specifically the eye), the personnel at the website should pay attention to defense, and also to stop fire event.

      Fiber Laser Cutting Thickness & Speed Chart

      Pick the appropriate cutting speed both can enhance the effectiveness of the laser cutting machine, but additionally get a good cutting top quality.

      The cutting rate of the laser cutting machine is chosen according to the cutting plate product, the thickness of the plate, various cutting rate will trigger a wonderful effect on the high quality of the laser cutting machine.

      laser cutting thickness chart - Fiber Laser Cutting Machine: Do Not Buy Before Read This Guide (2023)

      Notice: Above data is for reference, the cutting thickness and power value may different in production.


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