Build Quality Surfboard? You Need CNC Machine

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Did you know that in any given year, there are between 17 million and 35 million avid surfers riding the waves? When it comes to paddle boarding, the US alone has over 22 million stand-up paddle boarders. And don’t even get us started on fishing– it’s the third-most-popular pastime in the world today. 

It is this extreme popularity that has made water sports like paddle boarding, surfing and fishing extremely lucrative industries – particularly for board manufacturers. But just offering boards doesn’t help you get customers. Surfers, fishermen/women, and paddle boarders are extremely discerning about the quality of equipment they choose, and you’ll need to raise your production quality standards to meet their needs.

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Top 10 qualities customers look for in a water sports board

Just like any other water sport, fishing, surfing, and paddle boarding come with their own dangers. While the fatalities may be lower compared to other sports, they can turn dangerous if the correct boards aren’t used. 

But a board is considered “correct” when it is built the right way. This is why manufacturers need to construct boards using specifications that offer buyers safety, convenience and enjoyment. By doing so, you will be positioning yourself as the premier manufacturers of premium-quality paddle/surf/fishing boards. 

Surfers, stand-up paddle boarders, and fishermen/women consider ten important criteria when purchasing their boards: 

  • Material:

    When it comes to materials, all three water boards work great when made in composite foam. This material is light-weight, very buoyant, and quite thick. This offers protection, comfort, and convenience to the user.  Other materials that water sports boards can be made of include plastic, Kelvar, wood, and epoxy fiberglass.

  • Hull design:

    If surfboards and stand-up paddle boards are being purchased, customers look for planing hulls. These hulls are flat and wide and glide over the water, giving more stability to the user. Fishermen/women choose either the planing hull or displacement hull, depending on the type of water they intend to fish in and how much speed they need. 

  • SUP width:

    People with better stability & balance often choose to go for boards with a narrower SUP width because it offers faster speed. Typically, this will be between 32-34 inches for paddle boards and 18-22 inches for surfboards.  

  • Length, height, and weight of the board:

    Fishing planer boards are usually 8”-12”. Surfboards are usually 6’2”-7’2” and can sometimes be longer. Paddle boards are usually 10-11 feet in length. But again, these can vary depending on whether the speed is important to the user or stability. In terms of weight, lighter surf, paddle, and planer boards are better because they don’t drag as much in the water. 

  • Volume & thickness:

    Surfers typically look for surfboards that are 2¼″- 3¼″ thick, and paddle boarders look for paddle boards that are 5”-6” in thickness. Planer boards generally come in small sizes. But they must be heavy, so they’re not overturned by the fast movement or rough fish. 

  • Fin set up:

    People who use water sports boards in calm water and with limited movement can choose a board with less than three fins. But if they want to use the board in rough water or use the board extensively, then 3-5 finned boards are better. 

  • Construction

    The tail shape, nose shape, contour of the board, and other design/construction elements depend on the personal preferences and usage of the user. These features determine the speed, stability, and ease of boarding. 

  • Stability

    When it comes to paddle and surfboarding, larger and more stable boards are needed when the user’s weight is higher. If they surf/paddle with their pets or lots of gear, then too larger and more stable boards are needed. This will prevent the boards from overturning in the water. Similarly, fishing planer boards need to be heavy and thick to be more stable or risk being turned over. 

  • Inflatability

    If the buyer is looking for soft paddle/surfboards, then the inflatability should be approximately 225-240L. But for hard boards, it should be around 175L. 

  • Places it can be used:

    One of the most important pre-requisites for surfboards, planer boards, and paddle boards is that they should be versatile enough to be used on any type of water. “All Round” boards are more-popular than single-purpose boards. 

Manual manufacturing doesn’t always help board manufacturers meet all these criteria effectively. They need to use the right technology to build boards that are safe to use and enjoyable. This is where CNC Routers come in.  

Five ways in which a CNC router will make you the most trusted water sports boards supplier

CNC Routers are a great and easy way to create safe water sports goods quickly and on a budget. They offer numerous benefits which both small and large-scale manufacturers will appreciate. 

Some of the benefits you get by using CNC Router machines to build your water sports boards are: 

  • Complete customizability

Do your customers want a 5-fin surfboard? What about a 34-inch paddle board made from composite foam. Maybe your customers are fishermen/women looking for a dark-colored wooden planer board. Irrespective of what material, dimension, and color specifications you require for your boards, CNC Routers can be used to manufacture a wide range of products. 

Additionally, spindles on CNC Routers are capable of being run at high speeds up to 18,000rpm, making production very fast. You can easily program the Router to build you a variety of units within a short span of time. This way, you’ll be able to customize your product range to a variety of markets and become the sole supplier of all types of water sports boards for your region. 


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  • Precision

CNC machining tools like CNC Routers and CNC mills are extremely precise in their cutting and finishing. They have tolerance as low as +/- 0.01 mm. This makes the Routers extremely ideal for fashioning items like surfboards, paddle boards, and fishing planer boards, where adherence to dimensional measurements is a must. You can protect your customers – even save their lives – with your precisely-built boards. 


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  • Accuracy

It’s a known fact that hand-held machines require a very steady hand to operate. A slight slip or loss of focus can ruin the product completely, or worse, injure the user. CNC Routers don’t suffer from the same problem. They are pre-programmable devices that are fully-automated. Because there is no human intervention involved, CNC Routers eliminate any of the risks that come with hand-held devices. 

Another advantage of the steady cutting that CNC Router Machines offer is the reduction of wastage. The absence of mistakes will ensure your resources are used optimally, and your composite foam material stock will last longer. This also makes your company very eco-friendly – something which new-age water sports enthusiasts appreciate. 

  • Scalability

If you’ve been planning to scale-up manufacturing of your paddle/surf/planer boards, then a CNC Router that comes with a CNC router table will make the best investment. These router machines can work on hundreds of units of products within a few hours. They don’t require constant manual feeding or intervention and produce outputs with consistency. You only need to occasionally change the Router settings to suit the specifications of each product variant, and you’re good to go.  

With their high-speed and automated functionality, CNC Routers give you the freedom to scale-up your operations with ease. You don’t have to hire too many laborers as well, instead relying on the Router to take over your production.   

  • Trainability

Unlike some other types of manufacturing technologies which can take very long to learn, CNC Routers are relatively easy to master. By seeing an expert use the machine and trying your hand at it, you can gain an understanding of how CNC cutting works. Regularly operating the Router will make you an expert at it. 

Plus, CNC Routers are very easy to maintain. If you do require any support, our team at Omni CNC is always here on hand to assist. We have over 10 years’ experience in assembling CNC machinery and are reputed as one of the best CNC Router assemblers in China. We can help your staff set-up the router at your facility, learn how to use it, and assist with any questions they have.


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As we’ve seen, CNC Routers are extremely helpful in crafting premium-quality surfboards, stand-up paddle boards, and fishing planer boards that are 

  • Safe to use on calm and choppy waters. 
  • Easy to transport anywhere.
  • Customizable for beginners, intermediates, and experts at water sports. 
  • Long-lasting and easy to care for.

If you’d like to see how our CNC Routers at Omni CNC can be used to make composite foam water sports board, just give us a call today. We can organize a physical or virtual demo of our machine. We have both full-size and mini CNC routers at our facility, perfect for operations of all sizes. 

Contact us today to schedule a meeting or to discuss rates.

Fibre Cement Cladding and Siding Enhances the Aesthetic Appeal of a Building


Made from other materials, Wall cladding and siding is a decorative material used to makes the appearance of a house, building, or, walls beautiful. Providing an artistic outlook, apart from decorating the place, wall cladding and siding and be used for both interior and exterior. Moreover, it can also assist in enhancing the structural integrity of the building while catering purposes like insulation and waterproofing.

Primarily used to stop the wind and rain from entering the building, cladding and siding is the ‘skin’ of the building used as an extra layer to safeguard the areas around chimneys, roofs, windows, and doors from thermal insulation and weather resistance. Cladding and siding can be produced from a wide range of materials. These materials can include:

  • Aluminium
  • Wood
  • Blends of Cement
  • Recycled Polystyrene
  • Wheat/rice straw fibres


1. Purpose of Cladding and Siding

2. Types of Cladding and Siding

3. More about Fibre Cement Cladding and Siding

4. Advantages of Fibre Cement Cladding and Siding

5. Categories of Fibre Cement Cladding and Siding

6. What to Expect from Fibre Cement Cladding

7. What about Aesthetics?

8. The Overview of Cladding and Siding Market 2020

9. How Does A Multi-Head CNC Router Seamlessly Cut Large Cladding and Siding Materials?

10. Opt for the Best Tool and Programming for Cutting Cladding and Siding Materials

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Image Resource: angieslist

1. Purpose of Cladding and Siding

Although the main purpose of cladding and siding is to provide an artistic and stylish appearance to the place it is being applied; still, the underlying, perhaps the main, purpose of cladding and siding it to cover the entire building. The best example of this is the bathroom or a coffee shop. The walls of a bathroom can be panelled while the interior of the coffee shop can be induced to provide a brick-wall effect to the cafe, hence, creating an impression on the visitor.

Besides, cladding and siding cal also is customized to pique or add interest, vibrancy, atmosphere, or something extra to add uniqueness to the area it is being used in. For instance, to create a differentiating factor between the office and the member’s lounge, one can use a comforting kind of pattern to contrast the two spaces.

2. Types of Cladding and Siding

Since cladding and siding is not a particular substance. It comprises multiple materials and the makeup of the applied cladding and siding depends on the dealer and the person choosing it. Depending upon the common choices, here are a few substances that are used in the making of cladding and siding:

● Metal

Perhaps, one of the most popular choices within the cladding and siding industry. Given the fact that metals are pretty versatile, durable, and can be installed easily allow the cladding and siding dealers to present this option to their customers. Besides, using metal also allows them to satisfy structural and functional purposes.

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Image Resource: roofingcalc

● Composites

Composites possess the capability to emulate the most expensive cladding and sidings like that of asphalt or brick effect. Besides, it also prevents any kind of blockage on the structure it is being applied to. Also, it is beneficial for those buildings that are not capable of carrying the bulky weight of the actual stone.

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Image Resource: wpc-decking

● Masonry

Useful for aligning a particular building with the aesthetics of its neighbors, Masonry is often seen as a stone facade applied to the exterior or interior of the building. This is done to simulate the look of an exposed wall.

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Image Resource: menardc

● Timber

If you are a fan of durable finish and profoundly attractive features, then timber cladding and siding is the right selection for you. Biodegradable as you like, timber like that of green oak will naturally age with time to provide a silver-grey outlook to your building. Besides, applying this will save your maintenance cost for the next 100 years!

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Image Resource: homebuilding

● Tiles

Hard to maintain, this cladding, as the name suggests, lends an outlook that is long-lasting and energy-efficient.

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Image Resource: archello

● uPVC

Demanding very little maintenance, this cladding and siding is not only cost-effective but also a perfect layer of protection against severe and unrelenting weather conditions.

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● Stone Cladding and Siding

Lending a good aesthetic appeal to the building, this cladding and siding is best known for providing heat and sound insulation. Moreover, it is very durable and needs almost no maintenance.

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Image Resource: bobvila

● Glass Cladding

The main purpose of this cladding and siding is to provide an artistic, modern, and stylish look to the building( on the outside).

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Image Resource: indiamart

● Aluminum Cladding and Siding

Possibly, the most popular choice in terms of metal. Aluminum is an able ally of many construction companies. Apart from adding to the aesthetic appeal of the building, aluminum also lends a protective coating around the building. Further, using this is a cost-effective option because of its unmatched durability, weather-resistant, and immunity to rust and corrosion.

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Image Resource: pinterest

– Fibre Cement Cladding and Siding

As mentioned in the types, composite cladding and siding have the capability of imitating the best and expensive cladding and siding of the market. However, did you ever thought how is that even possible?

The answer to this question lies in the composition of this cladding. Also known as the fiber cement cladding and siding, this immaculate cladding is made up of fibers of sand, cellulose, and cement. Although this cladding comes in different shapes and sizes, yet, the most in-demand structure of this cladding is its sheet form. The sheet form is a horizontal board that is used to cover the exterior of a building or a house.

3. More about Fiber Cement Cladding and Siding

Ranging from 2400-3000mm in length, 900-1200mm in width, and 4.5-8mm in thickness, the sheets of fiber cement cladding and siding are mostly divided into low-density and high-density boards.

While low-density boards tend to showcase rough edges upon cutting, the same cannot be said for its counterpart which provides more cleaner and smoother edges upon cutting. Also, the thermal resistance and sound transmission differ in the two categories.

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Image Resource: architizer

4. Advantages of Fibre Cement Cladding and Siding

Over other materials, this composite cladding and siding have its fair share of advantages over other variants of claddings:

● Lends protection against:

○ Rots

○ Termites

● Not affected by adverse weather conditions

● Strong resistance against fire damage and warping

● Protection against water damage

● Easy to apply

● Low maintenance required

● Environment-friendly

5. Categories of Fiber Cement Cladding and Siding

There is no hiding the advantages of this segment among the interior and exterior designers. And, perhaps, this is the reason why fiber cement cladding and siding is becoming more synonymous with designing. Nevertheless, following the pattern, here are a few categories of fiber cement siding and cladding that you must consider having in your house:

1. Shakes and Shingles:

Shakes and shingles of fiber cement cladding and siding can harness facaes of various shapes and sizes. On outside, considering the wear and tear it experiences, this category has the capability to impart and intimidate wood’s appearance. Coming both in individual pieces and panels, one can notice different shapes like that of straight, thatched and wavy edges.

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Image Resource: modernize

2. Shiplap Siding:

Butted against each other, Shiplap fiber cement siding, unlike horizontal lap siding, is installed using a groove and tongue system. Using this system, one can be assured of smooth and clean surface, a feature commonly sported by contemporary homes.

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3. Horizontal Lap Siding:

Perhaps, this is the most common example of fiber cement cladding and siding in residential arena. Also known as the dutch lap siding, this cladding features even and lond pieces that are more thicker at the bottom as compared to its top. And, this is the reason why it is installed from the bottom up while overlapping the previous siding.

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Image Resource: royalbuildingproducts

4. Vertical Siding:

If you are a fan of rustic look then this fiber cement siding is for. Vertical siding is something that lends rustic batten or a cleaner look while showcasing minimal lines.

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Image Resource: illinoisenergy

5. Soffit:

Coming both in the vented and the non-vented style, this category of cladding allows for a better and controlled airflow through the building.

6. What to Expect from Fiber Cement Cladding

Here are a few things that you must expect regarding the performance of fibre cement cladding and siding:

1. Protection from Moisture:

Though fibre cement is not a good water-resistant, manufacturers have developed various techniques and methods that allow them to manufacture fibre cement cladding that can strengthen building’s water-resistant envelope.

2. Thermal Insulation:

With the help of thermal breakage products, fibre cement cladding and siding can offer better thermal resistance as compared to its counterparts.

7. What about Aesthetics?

Another, probably the most important, sector of discussion. Fiber Cement Cladding’s main purpose is to add to the aesthetic appeal of the building. Nevertheless, here are a few sectors that can help you assess your aesthetic appeal of your fibre cladding and siding:

1. Colour:

Aesthetically speaking, the biggest benefit of getting fibre cement cladding and siding is that the user can pick from a variety of colours. Moreover, one can also get their paints and colours customized the way in the pre-painting process. Thus, implying, one can design the way they want it to be.

2. Corners:

This is a challenge that has troubled many architects in the past. However, thanks to innovation, this challenge has been refined to ease. Implying that with the help of highly-developed cutters like that of CNC machine, one can produce flawless and smooth corners regardless of the material they are using, and, fiber cement cladding and siding is no exception to this.

8. The Overview of Cladding and Siding Market 2020

Given its characteristics and advantages, it is convenient to consider that cladding and siding is becoming a go-to option for many builders. Thus, this leads to an increase in demand for various variants of cladding and siding, which, eventually, expands its market.

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Image Resource: mccraylumber

To back the same, by 2016, the market was concluded at USD 70.89 billion at the end of the year. Moreover, the market is, now, projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% by 2025. With the increase in population and construction, of both residential and office spaces, the market is being driven with an idea of automated production and installation. This can only be backed with the possibility of using a CNC machine which is not only enhancing the rate of production but also fostering the growth of the industry.

Also, the wide availability of raw materials like aluminum, PVC, stones, steel, etc, at a reasonable price is contributing to the increase in the production levels. Moreover, consumers’ smartness and education are also helping the clause of these products. With consumers more interested than ever, they are demanding materials are light, easy to apply, and durable protective materials. To couple with this, they want the materials to be biodegradable and environmental-friendly solutions that can contribute to their wellness in the imminent future.

Other innovative ideas paired with the advancement in technology are another reason why cladding and siding are contributing more to the net growth avenues of both the CNC industry and construction industry. Considering the residential population, people now want walls that can look attractive and create an artistic vision with their vertical gardens. Hence, the increase in the demand for green panels.

● Product Insights

Materials that are highly durable and promote energy savings are going to be the center of attraction for many consumers. This is where terracotta comes into the picture. The market was already at 25% in 2016 and is predicted to outperform others by 2025. Terracotta, apart from the above-mentioned qualities, also enhances the thermal performance of the building. Besides, being a mortar-free product also makes it a favorite among the consumers belonging to the section of extreme weather conditions.

Keeping a close eye on the terracotta, fiber cement cladding and siding is creating a class of its own. With a predicted CAGR of 5.6% in the coming years, this cladding variant is the fastest-growing product. As indicated by the percentage and popularity of fiber cement cladding and siding, the panels from this range are expected to showcase a growth, in the years to follow, which will be significantly higher than its counterparts.

Conventionally reliable, PVC cladding and siding panel’s low-maintenance has found its share of lovers. With its solutions matching the requirements of waterproof decks and attractive living space, PVC cladding and siding is something that is best for those who reside in places experiencing harsh weather conditions. Moreover, as per the recent trend, the innovations have paved the way for a more durable combination of wood and plastic. This combination is engineered in factories with the help of CNC machines and is made to offer stability, adamant, and load-bearing solutions for better sustainability.

An inflammable and scratch-resistant material, ceramic is also one of those materials that have seen a rise in its demands in the cladding and siding industry. As home-owners seek more eco-friendly, sustainable, and safe options, the builders are fostering upon the prospect of making effective use of cladding and siding made from ceramic. Moreover, its resistance to extreme weather, low maintenance, and easy to clean which aids hygienic surroundings also makes it a homeowner’s favorite.

Apart from these, other materials used for cladding and siding like timber, weatherboards, glass, stone/brick show slow-growth despite their appealing and aesthetical benefits.

● Application Insights

When things centre around the application of the cladding and siding, then it is fair to say that the growth is predicted from all the sectors.

Considering the residential sector, the market marked an all-time high in 2016 with its 29.4% market share. Besides, carrying forward the same momentum, the cladding and siding market in the residential sector is expected to sport a CAGR of 5.9% in the imminent future. When considering emerging economies, like that of Asia-Pacific and Latin America, the market for cladding and siding is showing positive signs of growth in the residential sector.

Moreover, a revitalization of the housing market in North America has also contributed to the growth and popularity of cladding and siding. With a thought to provide sustainable and protective solutions, the builders are keeping a sizeable part of their budget ready for the production of cladding and siding of their consumer’s choice.

Coming to the commercial application of cladding and siding, the increase in the number of retail stores, malls, entertainment lounges, and other complexes has added to the increase in the market share of cladding and siding. Countries like China, Thailand, Malaysia, India, and Singapore are active members contributing to the increase in the market share of cladding and siding.

The potential of investors transforms start-ups into unicorns and this metamorphosis promotes the development and expansion of office spaces. Besides, the need to create a corporate headquarter in every active nation also creates a good scope for builders to play more with the concept of innovating something with cladding and siding. The need to build high architectural standards pumps more cash into the cladding section and, thus, paving way for a bright future.

● Regional Insights

The increasing popularity and sales of cladding and siding in different Asian-Pacific countries are a few reasons why builders should be excited about the use of this material. Anyhow, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to show more rapid growth in this sector by 2020. Despite the deceleration of economic growth in many countries, infrastructure is one sector that will not slow down. Since regional governments are ramping up the production for a better future, the prospect of growth for cladding and siding is going to be the driving force of the economy. To assert the same, the healthy growth of construction in the South-Asian countries accounts for the stability that is being enjoyed by the Asian market.

In North America, the revitalization of the housing market has increased its chances in terms of emerging as the next region for the growth of the cladding and siding market. A predicted CAGR of over 5% by 2025 is proof of the same. The use of BIM technology, production of prefabricated buildings, and other trends are expected to shape the construction industry into a more dynamic prospect for the cladding and siding market.

● Competitive Insights

Characterized by large and small players, the cladding and siding industry has found itself to be rapidly growing and getting more advanced, in terms of technology. Besides, the entry of big and established brands is also a big boost for its overall growth. Moreover, the existing companies are joining hands to collaborate and engage in the R&D to find more innovative and sustainable solutions for the production of cladding and siding.

Also, the growing focus on all-round provides and the increasing importance on viable eco-friendly products has forced the companies to mend their ways and think on alternate lines.

9. How Does A Multi-Head CNC Router Seamlessly Cut Large Cladding and Siding Materials?

The use of saw, notches, turret punches, and guillotines was the conventional way for crafting and designing beautiful, but not accurate, cladding and slides. Besides, the process was laborious and demanded a lot of time and effort.

Nevertheless, globalization and technological advancement ensured that the process of producing cladding and siding material went under a big makeover. Making the manufacturer’s opinion, of making a finding efficient and reliable machine, the centre of the discussion, machine maker introduced the concept of CNC machine into the market. Though synonymous with kitchen cabinets, a CNC router possesses the capability of cutting almost anything under the same. Moreover, this machine ensures that the cutting process is efficient and accurate.

Therefore, when cladding and siding manufacturers laid their hands on this machine they were astonished by the increased amount of their work. With an easy-to-use use software, quick to learn codes and feeds they were elated with their work. Besides they were able to process all types of cladding and siding materials, at a faster pace and on a more consistent level!

Before the advent of this machine, the consistency and reliability of the output were the major issues that bugged the whole industry. However, with CNC machine makers like OMNI CNC into the system, things changed for the good. They delivered a CNC Router that can handle the full sheet of the cladding material as a single piece.

Routers like Pneumatic Tool Change CNC Router made the designing process very easy. The manufacturing process only required the worker to maintain the tool path by saving the position of cutters. Furthermore, it made the process faster by supporting a system of spindles integrated to control the multi-head CNC routers from 2 to 8 pieces. The spindles worked in tandem just like a normal CNC router with an auto tool changer.

Also, the Pneumatic Tool Change CNC Router supports manufacturers to arrange different paths for different spindles/cutters. If coding is done properly, the machine will ensure that according to the instruction each cutter fulfills the function and follows the other sequentially.

The biggest benefit that manufacturers have noticed is that, while using the Pneumatic Tool Change CNC Router, the process has taken place at a rapid pace, the cutter change too takes places at a very high speed which barely accounts to 2 seconds, and the other spindle/cutter can be seen warming up for its process when the first is about to complete it’s designated task. Also, this CNC router is easy to maintain, replace, and there is no tool altering problem.

Apart from the Pneumatic Tool Change CNC Router, one can also use Synchronized Multi-Spindle CNC Router. However, this type of CNC router is usually suggested to manufacturers who mainly do batch work. This router is very competent and can complete at least 2 work pieces at a go. Apart from that, it supports almost 12 spindles which imply that the manufacturer can work on 12 work pieces at a time.

This type of router needs a z-plate to operate. Also, the thick and wide features allow the machine to stay strong and eliminate vibrations whenever a spindle/cutter hits or cuts a hard material. Thus, ensuring processing accuracy.

It is imperative to make the most of the provided material to reduce the overheads and to minimize the waste material. However, considering the number of projects one can receive one can understand that the conventional method is not the answer to keep the above aspect intact. This is where a multi-head CNC router comes into the picture and makes things easy and efficient.

10. Opt for the Best Tool and Programming for Cutting Cladding and Siding Materials

As with any other material, it is important to understand that the CNC router, despite its astonishing applications, has its limitations. And, these should be taken into consideration while selecting the router for the work. Besides, it becomes important to consider the best tool and programming to match the parameters required to produce the desired cladding and siding production.

So, to help you out, here are a few guidelines that should be followed for best output:

● Tooling:

Understanding the requirement of the material and the tool that can work on it is very important. For instance, the tool used for cutting composite cladding and siding is not the same as that of fiber cement cladding. The fact that both the cladding and siding has their set of unique properties, it becomes imperative to decide which tool to use for which material because an error in selection can impact the router in a sever manner.

Also, while performing cladding and siding, one should consider using up-cut routing tools to ensure that they have an adequate vacuum system to catch the chips and dust coming out from edges. In case you need to make mounting holes in the cladding and siding pieces, you should use drilling tools at the end of the process.

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● Feeds and Speeds:

Right feeds and speeds may vary greatly depending on the material being performed. Some routers may cut at a speed of 600 inches per minute or higher while others may go down a tad slower than the mentioned speed. Hence, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the machine and going through the software program operator for choosing the correct setting.

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● Cycle Time:

Wrong feeds and speeds for cladding and siding can impact the whole processing cycle by making it slower. Besides, the CNC router will face unexpected passes and will require constant monitoring. And, in case, if the first pass is not “clean” then your work may require additional and grooving cycle. Further, if it didn’t cut this then the post-routing will require you to operate manually. Thus, decreasing the quality and accuracy of your work.

The path of quality you choose for your work depends a lot on your ability to map the requirement of the material to a suitable router. Apart from that, your usage of the right tools, its feeds and speeds, and comprehension of other related factors will decide the level of your production.

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A Metal Worker’s Guide to Metal Laser Cutting Machine

Metal Laser Cutting Machine

A metal laser cutting machine is not just an average investment!

Yes, it’s not just about the price you pay; it’s about the machine’s impact on your work. It’s about how quickly your manufacturing has become. Perhaps, this is the reason, why many manufacturers are afraid of investing a major chunk of their revenue for a machine. They know that if they mess their purchase, there will be no turning back, at least for 10 years!

However, the rapid growth of the industry has forced manufacturers to be bold. If they want to see themselves the race, they have part ways with their pragmatic nature. Hence, they will need to join hands and reckon the force of laser technology.

1. What is a Metal Laser Cutting Machine?

It will fair to remark metal laser cutting machines as an invention of the modern era. Since its inception, the machine has helped a manufacturer is more than one way. The most thrilling way one can recall is the reduction of manual efforts along with the reduction of labor costs. Besides, considering the current COVID-19 scenario, this machine has opened new doors of possibility with its smart and efficient involvement in the production of face mask and PPE kits.

However, considering metal cutting as the core of this discussion, laser cutting has tremendously improved metal cutting, which we will discover later in the topic. The machine is configured and designed in such a way that it can process anything from elevator material, cutting auto parts, air conditioning material, fridge material, and many other materials. Likewise, it can also process soft metals, stainless steel, mild steel, carbon steel, and much more.

To cut things short, a metal laser cutting machine features a focused beam of light, in the form of laser, which concentrates energy on a small area of the metal. This leads to burning, melting or vaporizing, of the metal placed in front of the laser. Eventually, creating a hole on the surface of the metal.

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2. How is a Metal Laser Cutting Machine Beneficial to the Manufacturer?

Further, adding a flavor of CNC with this laser cutting machine will allow you to expand your work from cutting to the sophisticated engraving on delicate and precious metals. Thus, be it a complex part of the machine or artistic interior design to be crafted on a raw metal; this machine with some help from CNC can provide these benefits to a manufacturer:

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• Efficient (Time and Cost):

Efficiency in work is one thing that every manufacturer demands from his machine. Given the fact that poor efficiency can severely impact the growth of a company, a metal laser cutting machine is designed to provide a cutting speed of processing metal sheets with a rate of 1-3 meters/minute.

Besides, the energy and cost of production required are lower and rate of production is much higher than the other traditional machines. Hence, it significantly reduced the cost.

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• More Accurate:

Regardless of the metal used, this machine is very capable of producing accurate cuts at a higher speed. The machine is designed in such a way that it smoothens the process by holding the metal appropriately. Besides, the code fed as instructions for the metal laser cutter ensures that the process is repeatable, reliable, and there is no chance of manual error. Thus, accounting for more accurate results.

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• Simplifies Complex Designs:

The metal laser cutting machine is dexterous in terms of providing designs that are complex to a human-hand. With minimum labor and more accuracy, the metalworker is just required to feed the codes, shapes, and sizes into the computer and wait for the machine to bring that alive.

3. Application of Laser Cutting Machine

When speaking about a metal cutting machine, the biggest question is: How to use it? Application of a machine plays a crucial role in determining the degree of willingness of a manufacturer in terms of investing his hard-earned money. And, with the efficiency of the metal laser cutter makes it a manufacturer’s go-to equipment. Besides, here are a few applications which are also a reason why manufacturers want to have this machine:

● Laser burn cutting

● Laser fusion cutting

● Laser remote cutting

a. Laser Burn Cutting

In this, oxygen is used as a cutting gas. During the separation, the oxygen provides extra heat to the workpiece. Hence, it localizes the oxidation process of the material’s cutting joint to accelerate the cutting process.

This kind of cutting is best suited for the manufacturing of heavy-duty materials whose appearance will undergo a continuous change due to the finishing process.

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b. Laser Fusion Cutting

This kind of cutting process facilitates a virtual oxide-free cutting process rather it uses an inert gas as a cutting medium. Laser fusion cutting uses argon or nitrogen, which are reaction-inhibiting in nature, as the cutting gas at a pressure of approximately 20 bar. The inert gas cools the cutting edge by blowing the molten material out of the separating joint.

This type of cutting process is best only when the workpieces don’t go further processing after fulfilling the visual requirements of the finished material. Laser fusion cutting is best suited for thin metal sheets.

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c. Laser Remote Cutting

Sublimation cutting or laser remote cutting is done on the material which is either very thin or very sensitive. This type of cutting does not involve the use of cutting gas rather it uses a laser as a source to vaporize and create fine cutting gaps on the material by removing the layers. The laser beam used is focused on the material by a highly dynamic galvo scanner. Hence, allowing the machine to attain a super cutting speed of more than 100 m/min.

The laser cuts are portrayed by very slight surface roughness and small blur. Accuracy and complex contour are something that a metalworker will not face with this kind of cutting in a metal laser cutting machine. With a smaller heat impact as compared to its counterparts, this machine is appropriate for thin and sensitive materials.

Another advantage this type of cutting offers is the reduced noise level in the production space. Besides, it also offers cost reduction options in both the sharpening and tool production zone.

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4. The Technology of Metal Laser Cutting

The best part about a metal laser cutting machine is that it spoils its manufacturer for choices. Here are two types of metal laser cutting machines that are occupying the market.

● Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

● Direct Diode Lasers

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a. Direct Diode Lasers

Technology is rapidly enhancing the state of the industry, and, Direct diode metal laser cutting technology is an example of that. As the name suggests, direct diode laser technology directly uses diodes for producing laser. In doing so, it eliminates the doped fiber system, which is usually seen in fiber laser cutting machine. Thus, by eliminating the middle process, this machine becomes more potent and efficient with its cutting speed for thick materials to provide superior edge quality for materials like aluminum, steel compositions, stainless steel, etc as compared to fiber.

b. Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine made its debut in 2008. With better cutting speed and lower operating cost, this machine uses a bank of diodes to create its laser. This laser is then amplified by a fiberoptic cable and channeled onto the surface of the metal.

With the availability of powerful lasers, this machine has demonstrated an incisive cutting speed of cutting a metal surface of 0.5 inches in thickness. Hence, it comes as no surprise to see as to why a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine is so popular in the metal processing industry. Besides, a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine is also a smart investment. The reason behind this is a fiber laser cutting machine comes with fewer moving parts or mirrors, hence, requiring less maintenance over its fair share of the warranty period.

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5. Why one should invest in Metal Laser Cutting Machine?

Usually, firms opt to subcontract or lease a machine until they have completed the assigned project. Perhaps, this is the best thing to do considering that no one wants to put a large sum of money for a machine which is readily available for a short period of time. Besides, the risk of loss, in this case, is also pretty low.

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However, along with your work, the demand for quality will also increase; not discounting the deadline crunch. Thus, calling for you to make a choice to invest in a metal laser cutting machine.

Amidst, the complexities and anxieties of making a heavy investment; take a look at your past expenses and subcontract, see how much you have spent or paid just to have a machine. Look at how much you could have saved, had you thought otherwise. Doing this will justify your need to bring a metal laser cutting for the house. Apart from that, it will make your manufacturing process fast and efficient. Also, not forgetting, that it will significantly reduce the labor cost.

6. Real-Time Cost of Operating Metal Laser Cutting Machine

It is genuine for a manufacturer to be a little hardheaded before or, even, during the purchase of a metal laser cutter. It is, indeed, that kind of investment! Besides, the expectations of better results are fair. However, it is important to understand the ground reality of the machine.

Regardless of what peers or different sites say, there is a real-time cost attached to this machine. The manufacturer should have knowledge of the operating cost and the level of efficiency of this machine. It is important for the owner to track the efficiency of the machine.

Hence making it imperative to find software that can trace metal laser cutter’s overall work output in comparison to the time. It is in this way, a manufacturer can determine the machine’s impact on the firm’s performance.

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How CNC Wood Router is a Jack of All Trades for Manufacturers?

CNC Wood Router

The infusion of technology into almost every sector of manufacturing has changed the world in recent times. And, its introduction in the woodworking and the interior designing sector has transformed the industry whereby making allowing it to operate at a better place. The best part of the CNC wood router is that the designers and the woodworkers are pretty happy to add this new dimension to ensure they meet the high-end requirements of their clients.

With the woodworkers embracing the technology with open arms to enhance their daily outputs, manufacturing firms like OMNI CNC are working and coming up with high-level Woodworking CNC Router. Hence, they are finding new innovative ways to redefine the industry.

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Famous for cutting through various wooden surfaces, the CNC Router Woodworking has the capability of performing tasks of different machines. For instance, it can perfectly design the shapes created by a spindle molder or a panel saw.

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Furthermore, a CNC router can be controlled entirely via a computer as compared to hand router. All a woodworker needs to do is to learn simple sets of coding required to run this machine. With consistent quality work, this router has the dexterity to provide identical designs with greater levels of accuracy.

A) How does a CNC Wood Router Help a Manufacturer?

Usually, at the start of their career, manufacturers and woodworkers are more comfortable with fixed-base or plunge-base router. However, with the increase in demand for the production of intricate designs, the woodworkers are forced to think of ways that can deliver quick and efficient results.

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This is where they turn to the computer-based router or, as we call them, the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) wood router. As mentioned, these routers boast the capability of working and handling large chunks of materials. With incredible accuracy, these routers are perfect for cutting wood at a high speed.

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If you are considering replacing your old router with a CNC one, then it is the time to do it. Withal, if you are pragmatic about adding this new dimension, try to read these features carefully which shows that a Wood CNC Router Machine is a near-perfect addition for a woodworker:

1. Improved Production Range

Industrial CNC wood routers have revolutionized the woodworking industry. This computer-controlled machine rarely produces any waste pieces and operates at high-efficiency. This machine can substantially increase the range of production of woodworking firms without requiring it to hire a qualified technician for the machine.

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2. Larger Cutting Field

Be it large pieces like stair risers or small 3d carving, a CNC Router for Wood Carving is capable of producing designs that are a challenge for a standard wood router that too at a higher speed. In the case of mass production, a woodworking firm can opt for bigger CNC wood routers that have a low margin of error and produce large pieces of wood at ease.

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3. Ease of Operation

Standard routing requires a woodworker to physically manipulate the wood router. This method is not advisable as it severely impacts the quality of the product and safety of the woodworker. Besides, the working of these hand routers is something that cannot be taken for granted, hence, it requires an operator with significant experience along with the training of the router.

Whereas, a CNC wood router does not require a skilled operator. It only requires a woodworker to have computer training in coding, which is could be gained in a matter of a few months.

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4. Less Waste, Less Dangerous

This is a common issue among the woodworkers using standard wood routers. Their investment is significantly higher than their compatriots who are using CNC Routers for Wood. The reason being, the loss of money is directly related to the loss of material on the work floor. So, more the waste, the cost incurred is also more. Lacking in accuracy, hand routers tend to provider results on the expensive side of the spectrum. Furthermore, the chances of woodworker making a serious error are also high.

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However, when a woodworker is working with a CNC wood router, the chances are that he will eliminate the extra cost by preventing the extra waste. Besides, due to the high accuracy level, the quality of the work will enhance manifold along with keeping the operator safe from any physical injury.

5. Flawlessly Accurate

As mentioned above, the best part about the CNC wood router is that it is accurate. Since it is a computer-controlled machine, the CNC router possesses the capacity of producing thousands and hundreds of finished products that too at the same time! For firms and woodworkers who value time, accuracy, and high-quality, this machine is the insurance for making your work invaluable.

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B) Applications of the CNC Wood Router

Given its fair share of advantages, the CNC wood router has become quite popular within the woodworking industry. It is hard to deny that this machine saves a lot of time, money, labor, and, more importantly, it eases and quickens the industrial operations.

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Regardless of what the job demands一cutting, engraving, carving, etc., – this machine can design anything and everything with utmost precision. This is the reason why it is considered the best for the woodworking industry. Here are a few applications of the CNC woodworking router:

1. 3d Carving

As mentioned, the CNC router possesses an unmatched capability of performing anything, especially when things center on the 3D carving. Wooden capitals, carved consoles, pilasters, panes, brackets, frames for mirrors, carved icons, are just some of the things that can be performed in bulk on the CNC wood router.

However, the thing to keep in mind is that you should know the ball-nose bit before you start coding for etching the 3D design. Ball-nose bits are used to carve exotic 3D designs with the tip of the bit, which ensures that the design is detailed adequately besides having smooth contours. For intricate designs and 3D carving, the use of tapered nose bit s highly recommended.

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2. V-bit Carving

Another form of carving which a Wood CNC Cutting Machine can perform with ease is V-bit carving. For unique and precise designs, use OMNI CNC’s exquisitely shaped v-bit creates narrow carves at the most profound part of the material.

V-bit carving provides added artistic variety by providing decorative patterns on the surface of the material. V-carving is used to facilitating folding or bending of different materials along with providing a V-shaped cut along the surface of the material. This V-shaped cut provides small bending radii with a bend of 90-degree. This kind of carving is beneficial in those situations where traditional carving, like that of free bending, becomes impractical.

3. Cabinet/Closet Door Making

Popular among woodworking industry, cabinet & closet door making is one of the most popular applications of CNC router. Cabinet makers now prefer to utilize the CNC router to reduce their overhead expenses and increase production by modifying their material handling. Besides, these highly effective and moderate routers are assisting woodworkers to process drawers, shelves, drawer fronts, counter-tops, etc of varying sizes at a time.

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4. Chair Back Cutting

The CNC process is enhancing the time of production and is no longer limited to tooling and prototyping. Some of the factories are using CNC router as a means of production for manufacturing chairs of varying designs. Due to CNC’s digital nature, the curvaceous digital model of the chair is, now, designed by using computer software. This software enables 3D form, which can be altered on the screen as the requirement of the client or the woodworker.

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Since a digital router is used instead of a traditional one, the chair’s back features a distinctive cut by following the shape proposed by the worker or their client. Using a CNC Wood Carving Machine for chair back cutting is more of an organic and seamless process that inspires the designer to experiment with different shapes and designs.

5. Sofa Legs/ Staircase

When it comes to Sofa legs and staircase working, OMNI CNC’s wood router has been in demand for a very long time. The reason is that OMNI’s CNC Wood Cutting Machine effortlessly gets converted into a lathe which carves unique newel posts, modillion engraving, crown molding, chair jambs, and many more things to help your imagination stretch your application.

Featuring a rotary device, this router allows the machine parts to operate in a round profile. Hence, it is fair to say that the OMNI CNC router is helping ordinary souls to design something artistic and masterful. The 3D carving on Buddha is a testimony to the efficiency and robustness of the router.

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6. Fretwork, Pillar & Brackets, Frame & Triller, Grille Partition

Before technology made its way into a router, a woodworker used to have a nightmare while designing any of the things mentioned above. Besides, the timeframe was also something that added extra pressure over the woodworker. This, in turn, affected the quality of the product.

However, with the CNC router, the production of architectural screens, suspended ceilings, ornamental partitions walls, Frame & Triller, and Brackets & Pillars have become much easier than it used to be. With a few computational modifications, the methodology of the timber framework has advanced to a level where the turnaround time of producing bulk designs has become shorter and more efficient.

7. Cutting Board

When using a CNC router for board cutting ensures that the router bits are chosen very astutely. For a smooth and flat finish, a worker should opt for fly-cutter or spoil board cutter bits. Besides, it ensures that the bit is short and stout as it aids in producing smoother and cleaner cuts.

Having fly-cutter or spoil board cutter bits ensures that the router carefully brushes the surface of the material for a more flat and shiny look for the provided model. For laminate and plywood, the bits work in such a way that they keep the outer veneer intact. Though there are many bits available in the market, a woodworker doesn’t have to buy all of them if he is looking to prototype the project.

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8. Newel Posts and Columns

Before the inception of routers, the newel and columns were hand-carved. The process was time-taking and boring. Besides, accuracy was also an issue to look after. However, routers, especially CNC wood routers, changed the way industry now performs.

One fine example of this is the OMNI 12S CNC wood router. This router is capable of producing newel posts and columns in a very simple yet aesthetic manner. It is more like a cakewalk for a woodworker. The finished work features unique grooving and has precision which is depicted by its helical symmetry.

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9. Profile & Sculpture

Another fascinating feature of the CNC wood router is that it is able to aid cutting and carving tasks to a very artistic level. The work produced by this is flawless. Hence, this validates the craze woodworkers are having for this machine.

The machine is dexterous enough to carve intricate designs and provide profile & sculptures in a very fascinating manner. Besides, the best thing about this is that a woodworker can accommodate the use of the router to bring their out-of-the-world designs alive. However, the only thing for an operator to notice here is that he has to be very careful while choosing the bits for the router.

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C) Conclusion

With the focus on quality and reliability, a woodworker can rest his trust on a CNC wood router. However, the only thing he needs to ensure is that he has covered the coding part adeptly; because the large part of the machine’s performance rests on the woodworker’s knowledge of coding.

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Apart from that, OMNI CNC’s range of wood routers is unmatched in the market. They have helped many woodworkers to successfully elevate their work. Be it any kind of carving, cutting, or profile making, OMNI’s CNC router machine is versatile and reliable. Besides, it comes with a high-repeatability laser that allows a wide range of cutting and engraving functions. Hence, catering and fulfilling the unique demands of the woodworking industry.

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How does Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Improves Cutting Efficiency?

Fiber Laser Machine

The debate is never-ending. The constant chatter regarding Fiber laser cutting machine outclassing CO2 laser cutting machine is on the manufacturer’s mind. Comparisons, presentations, live tests, and many such key aspects dominate the fiber laser cutting industry, however, the future of industry is safe and poised to capture the market by 2026. The only thing to be seen is the constant change in technology.

1. Market Dynamics of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

There are many factors that have resulted in the success and growing demand for fiber laser cutting machine. However, the main factor that drives the global success of fiber laser cutting machine is the need for efficiency and precision in the manufacturing unit across all economies.

Though a CO2 laser cutting machine was touted to deliver this aspect, the constant demand and innovation have resulted in the inception of fiber laser cutters. Besides, factors like growing activities in the industrial and manufacturing sector coupled with changes in technology for assembling processes is also a reason for the growing demand for fiber laser cutting machines.

As mentioned, the increasing demand for fiber laser cutting machine is due to rising concerns regarding the inefficiency of the traditional laser cutters while processing sheet metal operations. Also, the continuous and widespread development of the industrial sector in the East and South Asia shows that the market is preparing itself for a technological upgrade by anticipating the use of fiber laser cutting machine as the future of the market.

Apart from that, the performance and delivery of fiber laser cutting machines are second to none. Its features, that include:

  • High operational efficiency
  • Robust structure
  • Precise operational accuracy

They are also one of the reasons why the manufacturers are increasing their production of this machine, thereby, anticipating a propel in the sales of this technology. Due to this, the machine has now gained a lot of markets and is recognized heavily in the automobile, metal processing, and aviation sectors.

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1.1 How it is Expanding Itself in Different Regions of the World

A manufacturer is bound to come across these seven regions while segmenting the market regionally:

  • Europe
  • East Asia (China, Japan, and South Korea)
  • South Asia (India, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Rest of South Asia, and Malaysia)
  • North America
  • Oceania (Australia, New Zealand)
  • MEA
  • Latin America.

Countries like China, South Korea, and Japan are estimated to have a significant portion of the fiber laser cutting machine market. Hence, it comes as no surprise to see that South Asia is leading the race in manufacturing and is witnessing considerable growth in the global fiber laser cutting machines market. Further, due to the construction activities in the Middle East & Africa, this region is projected to put up a solid growth in the global market of fiber laser cutting machines in the near future.

2. How Fiber Laser Cutting Machine is better than CO2 Laser Cutting Machine

CO2 laser cutting machine needs a high-density infrared laser beam to process. This beam comes out from a nozzle, passes a series of mirrors, and, finally, processes the metal sheet.

When you are looking for a machine that can produce fine features at acute angles while cutting, then, there is no doubt over the ability of a CO2 laser cutting machine. With two axes and a movable table, this machine can achieve a cut that is hard to get in normal processing. And, its biggest strength is to process a material, which is less than ⅜ inches, at a very rapid speed.

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Nevertheless, the invention of the high-power, efficient, and the high-speed machine in the form of a fiber laser cutting machine has changed the way people look at a CO2 laser cutting machine. The standout part of a fiber laser cutting machine is its accuracy on metal sheets along with providing quality with control.

A CO2 laser cutting machine is proficient when it works on non-metal materials. It can provide a better quality finish on a thicker material over a thinner surface. And, this is the reason why people are favoring a fiber laser cutter to process metal sheets like that of steel.

The dramatic growth of fiber laser cutter is proof that the market still wants to shrug off the old tech for new and trending technology. And by no means, the industry is compromising the quality of the product. This is evident in the fact that fiber laser cutter is providing superior quality over a CO2 laser cutting machine for cutting thinner material. In fact, the current market dynamics suggest that the sales and popularity of fiber laser cutting machines are outclassing CO2 laser cutting machines.

The main advantage of using a fiber laser cutting machine over a CO 2 laser cutting machine is that it can cut a thin sheet of metal quite efficiently. Due to its monolithic compact solid-state and configuration, this machine is free of overhead expenses and has a lower maintenance cost as compared to a CO2 laser cutting machine. Besides, it also provides leverage over a CO2 laser cutting machine by achieving the task in less time and lower operational cost.

Besides, the higher absorption of the fiber wavelength created by the focused beam at a high power density helps to achieve a cutting speed which is five times faster than a CO2 laser cutting machine.

3. How to Improve the Utilization of Sheet metal by a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

China is leading the race when things center on the processing of a fiber laser cutting machine. Also, the continuous in favor of fiber laser cutting machine works to provide high-efficiency and precision as one of its many advantages while processing a metal sheet.

However, there are still sectors that a sheet worker wants to know before putting his bet on this machine. Hence, it is very important for the worker to know that the fiber laser cutting system comprises mainly three parts of the machine’s tool host along with the laser and control system.

The best part of the fiber laser cutting machine is that the design of the machine is worker-friendly. The method of programming is simple and easy. Further, the precision control capability is very suitable and works for different processing requirements. Hence, making it an underlying reason for improved productivity.

With the change in technology comes a little complexity, and the same can be said for fiber laser cutting machine. The problem that arises while working with this machine is that the worker is unable to properly utilize the metal sheet. Hence, to maximize the usage of the sheet and reduce the problem, here is the solution.

To make proper use of sheet metal, one must start from the edge. Doing this will help you calculate the remainder of the sheet, thus, giving you an idea regarding how you can properly achieve the maximum use of sheet metal. Besides, it can help you in saving the material for future use. This is very important and will help in improving the efficiency of utilizing sheet for work pieces.

Not only all this, but the accurate cutting of sheet metal also saves the additional manpower required to perform cutting functions. This directly saves a lot of time, unnecessary material waste, and cost required processing the work piece.

Be it simple or complex, a fiber laser cutting machine with its high flexibility, fast speed, high efficiency, and short production cycle can provide rapid cutting and prototyping, just by using a laser, within the same processing period, at low cost, more incisive cutting effect, and operating the machine is very convenient.

Besides, the unique advantages of the fiber laser cutting machine allow better laser processing, thus, laying the road for development. This is because of the fiber laser cutting machine that the metal processing industry across China and in different regions os is becoming more efficient and good.

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4. How Fiber Laser Technology has Improved Metal Cutting

With numerous advantages of a fiber laser cutting machine, the question that still creates a lot of noise among the industry is how has fiber laser cutting machine improved the status of metal cutting?

Technology has seen its share of invention and innovation; however, these things have still not rattled the good old belief of sheet cutters using the traditional cutting machine. Though the industry is moving toward better and efficient equipment, it’s time for the old users to understand and bend their heads in the direction of a potential industrial revolution of laser cutters.

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There was a time when CNC punching machines and searing equipment took the market by storm but soon this vigorous zeal lost its craze in the market thereby losing its grip to another better invention in form of a CO2 laser the cutter machine. The CO2 laser cutting machine was better than the CNC punching or shearing machine.

It was providing pleasure of speed cutting but somehow lacked efficiency. Besides, the constant overhead expenses and a show of tedious performance raised a lot of questions from the metalworkers. Further, the recurring need to feed immense power as an input for their proper functioning soon started to become a burden on the pocket of the user.

However, technology is the second name of improvement. The questions were heard and swoon manufacturers came up with a better power laser cutter machine in the form of the fiber laser cutter. These fiber laser cutters ensured that the metalworkers get an efficiency which they deserve, that is, 200% more than that of a traditional cutting machine.

The constant enhancement of fiber technology also ensures that when a metal is being processed the rapid tuning of laser spot size helps in guiding the laser directly on the cutting surface. Also, the range of the feeding fiber is thrice more than the traditional cutter. This range helps the worker to achieve accurate cutting at different speeds without any technical difficulties.

5. How Fiber Laser has made Production More Efficient

A fiber laser cutting machine processes with a focused high energy density, the high-powered laser beam is used to cut/melt the material, thus vaporizing it, triggering it to reach an ignition point where the high-pressure airflow beam blows off the molten material, thus, and cutting the sheet.

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With characteristics like:

  • Intelligence
  • High-efficiency
  • High-quality
  • High-degree of flexibility
  • A short production cycle

This process is getting a prominent status in various industries. These industries include:

  • Rail transit
  • Automobiles
  • Engineering machinery
  • Electrical manufacturing
  • Household appliances

Thus, showcasing that this the processing industry has very broad applications. These fiber laser cutting machines have been developed after doing some intense research to improve product performance and meet various challenges of the metal processing industry.

To deal with the varying levels of thickness, width, and processing complexity of a metal sheet the inception of fiber lasers machine is a blessing for manufactures as it provides high-power, co-edge, bright surface cutting, besides using high-pressure air as its source to make cutting more powerful.

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Benefits of Fiber Laser Machine in Sheet Metal Cutting

Fiber Laser Machine

Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the first to use roller gutter and press technology to process industrial sheet metal? Yeah, he did! And, this highlights the importance of one of the basic elements of the metalworking industry: industrial sheet metal.

Despite the everyday presence of sheet metal in our lives, there is so much about it that we have to learn about. Be it its uses, processes, or the machine used for processing.

However, the complexity of processing sheet metal has increased. With the advancement in technology, the range of applications on metals like that of stainless steel has become more extensive. Hence the demand to deliver more work in small intervals also increased. Due to that, tools that can match the top-to notch requirement by delivering precision at high-speed are the need of the hour. Still, the question is: To process a sheet metal like the traditional metal sheet, which involves an intense and comprehensive cold working, which tool can meet the high-end demands?

The first name that strikes our mind is a CO2 laser cutter. Howbeit, given its credibility in the market where the manufacturers and users have started to withdraw their attention from this metal processor which tends to garner more power and deliver results of less than the required quality, is it really wise to opt for the tool? And, if not a CO2 laser cutter then is there an alternative?

To the delight of many workers, the technology has found a way to satisfy each and every need for metal processing. And, with the inception of a fiber laser cutter, manufacturers have started to deliver according to the needs of the market.

Nonetheless, there a few questions:

  • What is a fiber laser cutter machine?
  • How can it improve metal cutting?
  • What’s the working principle of this machine?
  • Is there a key advantage of using fiber laser machines for sheet metal cutting?

1. What is a Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

A CNC machine that works efficiently by using a laser as a medium to cut sheet metals by working at higher speed levels to provide high-quality products at optimal accuracy is called a fiber laser cutter. The embedded diodes create the fiber laser light which is directed and intensified with the help of fiber optic cable.

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After exiting the fiber cable, this intensified light is then straightened and concentrated onto the material by the lens. With the focusing lens sealed in the cutting head, the machine manufacturers and the technology used ensures that the creation of fiber laser cutting light is 200% more efficient than any other laser cutting machine. Besides, the machine’s framework allows lasers simpler delivery on the cutting object without demanding any expensive optical mirrors.

However, a user needs to be in light of the fact that power is a determining factor of this machine. Yes, it can fluctuate as per the need of the hour but having a powerful machine assures high-quality products.

As mentioned, the chief working of this machine depends on the laser. To get distinctive cuts at high-efficiency and optimal accuracy, metal sheets like stainless steel, electrical steel, copper, iron, titanium alloy, galvanized steel, brass, aluminum zinc plate, etc., require a cutting machine with a fiber laser of power either equivalent to or more than that of 1500 W.

Apart from that, there are works that require lasers of more power, hence, when you research you will find that there are lasers with 1500W, 2000W, 3000W, 4000W, 6000W, 8000W power respectively. Nevertheless, there are cutting machines that are available in 500W, 750W, and 1000W much lower than the mentioned range. These machines are used or light works that don’t require deep penetration of incision like that of producing exotic designs.

Having this machine is both a blessing and an ideal technology boost to the arsenal of a metal sheet worker.

2. How can it Improve Sheet Metal Cutting?

One is bound to find a lot of advantages of a fiber laser cutting machine over a traditional fiber laser cutter in terms of high precision, flexibility in processing, etc. However, the above question is still penetrating the industry and holds some relevance given the skepticism regarding a fiber laser cutting machine.

Over time, the advancements of technology have ensured that the pragmatic time-taking methods should be replaced with something which is efficient and quick. Hence, it comes as no surprise to see CNC punching machines and shearing equipment lose their grip from the market. Besides, a CO2 laser cutting machine is a recent addition in this list of replacement. The reason being it was tedious, required a lot of money, had more overhead expenses, and the quality was also low as compared to the power input.

With the improvement in the power lasers cutting machine and the introduction of fiber laser cutters has ensured an increment by 200% in the rate of efficiency for processing reflecting mediums like stainless and carbon steel.

Besides the constant development of fiber technology has resulted in a fiber laser that features direct and rapid tuning of laser spot size. The feeding fiber has a range that is thrice more than accurate in terms of its cutting quality that too at various speeds without any drawback.

Facilitating the development of tools, this fiber laser has promoted more optimized cutting that works on the varying thicknesses of metal. Along with that fiber laser beams’ output has a tunable range of ~100 µm to ~300 µm.

An advantage of using these highly developed fiber lasers is that the beam tuning of these lasers is very rapid with smaller transition time. Hence, without an index change, these fiber lasers are able to continuously operate at full power that too without the need of turning off or blanking the laser beam while changing its shape.

For each cutting process, this feature determines and triggers the use of optimum beam characteristics without limiting its ability to cut a particular material of a specified thickness.

However, the general metal cutting market is generally dominated by the processing of thick steel cutting. The giber lasers too offer a wide range of unique benefits in terms of edge quality and maximum thickness for cutting thick metal sheets as compared to the traditional laser cutting systems.

Featuring a 1.5x magnification fixed optic cutting head and complemented by adequate assistance of oxygen, this machine has the capability to process all metal sheets.

Be it the thinnest sample of 0.25 inches or a thicker sample, these highly developed fiber lasers can provide better edge quality along with thrice reduced roughness as compared to the traditional fiber laser cutters.

3. What’s the Working Principle of This Machine?

Apart from providing the information regarding how fiber laser cutting machine has drastically improved the sheet cutting in the industry, it’s working principle provides enough evidence as to why it’s time for sheet workers to invest in this potential industry-changing machine.

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Though the fiber laser cutting machine’s working principle is pretty identical to that of laser welding yet there are a few key differences that enhance the reputation of this machine. As already introduced, the fiber laser cutting machine depends on the high power density of its laser beam. The laser beam scans over the material surface in a very short span of time and heats it to an approximate temperature of 11000o Celcius.

This leads to the process of melting or gasification of the metal sheet. This high-pressure gas melting or gasified material is blown away from the slit. This flow of inert gas allows the incision to melt the metal. Thus, it creates smooth and straight cuts. Along with that, the jet’s flowing oxygen acts as a catalyst in the process. It increases the speed of the cutting process by allowing the machine to provide narrow, precise, smooth, and fewer scratches but high-quality cuts on the metal surface.

4. Advantages of Using Fiber Laser Machines for Sheet Metal Cutting

With the constant chatter around the development and profitability of fiber laser cutting machine, the underlying question is left unanswered: Is this machine really advantageous for a metalworker to process sheet metals?

Well, the answer to this question is, yes. As mentioned, a fiber laser cutting machine has completely evolved the sheet metal cutting industry. Besides being fast, accurate, and efficient, here are a few advantages this machine has offered to the sheet metal workers:

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4.1 Cost-Effective

What’s better than a machine saving your hard-earned money? Perhaps, this is the biggest advantage of a fiber laser cutting machine.

This machine offers opportunities for massive savings by reducing overhead expenses. With a systematic and comprehensive structure along with a laser that guarantees to operate over a lifetime, this machine only demands heavy investment during its purchase.

Aside, it does not require you to buy the expensive optical mirrors which are required in other laser traditional machines. Moreover, the focusing lens of a fiber laser cutter is sealed within the cutting head; hence, it is not exposed to damaging factors.

With proper maintenance of the fiber optics, one can ensure its lifetime working instead of becoming prone to small damages.

4.2 Fixed parts

The traditional laser machine required higher maintenance and operating cost over fiber laser cutting machine. The reason was moving parts of the traditional machine. Fiber laser machines do not require moving mirrors to increase the laser’s power.

However, if the optic mirror is not maintained properly, the chances of damaging can grow significantly thus forcing the laser to be taken off along with a substantial increase in the amount of fiber laser cutter.

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4.3 Ability to cut Reflective Material

Another big aspect of fiber laser cutting machine is its ability to cur reflective materials. While traditional laser cutting machines have failed significantly due to laser bouncing back off the reflective surface, this machine has excelled in this aspect. The aesthetic of this machine is designed in such a way that it can adapt to any reflective surface and produce near to perfect results. Its ability to cut sheets of stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, etc., is the reason why it is becoming so popular among the metal sheet cutting industry.

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4.4 Electrically Efficient

A fiber laser cutting machine also outclasses a traditional laser cutting machine in this field. A 2kW fiber laser cutting machine uses one-third power as compared to a traditional 4kW laser cutter. This implies that the configuration of the fiber laser machine not only saves power every time it operates but also has a lower level of energy requirement which is a reason for its greater life expectancy.

The fiber laser cutting machine has been a good invention for the sheet cutting industry. Due to its ability to provide high-speed quality precision work at a fairly economical price, this machine is a blessing for workers who wanted a machine to work vast volumes of thin/thick material.

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How OMNI Woodworking CNC Router Beneficial?

Woodworking CNC Router

The need of the hour is to change! The rapid advancements in technology have impacted various industries. One such industry is the woodworking industry. The introduction of computer numerical control (CNC) has elevated the level of speed and production.

Besides, the incorporation of computer numerical control (CNC) has provided a variety of new machinery to a woodworker. Thus, making it a lot easier to complete a process in two days, which once took two weeks. Perhaps, it would be fitting to say that CNC has come out of the shadow to be the guardian angel of a woodworker.

1. What is a CNC Router?

Nevertheless, out of so many popular CNC equipment, there is a machine which is being popularly used in this form of machining. And, that is a CNC router.

Though very similar to a commonly used handheld router, a CNC router needs to be fed with computer numerical control so that it can route the connected tools to their respective paths, hence, enabling the functioning of the machine. Unlike hand routers, CNC routers are famous for their efficiency in increasing productivity and reducing waste. The fact that they produce different kinds of woodwork in less time than that of the other hand used machines makes them a product which remains in a lot of demand in the woodworking market. Given its proficiency, it can cut materials like wood, steel, composites, aluminum, foam, and plastic.

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1.1 How Big Are CNC Routers?

When a CNC router was introduced into the woodworking industry, in terms of its size and industrial-strength models, a CNC router was pretty heavy, extremely large, and occupied a good amount of space.

Nevertheless, the change in dynamics and the introduction of desktop CNC routers have reduced the size and space of the router, thus, enabling it to sit on top of a large table.

Though desktop routers are not that powerful as the heavy routers, they are certainly ideal domestic woodworking works where a woodworker just needs to connect the desktop at home to his router. In this way, a woodworker simply needs to use the software provided at the home computer and program his CNC router for the particular task he is supposed to perform.

1.2 How does a CNC Machine Work?

As a matter of fact, there is not much of a difference in the working of a CNC router and any other CNC machine. They all work on the same pattern of feeding them with a computer numerical code, which guides the tools to work around their respective paths.

Nonetheless, the set-up of a CNC router comprises computer software along with a CNC electronic controller to operate the mechanical system. With the usage of this setup, a woodworker can achieve precision and far better accuracy in terms of finishing in comparison to a handheld router.

Like other CNC machines, CNC routers work in three dimensions. These dimensions are usually marked as X, Y, and Z directions.

The longest of the three, which runs from front to back, is known as the X-axis. The axis running from left to right is termed as the Y-axis. And, the axis running from top to bottom is called the Z-axis.

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1.3 Benefits of CNC Routers

There is no doubt of the fact that when things center around high-quality work, a woodworker always opts for a CNC router to get the work done. Given CNC routers power to perform the act and meet unique requirements of the market, this machine helps the manufactures to claim a top spot in a cut-throat market.

This is the reason why it comes as no surprise for manufacturers that this machine can offer a lot of benefits to an industrialist but more than that to woodworkers, who are constantly looking to enhance the quality of their work.

a. Affable and Versatile

Workshops have an advantage while working with a CNC router. The fact that these machines are flexible and adaptable allows operators to alter the instructions as per the need of the product.

b. Easy Updates

The updating part of this machine is very easy. The operator needs to worry about buying the software prototype for a job he is supposed to do. All he needs is a software upgrade to solve his problems and get the work going.

c. Precision Cuts

Precision is one thing that is assured with a CNC router. CNC routers’ ability to provide cuts with precision stands among the woodworkers. These routers are operated by CAD software, a software which is designed especially for cutting purpose. With the help of this software, a woodworker is able to achieve precise cutting of materials that are difficult to cut with a manual process.

Besides, CNC router comes with an additional benefit of cutting objects by reducing material waste, thus paving the way for more savings along with better profits. Also, the work with the CNC router is computerized and hence, requires less man-power to get the work over the line. Because of this, even a less-skilled worker can operate this machine to its full efficiency, provided he is given a good and well-rounded coaching tour of how he should operate this router.

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2. Types of Tools Used For Carving and Engraving Wooden Material

A CNC wood router mainly consists of four things. Though it may increase or decrease as per the needs of material, yet, these four items are generic and common in all routers.

a. Computer System and CNC Controller

The CNC controller and computer system together form the brain of this machine. These two combine to tell the drive systems and motors about the direction in which they should move, go far, and cut.

While working with this system, do not forget to give the desired design, as most of them start in a digital format.

To convert a 3D or 2D digital image into a tool path, which is known as G-code, always use a Work with a CAM software package with the controller and system. With this, the computer computes the command provided by the operator into a digital signal. These digital signals then rely on the CNC controller to convert them to different voltages and currents, thus controlling mechanical drive systems.

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b. The Spindle

This part’s job is to cut the material. Perhaps, it would be apt to tag the spindle as the actual standard wood router.

Mostly, these router spindles are classified by their power rating and horse power in Watts and units (which are their SI units). A spindle, usually, has a range of 8000 to 30,000 revolutions per minute. However, this can differ in metals where the spindle operates between 2000 and 10,000 RPMs.

The working of the spindle depends on router bits, which rotates the cutting tool at different speeds. The main purpose of designing a spindle is to cut wood, plastics, and other soft materials.

As we know that spindles mostly operate with the help of a CNC controller, which is used to regulate the round per minute (RPM) of the spindle, which is often positioned as per the material and feed rate of the machine.

Irrespective of that, there are many more ways of installing a spindle in a CNC controller. Out of these ways, sometimes, the set-up can include the use of a touch probe, automatic tool changer, and tool sensor.

c. The Linear Drive Systems

This system is responsible for moving the spindle in its axis. The CNC linear drive system comes with a motor and a linear bearing system. Some lead screw assembly could also be a part of that, which is essential, so do remember to include it if it’s not in your set-up.
Nevertheless, the link between the mechanics of the CNC router and the digital system of the machine is the motor. The power of the motor comes from the CNC controller. This CNC controller provides the rotational energy to lead the screw assembly of the system.

For knowledge, always take note of the fact that there are two types of CNC router motors in the market. They are stepper motors and servo motors.

Steppers motor is the cheaper one. It offers good performance and is reliable. However, the problem with this motor is that it does not come into a closed-loop system.

Meanwhile, a Servo motor comes in a closed-loop system. Thus, it will send back the signals to the operator and the controller after it has completed the assigned task. These kinds of motors or rather systems are found in high-end models.

Besides, the controller of the motor also differs. You cannot have the same controller for a stepper motor or a servo motor.

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d. The Cutting Bed

This is the place of all the actions. There are many types of cutting bed; however, irrespective of the type, the function of the cutting bed remains the same. Designed to secure and support, the cutting bed is a place where the piece of material is cut.

As mentioned, there are many different types of cutting beds to perform the cutting job efficiently. The most common of all is the T-slot cutting bed and the vacuum table cutting bed.

The T-slot cutting bed style is best suited for any part, reason being, it mostly works with clamps and bolts to perfectly lay and hold the piece on the bed in order to cut it. The T-slot cutting bed is more versatile and dependable to clamp any cutting material.

Whereas, the vacuum table cutting bed is usually seen in very high-end models. It works well for manufacturing firms that are working day-and-night to produce designs on a large scale. Regardless of that vacuum table, the cutting bed is limited to flat pieces like that of wood and sheet material. The only thing where a vacuum table cutting bed outclasses a T-slot cutting bed is in its efficiency and speed of setup to finish a good polished work.

3. Global Popularity of CNC Router

Opting for a CNC machine is now a trend that will only increase with the passage of time. Given a choice, it is for sure that over a CNC mill, any manufacturer will opt for a CNC router. CNC router gives a woodworker numerous advantages with its better tolerance and its repeatability.

Further, the performance of a CNC router is far better than a human operator, as there are fewer external factors that play a role in determining the outcome of the process. And as mentioned, CNC router has the capability to provide products with the same precision throughout the day. Rapid prototyping is one thing that gets easier with days for a CNC router operator. Thus, helping the manufacturer to get his plant operated without a break.

4. Applications of a CNC Router

Higher speed, smoother edges, top-class finishes and production of a series of identical products, these are some of the attributes that a woodworker is bound to find when he is working with a CNC router. However, some people do drool over the question of what are the applications of this router? Where can they use it? Here are a few industries where you can test the versatility of this machine.

a. Sign Making:

A CNC router is just perfect craving sign advertising boards. The versatility of the CNC router allows the manufacturer to work upon 3D/V-bit carving, fluting, engraving, and contour profiling and engraving efficiently.

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b. Furniture Making:

Using a CNC router is the best choice you can make as a woodworking expert to carve open a unique design over a large number of furniture. CNC routers are capable of producing a wide range of exquisite design beds, chairs, windows, staircase, office furniture, etc.

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c. Cabinet Making:

CNC router, given its technology, helps a woodworker in the creation of shelves, dados, side panels, custom doors, and drawer fronts.

Maybe, after reading all this, you will be now convinced that a CNC router is the best thing to have something crafted. Further, with its admirable technology, this machine is becoming a woodworker’s favorite across the world. So, if you don’t intend to waste your time, effort, and material, contact OMNI CNC now to fetch great deals over various types of CNC routers.

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Wooden Chair Rail Molding with CNC Router

Wooden Chair Rail Molding with CNC Router

Getting a trim for your house walls is an interesting but perplexing task. Usually, people confuse between chair rail and wainscoting, mostly trying to think about which one suits best. And, this is totally understandable. These two moldings (chair rail and wainscoting) are very easy, quick and innovative ways for interior designers, remodelers, and renovators to induce life into a boring wall.

Of course, you want to have the best option for your house. However, what happens is that due to many opinions, confusion increases, and as a result, the application of either of the trim hampers the beauty of the wall.

Nonetheless, in this article, we will try to decrease this level of confusion by giving you a little information about what chair rail molding really is. Although we do promote that you go read about the wainscoting, before opting for any of the two trim, yet, as a measure, we would like to measure everything about chair rail molding. Be it its application, benefits, or increased competition, we have ensured that we cover each and everything about this topic.

What is a Chair Rail Molding?

Going by definition, chair rail molding is basically molding an interior wall attached horizontally along the perimeter of the room. However, in simpler terms, we can tell you that chair rail molding is a trim, perhaps a type of trim, done to prevent the rubbing of furniture against the walls.

However, today, the chair rail molding has a different purpose. In this fast-moving world, this trim is a speedy and stylish way to define your living room, dining room, or, in some cases, entry hall. Chain rail molding is especially done for cases when the designer or the renovator wants a distinction between two different colors of paint or, maybe, paints and wallpaper.

How was the Term Coined?

The term was first coined by the Shakers, who used to place the wood and pegs on the wall in an attempt to clean the underfloor by hanging the chairs. Nonetheless, besides this, there are many more theories about how this term came into the market. One of them is that the chair rail was used centuries ago so that it can make a pleasing distinction while dividing walls into equal proportions of three.

Fine Details of a Chair rail

The term chair rail is pretty popular among new constructors. Mostly, the height of the chair rail is between 2 and 3 inches, and when it is placed on the floor, this size ranges from 32 to 36 inches. However, the placement of the chair rail varies from ceiling to ceiling.

Take, for instance, the placement of a room with an 8-foot ceiling will have the chair rail placed lower than the room has a 10-foot ceiling. A good thumb rule to determine the placement of chair rail is to divide the wall height by 3. Then on the one-third way up the wall, place the chair rail.

Normally, the chair rail to match the crown molding or the baseboards is either stained or painted. The designers/renovators, who have a present-day view over the designs, usually opt to paint the chair rail, thus, presenting a streamlined look in accordance with the wall.

What is the Application of Chair Rail Molding

Having a chair rail mold in a room is a statement of class. It also adds to your decorative and creative genius. Besides, it acts as a protective barrier for your walls from the regular wear and tears from different furniture, especially in high traffic areas or spaces where the need of the hour is the constant movement of the furniture.

This kind of trim is mostly seen in places like:

● Dining rooms

● Breakfast nooks

● Living rooms

● Foyers

Planning and Shopping Manual for CNC Chair Rail Molding

There is no doubt over the fact that using a CNC router for chair rail molding makes the job go a lot easier and faster with a focus on less material wastage. Also, opting for chair rail opens a lot of options regarding the variety of styles and woods for the work.

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Further, doing this helps you in making your own chair rail molding. However, what you need to cut the chair rail is a miter and a coping saw with extra blades. Reason for extra blades? They are very fragile and break easily. Though a finish nailer is not that necessary, yet we will advise you to use it in order to derive a better and faster result.


When it comes to planning, it is wise to sketch out a plan regarding how you want to set things in your room. Measure the exact size of the wall to minimize the size of waste reduction. After this, decide the style of the chair rail. That’s the most crucial part of your planning. In any case, you find yourself juggling between different styles, try to contact an interior designer or renovator.

Tools and Supplies

● Chair rail molding

● Appropriate CNC Router(as per the requirement)

● Chalk line

● Tape measure

● Stud finder and Pencil

● Circular saw

● Coping saw

● Drill along with 1/16-inch twist bit (1/16th inch only if necessary)

● Hammer and nail set

● Wood putty

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Shopping Manual

We all know that the wood used for this work is very expensive, so the best way to track what things go missing is to make notes about the sketch of the room you desire. Rest, here are a few tips that can prove effective while you go out shopping:

● For chair rail molding, buy pieces of the wood that can be used for a long span to help you cover the entire wall else, you might face a situation where you have to carve open the other sections of chair rail molding.

● Make sure that you check each piece for their flaws, such as tear-outs and splits.

● Select pieces with smooth surfaces to neglect heavy sanding.

● In case you are planning to varnish and stain the molding, try opting for pieces that have similar grain color and pattern to maintain the uniformity of the mold.

● Visit a lumber yard operated by professional contractors or ask chair railing profiles for special orders of chair molds. Ordering from home centers will only cater to your needs of a few oak chair rails and pines.

● Don’t worry if the molding is not called a chair rail; there are many combinations and types of molds that come under this category. However, it would be apt for you to do your market research before visiting someone.

Benefits of CNC Chair Rail Molding

Since you have now grabbed the essence of how you will go about your shopping strategy for CNC rail molding, we would like you to check out a few benefits of this trim. So, here they are:

● Accuracy

Without a doubt, accuracy is the very first benefit stated by a designer or renovator while mentioning this trim. Further, the enhancement in the technology has drastically improved the output of a CNC rail molding in comparison to the output from a CNC mill. The thing about chair rail molding is that they produce accurate silk-smooth surfaces for complex parts.

● Materials:

Material plays a very big part in determining the quality of the finish of the chair rail. Though CNC machines are very adaptable and can work on commodity materials yet there the production of good finish over these materials is not certain. Making sure that you are buying pieces of expensive material to minimize wastage and cost, as mentioned in the shopping manual, could turn out to be a wise decision.

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● Cost per part:

This is something that may vary from worker to worker. So make sure that you have done your market research properly before opting for the best available option. Besides, the operating cost of a small part from a high strength grade plastic or of a tough rubber could exceed your predicted budget.

● Speed:

This is one aspect where this trim remains a top choice. Using a CNC router for chair rail molding enhances the speed of the process. Though the typical cutting process with a CNC router often takes around 3 to 5 minutes. However, using a medium-size CNC router for this process can increase the time to 3 hours.

However, what’s really good with this process is that, when the process is done, the operator didn’t have to remove the intricate supports, sandblast, wash, seal, polish, or post-cure the part.

DIY Hacks of CNC Chair Rail Molding

The basic rules of architecture and creativity are to master the art of measuring the proper size and placement of molding in a room. And, when it comes to chair rail, customers are advised to opt for the low fitting of molding rather than going for either too high or too low.

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The problem with installing the chair rail too high or too low is that it reduces the size of a room, thus, making it look a bit stuffed and uncomfortable.

Moving further, besides height, the other problem a customer faces is while installing the chair rail. Perhaps, not the lack of knowledge regarding how to terminate or convert a chair rail into stairs, casing, and other moldings is a problem which needs addressing. For that reason, here are some DIY hacks for you to give an elegant look to your finishing:

● Prevent back-cutting the chair rail while working around window casings and doors.

● Butt cut the chair rail while running around a combination of stool and apron. Try notching the stool while covering the back of the casing. Only after that butt cut the chair rail only to steadfast the apron into the casing.

● The best solution in terms of terminating a deep chair rail is to install a backband around it.

● Always use skirt boards on steps irrespective of the number of risers.

● Make a golden rule of never interrupting the casing of the chair rail.

Try to install the molding on the windows if you feel you are in full control of the process. Besides, do make sure that the height of the window sills is the same as that of the chair rail.

To conclude, we will only suggest that although chair rail molding is an easy way to perform and you can gain a stylish outlook to your room while performing it; try to go for a pair of professional woodworkers and designers who have mastered the art of molding. Rest assured, do look for a woodworker who uses a CNC router while performing woodworking as it will only increase the speed of the process.

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CO2 VS Fiber Laser – Which One Should You Buy?

Fiber Laser Machine

1. Introduction

Technology is changing every day, thus, making it very important for industrialists to upgrade themselves with advance technology. Not advancing with the latest tech in the market could result in your free fall with regards to your competition. Perhaps, this is the reason why everyone upgrading to a CNC cutting machine is so much-hyped. Besides, don’t you think that your firm should have the latest cutting machine when others are also using it? Just give it a thought.


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Besides, in a CNC machine, there is a machine that is gaining a lot of popularity; and, that is a fiber laser cutting machine. These machines have captured the market faster than any other machine could do! This is the reason why they are termed as path-breakers of this industry. Further, the demand for laser cutting machines is growing and is expected to grow at the same CAGR in the coming years. Moreover, the advancements made in the field of laser technology have led to the use of laser beams extensively.

Since laser machines are in great demand in different sectors like medical device technology, entertainment electronics, and photovoltaic sectors, the wind industries are widely using laser technology, ensuring offshore wind energy. The ease of automation, minimal distortion, and the versatility in cutting the material make this machine one of the highly demanded machines.

2. What is CO2 and Fiber Laser Cutting Machine?

The rapid growth and demand of the laser cutting machine have seen two methods dominating the market. Though there are many patterns and methods available in the market, yet no one can match the demand for carbon dioxide (CO2) laser cutting machine and fiber laser cutters, also known as fiber laser cutting machine.

Have you ever wondered why there is so much demand for these methods? The fact that both the process is used for its increased precision and versatility. A laser welding machine is reported as influential in terms of technology and application. It helps in automating the cutting and welding process, thereby boosting the product rates. The versatility of this machine helps manufacturers cutting the different forms of materials and developing products and components with different geometric shapes.

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Laser cutting technology uses lasers such as CO2, solid-state, and fiber to cut materials efficiently. This high-tech machine has the capability to cut materials ranging from steel to plastic with absolute perfection. The laser machine has gone through different phases of improvement in terms of the quality and thickness of the cutting materials. Over the past years, laser machines have improved in terms of quality and thickness of cutting the material. The conventional cutting machines are being replaced with the latest tech-savvy laser cutting machines. The high beam quality system of the machine operates automatically, making it beneficial for both the commercial and industrial sectors.

Here in this blog, we will talk about different segments of laser cutting machines on the basis of laser types. We will discuss two laser types, one CO2 laser, and other fiber lasers.

3. What is the Difference between CO2 and Fiber Laser Machine?

3.1. CO2 Laser Cutting

A machine that works by focusing an infrared laser beam of high-intensity that comes out through a nozzle by passing a series of mirrors is called CO2 laser cutting machine. The first model of the CO2 laser cutting machine was first introduced 50 years or, perhaps, more than 50 years ago. Despite that, the CO2 laser cutting machine still remains the epicenter of the laser cutting industry.

When it comes to cutting fine features and acute angles, the CO2 cutting machine is the best. Typically, this cutting machine uses two axes with a movable table, which helps in creating a cut. Besides, it processes really fast for materials that have less than ⅜ inches. However, higher-powered machines like fiber laser cutter work far more quickly and efficiently on metal materials. Also, with the advancements and improvements in technology with a lot more focus on delivering quality with control, the CO2 laser cutting machine can give a better cut on non-metal materials and give an edge over the quality of the final product of a thicker surface as compared to a traditional cutting machine.

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Having said that, the question that arises here is: what is the initial investment an industrialist has to make to incorporate the firm with a CO2 laser cutting machine?

The answer to this is that a CO2 laser cutting machine may cost anywhere around $3000 to $30000 in China. The variation in price can be seen and it happens because of the optical mirrors and the different consumables that are required for the smooth operations of the machine. Besides, the operating costs too can range at around $20 an hour, which is a nominal cost considering the shape and structure of the machine.

3.2. Fiber Laser Cutting

There is a famous saying that change is the only constant in this world, and, when things hover around technology, it is wise for an industrialist to upgrade their machines with the latest tech in the market. Maybe this is the reason why many industrialists are turning their attention to fiber laser cutters.

The fact that fiber laser cutting is a more recent and trending technology, fiber laser cutting machine has seen dramatic growth in its popularity. Besides, due to its superior quality over other cutting machines in terms of cutting thinner material has seen an increase in demand. In fact, the sales of fiber laser cutting machines have now exceeded the sale of those machines which use CO2 as a mode of cutting material.

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When fiber laser cutter is compared to the CO2 cutting machine, it is seen that fiber cutting creates its bean with the help of a bank of diodes which then is focused on the material through a fiber-optic cable; whereas, a CO2 cutting machine will simply use a focused high-intensity beam of laser to cut the material. Furthermore, fiber laser machines are blessed with much faster-cutting as compared to CO2 cutting machines; this speed helps the operator to process fine cuts of high and meticulous quality.

Nonetheless, like every other machine, this machine has a drawback. The high speed of fiber laser cutting machines may reduce for more complicated and intricate jobs. Besides, it also requires detailed and pretty specific safety measures and operating kit for the operators to prevent long-term eye damage.

3.2.1. Cost of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Fiber lasers are more in demand and it is expensive than CO2 at the moment. It ranges from $40000 to $200000. Furthermore, the operational cost of the fiber laser cutting machine is more than that of a CO2 laser cutting machine. In addition to that, the solid-state setup of fiber laser cutting machines doesn’t require any kind of mirror or other equipment that is needed for the setup a CO2 laser cutting machine.

3.2.2. Market Segmentation

When comprehensive market research is concerned, reports clearly show that the market of the laser cutting machine is a fan of the recent technology and can mold its applications as per that technology.

Based on this principle, the market, at the moment, is divided into two parts. The first part constitutes the use of the solid-state laser cutter machine, i.e., the CO2 laser cutting machine; and, the second part belongs to the fiber laser welding machine. Of all the reports and surveys, one thing is very clear that the fiber laser cutting machine is anticipated to capture most of the market share just because of its high efficiency and lasers that this machine uses to cut as compared to other laser cutting technologies. Fiber laser cutting machines can operate on metal materials and it is used by many industries over co2 laser.

3.2.3. Competitive Analysis

The global market of laser cutting machines is witnessing a period of new growth while constantly being a state of fluctuation. However, both the access to decent and good resources, along with an affordable labor force is assisting the overall growth of the market of fiber laser cutting machines over CO2 laser cutting machines.

There are many more external factors for this growth. The expansion of the market of fiber laser cutting machine and the strategic roadmaps which the market companies use is also a reason why this machine’s market is growing. Besides, the revolution in services and products is also intensifying the productivity of fiber laser cutting machine and its market. This has helped the manufacturers in influencing the trends in order to gain dominance in the market.

4. Types of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

4.1. Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Light Purposes

Stable and reliable for light path operations and control. Light deploy tube fiber laser cutter is specially designed for functions that can be easily operated with high efficiency. With a life span of around 100000 hours, this machine is the best when an industrialist is seeking an addition for light functions.

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4.2. Fiber Laser Cutting Machine for Alloys and Other Metals

If you are seeking a machine that should efficiently and effortlessly cut stainless steel, alloy steel, and other metal sheets, then a middle sheet fiber laser cutter is the ideal candidate for your job. Used for advertising and high-pressure purpose, this machine comes with a low voltage cabinet that supports the machine in providing high and stable cuts to the object.

4.3. Laser Cutting Machine for Inorganic Glass Sheet

Easy operation, basic maintenance, and high performance-price ratio, if you are looking for a machine with these features, then a flatbed fiber laser cutting machine is here to end your search. This machine provides users with powerful cutting at very efficiency.

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4.4. Laser Cutting Machine for Steel, Plates and Other Metallic Materials

For faster cutting, high power laser source, and optimum quality, one should opt for a high power laser cutting machine. This machine comes with a compact structure, small floor area, and promises to provide stability and reliability. This machine is best to cut steel (stainless, carbon, alloy, spring), plates (copper, aluminum), gold, titanium, and silver materials.

5. Types of CO2 Laser Machine

5.1. Single Head Laser machine

For the most practical and affordable solution, an industrialist should opt for a single head laser cutting machine. This machine offers practical and affordable solutions with a flavor of optimal accuracy and quality. A single head laser cutting machine can be used for cutting or engraving:

  • Acrylics
  • Leather
  • MDF
  • Fabrics
  • Plastics
  • Rubber
  • Plexiglass

Single head laser cutting machine provides the best quality products. The maintenance and handling costs of this machine are pretty low as compared to other cutting machines. This machine can be used for diverse work areas and could give satisfactory results.

5.2. Double Head laser machine

A double head laser cutter is one of the highest-selling machines. This machine offers the best features like high stability, speed, and precise outputs for bulk cutting or engraving. This type of cutter is used by companies that deal with large production so as to quicken the process. Along with the glass, it works on same type of material as the single head machine.

6. Materials that CO2 and Fiber Laser Machines can Cut

Laser cutting machines, be it CO2 or fiber, offers a wide range of cutting options. CO2 laser machines can cut non-metal materials while fiber laser cutting machines can cut metal materials. Apart from this, laser cutting machines can also be used for engraving purposes. Though laser for engraving is a non-contact process; it helps in producing high-quality products.

7. Industries that use Laser Cutting Machines

Many industries prefer using laser cutting machines as a mode of achieving high-end products. Let us take a look at some of the industries that fiber and CO2 laser cutting machine uses:

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

  • Kitchenware Industry
  • Advertising Industry
  • Sheet metal Industry
  • Automotive Industry
  • Fitness Equipment Industry
  • Electrical Industry
  • Automobile Industry
  • Mechanical Industry

CO2 Laser Cutting Machine

  • Woodworking Industry
  • Leather Industry
  • Cardboard Industry
  • Rubber Industry
  • Metal Industry
  • Ceramic Industry
  • Electronic Industry
  • Signage Industry
  • Architectural Models

If you too are looking for a laser cutting machine for a specific industry, OMNI CNC can tailor-made the machine that best suits the requirements of your company.

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How Long Does A Fiber Laser Machine Last?

Fiber Laser Machine

Technology is changing rapidly, thereby, making it important for the industrialists to upgrade their equipment. This holds a lot of importance for those who deal with cutting and CNC machines. Companies who use laser cutting instruments understand the advantages these machines provide. Having these machines gives an edge over your competitors.

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Using a laser machine is a quick and efficient way of cutting and engraving objects. Further, these machines give a cleaner cut as compared to the traditional one. Moreover, these machines require less finishing and deburring after the cuts.

When laser cutting machines are a topic of conversation, one has to understand that there are many different varieties within this segment. And, one of them is a fiber laser cutting machine.

Evolution of the Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Well, fiber laser cutting is quite fascinating to have; however, do you know how this idea came into existence?

It was in the winter of 2007 when Salvagnini started to work on his thought of using the potential of applying fiber laser to cut metal sheets. Before this, many companies heavily invested in the manufacturing and marketing of CO2 laser cutting machines. However, he was quick to realize that CO2 laser cutting machines were reaching their stagnant stage, and the market needed an injection of new technology.

This is when his company started to research about the potential use of fiber laser technology and its benefits. Since this was tough and exciting, Salvagnini knew the project was a potential success in itself if executed well.

Although the initial part of the research belonged to IPG Photonic fiber laser and its unmatched speed while cutting and splitting thin metals. However, the same could not be achieved while cutting thicker material. While CO2 laser cutting machines kept performing well in the market and were among the first preference among China Laser Engraving Machine users, despite that, the users needed a machine that can do what CO2 laser cutting machines can’tー cutting bulk of the sheet metal fabrication market.

And, Salvagnini knew that fiber laser cutting technology had the potential of doing that. He saw that a fiber laser has five times lower cost of operation than a CO2 laser cutting machine with much higher speed. This also meant that the usage of this machine would reduce the payback time, and the return on investment (ROI) would be greater for owners of fiber laser cutters. When the research was completed, Salvagnini was clear that this idea was a pattern breaker.

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine and It’s Working:

Fiber laser cutting machine is very popular equipment among many industrialists. However, before delving into the details, here is a piece of information on what this machine is and how it works.

Fiber Cutting Machine:

Fiber laser cutting machine is a machine that is used for precise metal cutting. This machine is mechanized by a fiber laser. The quality and capacity of the beam coming out of the fiber determine the speed of cutting. Higher the quality of the beam, more is the speed and precise the cut. What’s good with this machine is that the work produced by this machine, i.e., the cuts is accurate and explicit in comparison to some other cutting machines.

Working of the Fiber Cutting Machine:

Reading the above context makes one wonder: How does this machine work so well and how is this gaining more fans in the industry? Well, for starters, this adroit machine has a meticulous working structure, which is its trade secret. And, this trade secret is decoded here to allow others to understand its working so that they can invest in this wonderful invention.

Fiber laser cutting machine in China or some other part of the world works on the same principle. It can’t be different! It is a mere misconception. Coming back to the point, that is the working; the last generator of the machine fires a high power density laser beam through a system that is more like an optical path.

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This laser beam is then directed towards the workpiece’s surface in a way that it focussed until the melting point, or the boiling point of the workpiece is obtained. While the pressure of the gas is high, the beam is aligned in such a way that it either blows away the metal in use or vaporizes for further use.

Thus, with the activity of the beam along with the metal or workpiece’s proportionate position, the main aim of cutting and splitting the metal is achieved.

Working Principle of this Machine

The working principle of the fiber laser cutting machine is similar to that of a laser welding. It’s just that the temperature of this machine crosses 11000 ℃ which is enough to gasify any material. Thereby making gasification an important part of the melting amid the laser cutting process.

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Besides, the laser cutting process of some materials like that of carbon and ceramics is directly a part of the gasification process. This is when the inert gas flows, and the incision melts the metal helping to create smooth and straight cuts. The jet’s oxygen is then used to increase the cutting speed. This incision is mostly narrow, precise in size, smooth on the surface, and has a better cutting quality over other heat using cutting materials.

How do these Machines Attain High Speed?

Speed is the factor! It has always been like that in China’s laser engraving machine industry or in other country engraving industry. However, the utter high speed of these machines is a first-choice of customers who are looking to increase their firm’s efficiency. Though there are many cutting machines in the market, yet no one can beat the precise nature, speed, and quality of fiber laser cutting machine.

However, what fascinates everyone is how do these machines achieve this high speed? The reason for this is that these machines are designed to provide speed and aggression to the cutting process. Further, making it more powerful. Without high power and speed, getting precise cuts into deeper materials is very hard. Thus, most of these machines have a power rating around 50W, which programs fiber laser cutting machines to make depth marking with clear cuts.

Life Expectancy of These Machines

One can expect a better life expectancy of a fiber laser cutting machine over other machines in the market. The fact that the diode module in a fiber laser is three times more extended as compared to other technologies helps this machine last longer.

Apart from that, most of the laser in the market have a life around 30,000 hours, which is a lay man’s language is 15 years of proper usage. Further, one can expect a good 100,000 hours life of fiber lasers, which roughly translates to 45 years of machine use.

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Advantages of Using This Machine:

So what were the features that as a reader you observed here? High precision, no limitation to the cutting pattern, fast cutting, low working cost, and smooth incision are some of the features that could be found while reading it and, perhaps, more while using it. Now ask, will you be able to find any of this if you were to use the traditional mechanical knife or machines that don’t come with laser features?

Fiber laser cutting is gradually improving and is replacing the traditional metal cutting process equipment. Further, its benefit is something that is quite a compelling one for many makers. So, let’s have a look at them:

  • The best thing is that the laser’s cutter mechanical part has no contact with the workpiece. Thus, making no scratch on the surface of the workpiece.
  • It has high speed and smooth incision. Thus, requiring no other processing with the workpiece.
  • The area where the cutting heat act, plate deformation happens is small, and the slit is narrow.
  • No burr or mechanical stress.
  • High accuracy, excellent repeatability.
  • Plance graph operated on numerical control programming.
  • Saves time by cutting a large piece of the whole plate without opening the mold.

Where to Clean/Preventive Measures

There have been many cases where many of the users have mishandled the machine, which has resulted in a fault or a complete breakdown of the machine. Therefore, before you grab a cloth and start to clean the laser operators, there are a few preventive measures that one needs to understand for cleaning this wonderful machine.

Let’s have a look at some of the parts which should be the focus of the maintenance process:


This is part is the focal part of performing any operation related to laser cutting. There are some parts of the torch that require cleaning; these parts include the torch body, the protective window, the nozzle, and attached lines and cables. There is one more part that the laser operators need to clean and that it the cover of the Z-axis.

A clean lint-free rag with isopropyl alcohol could be considered for cleaning purposes. Using that, wipe down these areas to clean the torch of any debris. By doing so, one can achieve consistent quality in laser operations.

Drive System

This is another place where a high level of maintenance is required. The drive system comprises of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, i.e., the three dimensions of the laser machine which navigates the torch for the cutting operations.

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Belts and Bellows are the drive components to inspect. One can use a soft brush, a vacuum, or a rag to clean any byproduct left inside the machine as a result of the laser-cutting process. Cleaning belts and bellows will ensure that there is no premature failure and the component wear and tear is fine.


This is also another very crucial area that needs to inspect once in a while. Further, it is essential to measure the height of the slat regularly. Not checking the height of slat, due to wear and tear, can result in laser not initiating the cutting process. Moreover, the torch can travel below the laser’s software limit, which is an alarming signal for the laser operator.

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To maintain the height of the slat, reduce the slag buildup and try to use tools that are particularly made for removing slag; else, one can manually remove it, only if the operator is experienced and knows how precisely it requires to be done.

So, here was the overview of this machine. Fiber laser cutting machine is an investor’s investment, given its durability and long life; it is hard to have doubts over this machine. Hence, if you are thinking of adding this in your firm’s arsenal, then close your eyes dive right in!

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Cutting solution for the Film Industry – Digital Cutting Machine

Cutting solution for the Film Industry

Plastic films are gradually increasing their usefulness with every passing year. In fact, they have become a crucial part of our regular lives. The uses of plastic films are multifarious, and packaging is the foremost of them. Reports reveal that the market of packaging films is all set to gain a healthy 6% CAGR during the period 2020 to 2025. Especially, China and India will emerge as the key beneficiaries of the global packaging film market during this period. This is because packaging films are usually plastic-made, which is cheaper and lightweight. Nevertheless, the use of packaging films for different products involves their proper cutting, which is difficult through mere manual intervention. This is where digital cutting machines play their part.

Delving Deeper into Packaging Films

You can term packaging films as the coating of heated and non-heated layers of plastics. Major components of these materials include polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene, and so on. These multi-layer films find the best use in the consumer goods and food packaging industries. Nevertheless, using these films for product packaging needs their proper cutting so that they could appear fit enough for the size of the concerned products. Industries prefer using CNC machines to execute this purpose with extreme finesse. These machines offer exact cutting solutions for the packaging film industry and hence finds many takers from a range of product manufacturers. For best results, OMNI CNC cutting machines are worth using.

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The Digital Cutting Machine at an Industrial Level

From regular lives to the industrial level, the use of plastic films is prevalent for many reasons. Talking about industrial levels, many companies are using these films to wrap pellets. Before any company moves its goods for shipment to fulfill any order, they need to wrap those pellets well. Mainly, the construction industry is using plastic films and sheeting for their various purposes.

Here are some of the usages of plastic films in industries:

  • For packaging and shipping the parcels
  • For erosion control
  • For gas and moisture control
  • For the insulation membrane
  • For construction enclosure

Making the films ideal for all these purposes is no easy task but requires considerable effort. Manual cutting of films for packaging and other jobs is time-consuming. It does not lead to perfection, either. Digital cutting machines act as ideal solutions for the film industry in this respect.

Using packaging films give instant benefits to assorted industries; here are few of them:

  • Plastic films are durable
  • The plastic material is multi-purpose
  • The water-resistant property of films is incredible
  • Manageable for both hot and cold temperatures
  • Plastics are reusable multiple times
  • Recycling of films makes it environment-friendly

The polythene material withstands the pressure and handles other natural elements as well. It also offers temporary support to the structure. Plastic films are a popular choice for food packaging industries as they give an attractive look to the food items and beverages. At the same time, they also keep the food items protected.

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Count on the Efficiency of Digital Cutting Machine

The efficiency of the digital cutting machine varies with the terms of the brand. Omni CNC offers a convenient way to cut the films. You need significant investment to get the best out of it. Sometimes, it turns into a price tag only to get the required service from the provider. But this is not the case anymore with Omni CNC machines as they ensure multiple plus points:

  • Modular tooling
  • Profitability
  • Industrial adaptation
  • Meet technological challenges
  • Scope for improvements
  • Efficiency of performance

With all these points leading to the efficiency of the digital cutting machine, you can count on Omni CNC machines and consider them as solid investments for the future. The price tags may get overwhelming for you. But you need to take it as a long-term benefit to adding the worth capability to your work.

More specifically, the CNC knife cutting machine B model focuses on flexible material cutting with its auto conveyor system. It comprises a multi-tool cutting head-fixed blade to perform the cutting tasks with ease, along with the help of a pizza wheel (rotary blade), electric oscillating blade, routing, and kiss cut. The machine is perfect for cutting the square corners of the packaging films and other materials by its tangential control.

How Digital Cutting Machine Becomes an Effective Cutting Solution for the Film Industry?

Plastic films have become almost indispensable in many regular and industrial applications due to their ability to give long-lasting protection to the products and to enhance the durability of the underlying surface. To meet the rapidly diversifying requirements of the industry, the film producing units require state-of-the-art cutting mechanisms. Yet again, digital cutting solutions offered by industry experts like Omni CNC can make a huge difference in this regard. These machines provide quality cutting solutions in terms of production and quality of finished films for multifarious applications.

Minutely Detailed Cuts

Many film layers require precision while mass-producing the same for application on a particular surface. For example, to label films, you need to cut according to precise specifications and accuracy. Digital cutting can make the process automatic, error-free, and often require minimal human intervention after the initial inputs.

Digital Cutting is Inexpensive and Economical in the Longer Term

Digital cutting can make life a lot easier for film manufacturers by making the process faster, accurate, and automated. Thus, it makes perfect sense to invest in the latest offerings of such tools from Omni CNC. While the initial costs may seem high, the long-term benefits and minimal degradation of the equipment quickly compensate for the investment.

Flexibility to Adapt According to Different Cut Sizes

Digital cutting solutions like lasers are easily programmable, and they enable the system to churn out a variety of designs quickly with a high degree of accuracy. Manufacturers can meet the demands for various film sizes within reduced timelines, ultimately increasing productivity.

Contactless Cutting for Quick and Efficient Film Production

These state-of-the-art film cutting systems are often contactless, thus eliminating the general wear and tear of blades or similar tools, which require physical contact with the film surface for cutting. So, the production process becomes faster and smoother while requiring minimal maintenance required for maximum efficiency.

How Digital Cutting Machine is Helpful as Compared to Traditional Cutting Machines?

Producing quality rolls for packing the products was difficult through traditional packing. Industries used to face many more challenges while packaging. Films have diminished this void appreciably. No wonder the demand for plastic films is growing steadily in numerous industries because of their advantageous properties. In order to meet this demand efficiently, the packaging film industries need to utilize state-of-the-art cutting techniques. Excellent digital cutting solutions from Omni CNC can make a whole lot of difference in this respect. Experts using the digital technique would not only be able to provide you with exceptional quality of films for diverse applications but would also give more in terms of production.

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Contactless Cutting

With traditional methods, the use of blades or similar tools can lead to wear and tear of the film. On the other hand, present-day cutting systems are contactless. These CNC machines make the entire process rather smooth and quick.

Intricate Cuts

When mass-produced for the same application, precision in film cutting holds the key. The traditional method, though effective, can be rather time-consuming, hence making digital cutting the best choice. Just opposite, digital cutting can offer error-free results with minimal intervention after entering the initial information.


With the traditional method, it was a bit cumbersome to create different designs, but with technological advancements, digital cutting can create different designs effectively. With varied digital cutting options like a laser, you can meet the demand for a variety of films within a specified timeframe, thereby enhancing productivity.

One-time Investment

The digital cutting machine can be expensive upfront but can help save a lot of money in the long run by making the entire production process quick, automated, and precise. Traditional methods not only consume much time but also cost dearer as compared to the automated process, which can produce significantly more number of films in a given time frame.

What are the Benefits of Films in Our Daily Life?

The demand for flexible packaging films is growing rapidly as manufacturers realize their valuable advantages. When it comes to packaging solutions, flexibility is itself an excellent option to consider. However, the film industry ensures many more benefits, including versatility, packaging, consumer appeal, and cost savings. Listed below are a few reasons to cite the importance of films and their selection over other packaging modes.

Packaging Film is Customizable: With the help of digital cutting machines, you can customize the film as per the requirements of the product that you want to pack. This gives you the flexibility to alter your packaging needs based on market objectives and your unique specs. The customization benefit extends to aesthetic properties, including glossiness, clarity, and more.

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Reduces Production Cost: Digital cutting machines help you to customize the film to a specific size of the product; hence the need for using additional material reduces appreciably. Dynamic utilization of packaging films simplifies your packaging system, and this, in turn, can reduce the manufacturing costs. Additionally, the expense of choosing a packaging film is lower as compared to plastic or glass containers.

Versatile: When it comes to choosing packaging options, versatility is the key. Flexible packaging offers many options, and one would be able to design a package that sits on a shelf, stands up, or hangs. This means that the packaging would work for the product as opposed to the other way around. The specific designs of OMNICNC digital cutting machines for packaging film industry work as per the respective product requirements, and hence they give more precision to the cutting tasks.

Environment-Friendly: Sustainability has become crucial for Consumer Packaged Goods businesses, and hence it is important to use materials that meet the standards of sustainability. As the greatest benefit of polyethylene and polyolefin films, you can recycle them. The OMNI CNC machines need less energy to manufacture and generate a very small quantity of greenhouse gases. In the run, they provide quality film cutting solutions as well.

A Safe Investment For Future

The market of packaging films is all poised to rise by a whopping US$52 Billion worldwide, with 5.2% of compounded growth. Especially, the Low-Density Polyethylene or LDPE segment alone is prone to grow at more than 6.2%, thereby reaching above US$30.4 Billion by 2025. These healthy gains, in turn, will give rise to many associated industries, one of them being the CNC machines that offer cutting solutions for the packaging film industry. Hence, investing in CNC machines would be a safe investment for the future if you are into the business of providing cuttings solutions for films. OMNI CNC is a reliable manufacturer to help you order quality digital cutting machines to help your cause.

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The packaging film industry finds widespread use in assorted verticals. From packing food items to good consumer products, medicines to cosmetics, and much more, flexible packaging films are useful for all these purposes. Their use is prevalent due to a range of reasons like, they make the outer packing tear-resistant, and these films protect the products during packaging, distribution, and storage. Moreover, they safeguard the contents from exposure to external agents like moisture, gas, and light, thereby retaining the freshness, aroma, and quality of the products.

Hence, equally important is to make these films usable for packaging these contents by cutting them with high degree accuracy. While traditional cutting solutions faced several challenges like producing quality rolls with films, accuracy cutting hassles, etc., CNC machines set you free from all these problems. Therefore, ordering machines from OMNICNC would be a wise decision if you are into the packaging film business. No wonder these machines offer a range of cutting solutions for the film industry. For more info on the sophisticated digital cutting machines or if you wish to buy one of them for your business, clicking through the official website of OMNI CNC would be ideal.

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Digital and Laser Cutting Machine – The Best Cutting Solution for Fabric/Textile Industry

fabric cutting machine


At some or the other point in life, you must have used scissors to cut a piece of cloth. You must have either laid the cloth flat on the table to cut the cloth with the help of scissors or folded the material to follow the same course of action.

The other common method that most people and industries follow is that an assistant hold one end of the cloth and the person with scissors holds another end and runs the scissor on the folded edge cutting the cloth into two pieces. This process was not only time-consuming but also labor-intensive.

However, with the evolution of digital cutting machines, problems turned to solutions. These high tech machines came as a blessing in disguise for industries and manufacturing companies.

With the advent of laser technology in the textile industry, a new level of innovation has taken place thereby preventing the weaknesses of the conventional methods of cutting.

Many laser-based technologies came to the fore with the technological advent such as laser marking, laser engraving, laser etching, laser cutting, laser engraving, laser fading, etc. For more in-depth knowledge, let us read this blog.

1. How Digital Cutting Machine and Laser Cutting Machine is Useful for Fabric and Textile Industry?

Digital Knife cutting and laser cutting machine is popular in the market. These cutting solutions provide the most accurate cut possible. This advanced technology has the advantage of being highly accurate and fast, but it does cost more than traditional cutting solutions. CNC machines are electro-mechanical devices that use tools with computer programming inputs. The manufacturing companies are currently undergoing a technological and digital transformation that improves the production of the company. Laser cutting machines are suitable for both small production lines and cut textiles/fabrics for both small and large production lines.

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The use of laser technology or you can say the laser machine is increasing in the textile industry. Cutting garment patterns, designing neckties, engraving leather material, and denim fading are all done by laser digital cutting machines. Laser machines are widely used by garment industries due to reduced cost, flexibility, and anti-counterfeiting. As per the recent surveys, it has been observed that the application of lasers in denim distressing is increasing thereby replacing the traditional techniques. This technique eventually makes laser machine one of the best machines used for fabric and textiles.


The laser machine can cut a variety of objects ranging from flexible fabric to rigid and strong metals. The unique nature of the garment manufacturing industry needs laser applications, which combines performance with reduced cost by eliminating the handling systems used in non-laser workstations. The conventional cutting machines can displace the material while cutting leading to inaccurate cutting. The traditional method often requires the help of an operator who can keep a check at the cutting.

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The collimated beam of the laser cutting machine creates a fine dot of extremely high energy density for precise cutting. The laser cutting machine pays attention to the accuracy of cutting material and precision to achieve high efficiency, exquisite tailoring, etc.

2. Digital Cutting Machine in Textile industry

You wear clothes every day to cover yourself from adverse climates. You wear a variety of clothes depending on the season. Sometimes, you wear your favorite attire, accessories, shoes, etc but have you ever wondered they are made?

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The digital industry is transforming thereby improving the business models and consequently the market. The advanced digital cutting machines provide end-users unparalleled cutting capabilities for both rigid and flexible substrates. With its accuracy and smooth motion, the digital cutting machine is an easy-to-use cutting and routing solution for both small and large businesses. This advanced machinery is used for advertising industries like outdoor and indoor advertising boar, fabric, textile, carpet, signboard, outdoor, cabinet door, MDF cutting, wood board cutting, and processing other non-metal materials, etc. Laser cutting machine plays an important role in the textile industry and it has been growing in huge numbers. The laser cutting machine uses high beam energy of light to cut patterns and designs on the textile material.

To understand how CNC laser cutting machine plays an important role in fabric industry, just wait for a minute and think that if you cut a piece of cloth for shirt, you will first have to cut collar following with sleeves, front and back of the shirt but laser cutting machine cut every piece of the attire at one go. You only have to give the command and share the design and configuration to the CNC machine. All pieces are cut with sharp blades maintaining efficiency and precision.

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CNC laser cutting machine uses CAD (Computer-aided design) and CAM (Computer-aided manufacturing) technology to do the cutting and control the whole process of manufacturing fabric. These technology-based software systems take deign and immediately transfer it to the laser machine for cutting. Laser machines are used to cut different kinds of fabrics such as silk, nylon, polyester, cotton, nylon, leather.

2.1 Application used by Lasers Cutting Machine in Textile Industry

The textile industry has seen a tremendous change since its inception. With the integration of advanced technologies in recent years and the inclusion of laser cutting machines in the production processes, the textile sector provides an endless number of applications and expands the possibilities. Laser cutting allows perfect finish the material, avoiding the problem of fraying, especially with synthetic materials.

Features of Laser Application Include:

  • No mechanical wear, hence good quality
  • No fixation of material is required due to force-free processing
  • No fraying of the fabric, clean and lint-free
  • High quality raw materials and significant cost saving
  • Extremely high precision in cutting contours
  • High working speed and efficient technique
  • Contactless, wear-free technique
  • Less wastage and less labor intensive

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Also, laser cutting and engraving machines have numerous applications. A clear example where textile laser cutting and engraving machines have made a big impact is in the handling of jeans. Lasers are primarily used in the textile industry for cutting, marking, and engraving fabrics. In the process, the material is laid out with the outline for further work on the same. Because of the ability of the laser to be positioned over any particular point with a high degree of accuracy, line lasers are making their presence felt in many different ways in this industry vertical. Such lasers also cause a superficial burn on the fabric which can be used for identifying all drawn markings. Known for their high degree of accuracy, these line lasers are instrumental in marking out multiple layers of cloth kept one on top of the other.

2.2 Advantages of  Laser Cutting Machine for Cutting Fabric

Laser cutting machine is more precise and uses less energy while cutting different materials. Its precision and efficiency are commendable over traditional cutting methods. Laser cutting technology also enables us to cut complex shapes without the need for tooling and at a similar or faster speed than other cutting methods.

Let us take a Look at the Advantages of Laser Cutting Machine:

Non-Contact Process

The laser cutting machine cuts fabric accurately without touching the fabric which means that the garment comes out as untainted. The beam of the laser cutting machine doesn’t physically touch the materials instead it cuts the material with its heat thereby minimizing the cost involved in it. Laser cutting offers precision just like it is done by hand, but at a much faster pace, making it more practical and also allowing for lower price points.

Low Power Consumption

This is an important advantage in a world that is looking to work smarter, not harder by driving up production while lowering costs. A cutting machine will only use around 10kW of power, where other cutting processes use a more 50kW mark.

A Safer Method

With increased production comes the need for increased safety too. Laser cutting cuts the material with much efficiency and precision. Accuracy, clean cuts, sealed fabric edges and prevents fraying, this technology has become very popular in the fashion industry.

Cut Different Materials

This high tech machine is used to cut different materials, such as silk, nylon, leather, neoprene, polyester, and cotton. Also, the cuts are made without any pressure on the fabric which means that no part of the cutting process requires anything other than the laser machine to touch a garment. No unintended mark is left on the fabric making it beneficial for

delicate fabrics like silk and lace.

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2.3 Textile cutting using lasers

The laser cutting machine is widely accepted toda

y by manufacturing companies. Over conventional methods, this highly advanced technology can cut the material in less time with less labor. From cutting faux leather material to Silk, Nylon, Polyester, Faux Fur, Fleece, Leather and Leatherette, Lycra, various Mesh fabrics, Ripstop materials, Ultrasuede and other Fibers, Cotton, Neoprene, Felt Natural and Felt Synthetic, Suede Leather, Rubber and rubberized textiles, etc., this machine breaks the bank to get your hands on a laser-cut piece

of clothing. This persuasive technique allows you to cut beautiful and detailed clothing with efficiency.

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Laser-cut fabrics and garments have flooded the market with their readily available machine cut every piece of cloth aptly leaving no chance of material loss. The inherent cost involved is low and the possibility to work on low volumes of material can sooner be achieved. The time involved for the conceptualization and production is reduced, thereby causing faster turnarounds.

Laser machines help create the best possible outputs in the most cost-effective and precise ways. It can produce textiles in minimal time possible.

3. What are the advantages of digital and laser cutting machine over other traditional cutting solution?

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Digital machines and CNC laser cutting machines are technologically very advanced solutions over a traditional cutting machine. There are several reasons why these high tech machines are advantageous over other cutting solutions. These numerically controlled computerized machines are automated and offer quality and precision.

A Laser cutting machine for textiles is fundamentally superior to conventional methods. Speed, flexibility, and precision are some of the benefits of laser cutting machine on textiles. Let us take a look at some of the benefits that the CNC machine offers over the traditional machines.

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  • Ability to process different types of textile materials
  • Authenticity of the product is ensured
  • Provides extremely accurate and qualitative contours
  • Very fast and precise method;
  • Environmentally friendly process;
  • High performance of the process;
  • Profitable method as applicable for large pieces and products;
  • Low production and operating costs without the use of consumables, there are no chemicals, nor ink ribbons or other materials;
  • Better precision and higher productivity.
  • No mechanical wear of tools in laser-based process, hence better precision in outcome;
  • No fixation of material is required due to force-free processing by lasers;
  • No fabric fraying in synthetic fiber due to formation of fused edges;
  • Laser-based process is clean and lint-free.

In recent years, the use of laser cutting machine is increased in the apparel industry. From cutting garment patterns to patterning designer neckties, 3D body scanning, denim fading, and engraving leather, this machine guarantees quality. Furthermore, the use of laser cutting machines is increasing due to the precision of cut components. Apart from apparel, fashion accessories such as jewelry and accessories are also cut with a laser cutting machine producing new and unusual designs. This machine has the capacity to engrave any type of design on the surface layer of any material, making the products looking high grade and exquisite.

2. A Proven Digital Cutting Solution for Fabrics

The apparel industry meets the requirements and aspirations of the users using a laser cutting machine. There are numerous conventional non-laser techniques used for manufacturing fabrics and clothing but the quality of the finished product is not matched with that of the laser products. With the advent of laser technology in the textile industry, a new level of innovation is discovered. Such laser-based technologies produce a better quality of the finished products with an optimum level of speed and volume.

If you are looking for laser cutting machines for your textile industry then you may choose laser cutting digital solution owing to its numerically controlled technology.

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Cutting Solution for Carpet Industry – Digital Cutting Machine

Cutting Solution for Carpet Industry – Digital Cutting Machine

Precise cutting is of utmost importance to industries that deal with paper, fabric, or any other material. Manual cutting is not always an option because it is hardly accurate, consumes a lot of time and is expensive too. On the other hand, industries that value cutting can produce identical or indistinguishable pieces. Evidently, businesses or individuals operating in this domain run an urgent need for advanced cutting devices or machines.

Possibly, they should be looking forward to achieving the highest quality of cutting with the help of Digital cutting machines. You can get the best of these machines from OMNI CNC, especially to cut materials like corrugates plastic sheets, compressed foam sheets, POP’s and carpets, among others. But before moving on, here is more info on this specific device.

What is Digital Cutting Machine?

Made of a creasing wheel, a drag knife, an oscillating knife, a tangential knife and router bits, a digital cutting machine can offer accurate cutting in soft, semi-rigid or heavier flexible material. The tangential control enables this machine to cut square corners accurately. It also ensures that the already cut material retains part accuracy. Immaterial of the task; whether intricate lettering, signage or more, the digital cutting machines from OMNI CNC provide an accurate tool to cut almost every material. This is how it converts valuable client inputs into products and leave behind an everlasting impression. Notably, the importance of its machines for carpet industry is immense.

How is Digital Cutting Machine Beneficial for the Carpet Industry?

In today’s time, a major portion of digital cutting machine demand comes from the paper and carpet industry, respectively. As for carpets, it is true that they are in wide demand since times unknown. Statistics refer that the demand for carpets and rugs in the US increased by 4.5 per cent in 2019. This accounts for $16.2 billion for 14.6 billion square feet. Satiating such demands need machines that can fulfill tailor-made cutting requirements by maintaining time constraints and cutting accuracy. Digital cutting machines from OMNI CNC can provide such precision in a safe work environment.

What are the Features of a Carpet Cutting Machine?

CNC Digital Cutting machine model is best suited to cut softer materials. These machines consist of an auto conveyor system and enable cutting of leather and fabric other than carpets with the accompanied roll feed stand. They can also be useful to cut sandblast rubber templates, large compressed foam sheets, printable vinyl banners, POP’s, films and displays, etc. Earlier the use of these machines was confined to the wood furniture industry for processing wood cabinet door, door, wood board cutting along processing other non-metal materials.

While you opt for a carpet cutting machine from OMNI CNC, you can benefit from multifarious features that it offers. Some of the prominent ones include:

  • Multi-function cutting head
  • Auto dragging system
  • Vacuum function
  • Touch screen

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Characteristics of a Digital Cutting Machine

Here are some of the important characteristics of a CNC machine from OMNI CNC that would tend you to order it for your digital cutting endeavors.

1. Versatility: A digital cutting machine can work on different materials with equal ease. Some models may consist of additional features and accessories (like automated tool changers, etc.) to expedite the production process.

2. High Production and Scalability: After the design specifications and parameters are set into the machine, it starts executing the task consistently and pays for flexible scalability.

3. Low Maintenance: Due to the automation of digital machines, they ease out the work process by automatically updating itself from time to time. They do not require frequent servicing. The only thing you might need to change from time-to-time is the cutting tools. Light cleaning at regular intervals only improves the quality of work. None of these requires one to call professionals, which in turn minimizes the overhead costs.

4. Minimum Labour Requirement: To execute the production job requires a handful of operators. The entire task can be completed at the hands of an expert programmer and a skilled operator, whereas in the case of a manual machine an operator for every machine and a supervisor to manage the operations is obligatory.

5. Round-The-Clock Endurance: Digital machines are capable of working constantly. Unless there is a need to repair or necessary maintenance to carry out, it can deliver work, around the clock.

6. Safe Environment Assurance: The digital machines offer a safer material cutting environment. The operators involved in maintaining the proper function of machines do not have to mess themselves with the sharp tools and implements as is the case with traditional cutting methods. You can complete the work from a distance.

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How Is Digital Cutting Machine Beneficial Over Traditional Machines?

Technological advancements have made their way into each and every field. The carpet industry is not an exception. To ensure customer satisfaction, industries need to keep their eye on higher quality of products, production speed, etc. Traditional methods of cutting in the case are incompetent.

The traditional machines available till date are enormous, complex to operate and make intolerable noises. They also do not pose a safe environment for the operators (who have to work with sharp tools and implements). Additionally, cutting is also not precise unless the workers get an external aid to perform the task. Thus, it is hard to produce a product through a traditional cutting machine without compromising on its quality. Furthermore, delay in the finishing process makes these kinds of machines undesirable in today’s fast-paced world.

Conversely, a digital cutting machine can solve all the problems. It is faster (3 to 5 times than the traditional machines with 1000mm/s to 1200mm/s cutting speed) and works with precision. There are no gears to work with as everything is automatized. The only time-consuming part is designing and setting up the cutting instructions. The machine is capable of completing a cut in just a fraction of time (in comparison to traditional cutting machines).

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The Enhanced Functionality of the Knife Cutting Machine for Precise Cutting

Ahead of other devices, knife cutting machine holds an edge for accurate cutting owing to its ability to cut soft material with ease. Owing to its increased functionality, you can use it to cut through foam, film, fabric and of course, carpet with ease.

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This machine operates with finesse due to its multi-tool cutting head, which consists of:

  • Fixed blade
  • Pizza wheel [rotary knife]
  • Electric oscillating knife
  • Routing
  • Kiss-cut

Additionally, the machine comprises tangential control, which enables to cut square corners with precision and maintain high degree part accuracy.

How CNC knife cutting machine improves the customer experience with an experienced solution?

A CNC knife cutting machine improves customer experience appreciably as compared to other traditional machines. As the name suggests, a Computer-numerical control machine is computer coordinated and hence ensures a roaster of benefits for its users by virtue of its advanced features. The following are the ways by which a digital cutting machine from the OMNI CNC machine takes care of customer experience.

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1. Precision Workings

These sophisticated machines leave a lesser scope of human error. The autonomous machining and digital template assure you of achieving accuracy within 1/1000th. This reduces the chances of product rejection from the customer’s side.

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2. Offers Uniform Product

Customers have an eye for a perfect finish. The output from a CNC machine matches exactly and bit by bit. Even if one had assigned the most talented engineers working with on the conventional machines, they would not be able to produce exact prototype specifications.

3. Flexible to Adapt To Chances

Being able to be connected to CAD (Computer-aided design) software it allows the customers to ask for timely corrections in the pattern.

4. Lowers Purchase Costs

Every advantage of CNC, be it minimized labour requirement, high-speed functionality or greater efficiency, accounts for the costs of the overall business. CNC machines, hence, can bring down production costs heavily. Low production cost, in turn, lead to reduced selling costs hence sparking customers greater customer acceptance for the product.

Wrapping up!

The advanced digital Cutting machines offer unparalleled cutting capabilities to end-users on rigid as well as flexible substrates. The accurate and effortless motion makes the cutter an easy-to-use router and cutter for both small and large businesses.

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Therefore, using CNC digital cut machines is perhaps the ultimate solution for carpet cutting requirements. With them, you would not have to bother about staff being absent from work or accuracy in terms of product. You only have to set the machines with all the necessary instructions, and it will be all good to go. Now that you know much about the usability of the digital cutting machine as an ultimate cutting solution for the carpet industry buying it from a reliable manufacturer matters a lot.

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OMNI CNC enters the fray in this regard and offers you a slew of sophisticated, advanced and easy to use digital cutting machines to cut carpets and several other materials/objects. The company excels in providing technologically sound machines that you can operate even with limited technical knowledge. Nevertheless, you must possess knowledge of your business!

Contact Omni CNC

A Concise Guide to Help You Build an Ideal Closet

Build an Ideal Closet

Every person on the earth has different tastes and preferences about their likings. A closet is one of those personal inclusions where people like to put their interventions for giving a personal touch. You can give complete refreshment to your closet and all you need is to know from where to start? The idea of a perfect closet is different for everyone.

Obviously, measurements play a crucial role in designing a closet. Many more indulged factors also contribute equally to the dimensions. Ultimately, the finished closet should be well-organized to manage and arrange the belongings. This will help you to simplify your everyday routines.

Some Major Prerequisites

Carefully measuring your available space is one thing. In addition, you need to incorporate many more storage requirements and should have sufficient floor space. Moreover, if you possess some basic carpentry skills, you can build a closet in any room you wish for. Perhaps, a quick guide will help you to perform every step carefully. The processes of planning, designing and building are completely different for every closet. Therefore, if you are carrying an overview in your mind, it can be a bit easier for you to configure the real requirement.

How to Design a Closet? What are the Measures That You Should Follow While Designing a Closet

Your closet is much more than being just a configuration of square boxes, it gives your space meaning and likewise, means a lot for your space. Knowing about the steps to create in detail is hence important.

  • The foremost of these steps is to build a closet frame. Make sure to fasten the frame to the surrounding walls that you have selected.
  • Next, trim the door openings and install them as per your selections.
  • Further, the rod, drawers, and shelving will help you to get personal customization to your closet.

A single wall of built-ins is easier than a whole room for your closet. In the run, you will need to check how many walls you are incorporating into your closet design. The most difficult challenge is to install it perfectly into your targeted space.

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Planning to Build a Closet

Planning anything needs some measurements. You can either use a computer or draft a sketch plan manually. Assess your needs and the availability of space for the same. Before drawing the design of your closet, you should balance everything from designing to your storage requirements.

You need to be reasonable for everything you expect with your settled closet. After considering the items to store in the closet, find out how much space the asset will need to get stored. Try to abide by certain essential considerations like:

  • Define his and her side in your closet.
  • Choose between drawers and hanging storage.
  • Identify if you need jewelry drawers.
  • Optimize your accommodation for dresses, suits, and coats.
  • Select between hanging and folding the ties.

Include the items as much as you can and make sure not to leave anything behind while making a list of the goods that you want to store in the closet. Additionally, don’t forget to create some customized space for your specific needs as well.

Measure the Space and Identify the Structure of the Wall

It is wise to prepare a floor plan before building the closet if you haven’t worked on it yet. Collect the dimensions of the room and make a proper note of doors and windows in the room. The floor plan also includes the light switches, air vents and almost every other thing necessary to give the closet an ideal appearance. Be very specific and vigilant while collecting these details, as this will serve your entire closet building. Your minor lack can swamp your design and ruin your entire efforts.

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As per your storing requirement, start designing the closet and storage areas. Divide the logical sections and create a proper design option on your floor plan. Consider as many designs as you can. The best design is the one that can cover all the aspects of your requirements. It should also help you to banish everyday struggle with articles of clothing.

Though it depends on the length of each wall, it is better to separate the built-in sections in order to define the need properly. Next, decide the functions of every section that you want them to perform. To end your closet building process, you can think to choose among drawers, shelves, hanging storage and so on. The motive is to utilize every space of your closet. Don’t forget to give your hangers space if you are choosing hanging sections in your closet.

Finalize the Style of the Closet

Immaterial of the elegance of your design, you should plan it perfectly by considering all the relevant factors. You will definitely not like the surprises after building your closet done and you won’t be happy either if your clothes don’t fit into your closet. Many points are essential to consider before planning and styling the closet. Here is a quick look at few of them to elaborate the need of your closet:

1. Styles of the Closet

Styling of the closet starts from managing various clothes and assets. From the long, usual, formal, party wear, shorts, picnic wears to other accessories, you can accommodate many more items into your closet. The different styles may include:

  • Walk-in closets
  • Reach-in closets
  • Wardrobes and armoires

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2. Wardrobes and Armoires

First, decide the size of the closet you want, as this will help you to divide the wardrobes and armoires. Don’t get carried away by seeing a tempting big wall to design the large closet without considering the relevant usages of the same.

Once you are clear about the requirement of your hanging space, a small area can give you sufficient room. Additionally, if you are opting for a full-wall closet, you can avoid wastage of your money significantly.

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3. Organization

The best way of organizing the clothes in the closet is to group them in similar size groups. This will help you to utilize every inch of the closet. By hanging similar size clothes together, you can have ample spare space. Arrange your accessories in separate sections in order to hang the top rod high. The closet will have enough space between the bottom and second rod.

4. Ergonomics

Focus on designing the closet more ergonomically. None wants to crawl and sit on knees for finding their required ones. Keep your regular usages findings within your reach where you can find them without bothering much. You can do a smart move by positioning shelves above the hanging space, as it will work more ergonomically. If you want to store folded clothes in your closet, keep the width at 12 inches around and make it around 14 inches deep.

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5. Drawers

Making drawers can add price to your built-in closet; it further restricts your creativity with space. It is better to place the sweaters and T-shirts on open shelves where you can see them easily. Being resourceful with your spaces and rooms would be beneficial in this respect.

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6. Add More Storage

The best utilization of any space belongs to acquiring every inch of the same. You can surely achieve full utilization of the space by hanging your clothes. Additionally, there is obviously a little point of folding the clothes and putting them into the shelves. Instead of using deep spaces for hanging clothes, prefer to fold the clothes. The deep drawers under the bed can be useful for putting shoes and all. This will also help you to find them easily whenever needed.

7. Smarter Ways

If you have tight space and some of your items are yet to settle, you should use your wit for storing them. Be it your regular shelves, slide-out shelves or drawers, you can’t suffocate your clothing with your shoes and ties, etc. The drawer must allow you to use the full depth of the closet to put your shoes from where easy access is available. Clever accessory storage is another idea to be smarter while building the closet as selective storing is always better for managing your accessories in the closet. Don’t let similar things optimize more than one section of your closet. For a few light accessories like ties, belts, and scarves, you can flap them on the backside of the hinged door.

Tools Required for Making a Closet

CNC Machines of modern times are a hit when it comes to creating attractive closets with innovative designs. CNC routers from Omni CNC, for instance, can be of great help in the creation of engaging carvings for closets, cabinets door panels, cutouts, etc. Omni CNC brings forth you two prominent machines to help you stunningly designed closet:

1. ATC CNC Router

The automatic tool changing function makes ATC router handy in manufacturing a beautiful wooden closet. Besides, you can also use it to create computer desks, cabinet doors, tables, and so on.

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2. Cabinetry & Casegoods Making CNC Router

This CNC router is the best to produce nested based custom furniture, cabinets, and closets. Its high-speed, heavy-duty and automatic load/unload system saves considerable time and labor.

In addition, you can choose any other CNC router of your preference depending on your requirement. The automatic nature of these machines will set you free from doing the tedious tasks of drilling, side milling, cutting, routing, and several other functions manually.

Materials Used for Creating the Closet?

Here are a few required materials to build a closet:

  • Shelving Material: It comes handy in the building of your entire closet building. You can buy some extra of it to fulfill the additional requirements cropping up later on.
  • Brackets: Calculate brackets, clips, and anchors. Going for the recommendations is good; don’t hesitate to have a surplus of them.
  • Screws and Drywall Anchors: They are necessary to embrace your overall building process.
  • Paint or Stain: Give a final touch to your construction by paint or stain. This will complete your closet’s look.

Nevertheless, if you own a CNC router, it is sufficient for your cause. You won’t require buying any additional material or tool to execute your closet making task. Browsing through the official website of Omni CNC will give you come intuitive ideas about CNC routers. Its advanced, automatic and time-saving machines are worth using for creating closet, cabinet, wooden doors and similar other items without hassles.

What are Closet Designing Tips?

Irrespective of the detailed homework done on building a closet, every tiny detailing of the construction needs careful inspection to get the perfect piece done. Here are a few useful tips that may help you in your next construction –

1. Prioritize Your Space

The foremost important tip is to prioritize your space as per your storage requirement. It is better to arrange the space in various terms like hanging and folding clothes. You will end up spoiling your efforts if the organization is not well.

2. Create Noticeable Dividers for Folded Clothes

If you wish to have a separate space for folded clothes in the closet, make sure you are giving a sufficient gap between them. The noticeable divides will help to avoid any mess of those clothes. Additionally, the easy view will again let you stay away from the bustles of searching.

3. Arrange by Colors or Styles

You can make your preparation time a little easier by arranging your closet by colors and styles. The color-coordinated profile of your closet will look nice and your style-based approach will talk about your perfection of arranging the clothing.

4. Measurement for Space

At the time of measuring the required space, you should measure the things all again without generalizing the fact. Measure the hanging items from the top of the hook of the hanger to the bottom of the item.

Final Words

Building a closet becomes easier if you are carrying some helpful suggestions. This guide will surely help you to define your space and arrange it perfectly in your newly built closet. A smart decision would be to buy a CNC router if you building wooden furniture like cabinets, closets, etc., is your core business. Omni CNC is an ideal place to invest in if you plan to buy any such wonder machine.

Contact Omni CNC

The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide for Purchasing Digital Cutting Machine

Digital Cutting Machine

Advancement in technology has seen a rapid rise in the demand of the digital cutting machine. For its fair share of things, this machine is a user’s saver! The underlying reason for this is that if a user has this machine; they can use it to combine it with other digital knives or printers to start a different business altogether. By doing so, they will start a new league of their own.

The digital cutting machine is of tremendous use and, as mentioned, one can make different varieties of stuff; and as Peter Theil said, “by doing a new and different thing in a field one can elevate them from zero to one”.

However, before going in the depth of this digital cutting machine, let’s check out what this machine is all about.

What is Digital Cutting Machine?

A combination of required knives and bits along with a working mat table constitutes a digital cutting machine. This versatile cutting machine is chiefly designed and used for high-precision cutting of flexible, higher, and semi-rigid materials.

As explained this high precision digital cutting machine is decked with a variety of tools, knife, and blades. The path of the tool is configured due to which the blade of this cutting machine moves on the surface of the material. Further, the user in this cutting machine can adjust the required tool and the material for cutting.

How to Work on a Digital Cutting Machine:

These are the steps of how one should work on a digital cutting machine. Have a look at them:

1. Connect the vacuum pump and air compressor before starting to work on the machine.

2. After connecting both the things then only one should press the button to open the machine.

3. Then from the control panel, press the ‘origin’ button after which the machine will move to the origin automatically.

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4. Transfer the files from the computer to the control panel by the keyboard and then click ‘drag’.

5. After this, the head of the machine will automatically drag the material over the mat table.

6. Next up is, checking the cutting depth. Click the Y-depth and then check whether the machine was able to cut through the material or not.

7. Now, click the ‘+’ button in the control panel and set the value to a certain value as per the intended cut.

8. Slowly move the head of the machine to the place where the intended cut is needed.

9. Now, press the ‘Y-test’ button again.

10. If it cuts the material completely then it is time to click the ‘absorb’ key to suck the material on the mat table.

11. Click zero to set the current head position at the origin.

12. Click ‘[ ]’ to cut the other area and click ‘other’ to absorb the area.

13. Pressing the ‘repeat’ button will ensure that the process is repeated.

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Some exciting characteristics of Digital Cutting Machine:

To operate or achieve something, it is very important to follow the process and to achieve the desired results the aforementioned steps are something that will provide optimum results.

Nevertheless, the beauty of nature is that we as humans are interested and inclined to know the characteristics of the object we are dealing with. And, when the Digital cutting machine is the center of the conversation, there is a certain eagerness to know what this machine holds.

So, what are they? Let’s have a glance over them.

Workflow efficiency:

The digital cutting machine offers an experience that is new to the user. These machines come with a feature where the production and loading/unloading of materials happens to take place at the same time.

Further, the manufacturers and designers have planned this machine in a way where they have provided a green LED. The green LED signals the user about the area which can be safely used at that particular time.

Cutting surface:

What is a cutting machine if it does not provide a stable surface?

A digital cutting machine is a dream cutter for any user. This machine comes with a highly stable, perfectly constructed aluminium composite that works well for the operator so that they can deliver products that are cut to perfection.

Material hold-down:

To get the maximum out of any cutting machine the user needs to make sure the material is properly held down on the mat table. By doing so, the users ensure that the material is tightly stretched for the cutter to work efficiently.

This is the reason why the digital cutting machine is the ideal choice for an operator. This machine comes with a cutting surface which is divided into individually controllable vacuum zones. A step-less variable vacuum turbine assures the user that the material is firmly in its place during the process.

Reliably precise:

If one has to define the digital cutting machine in a layman’s language then it will be defined as the production machine.

From the drive system to the blades, the components of a digital cutting machine are perfectly implanted to gain superior performance for an operator. Having such a set-up enables the user to complete orders efficiently and quickly. Thus, this also gives them the ability to convince their customers with results that can be termed as perfect.

Speed by design:

A cutter is nothing without speed. Speed is required to get the product ready for delivery on its due date. And, keeping this in mind, the manufacturers have designed a digital cutting machine whose speed is second to none.

The exceptional productivity of the digital cutting machine comes from its precision based drive system, smart motion-based control system, and a cutting technology which is fine-tuned for optimal results.

Projection system:

An operator needs a system where they can oversee the process and understand the nuances of how the material is processing under the cutter.

As a consequence of that, the projection system of the digital cutting machine visually supports the user to supervise every phase of production, that is, from the setup and automatic or interactive nesting, to picking and sorting of cut parts.

Efficient features of the Digital cutting machine:

A machine is a weapon for any operator, and a digital cutting machine is no less than that. The digital cutting machine is one of those machines which can be termed as perfect. Nonetheless, one cannot tag a machine perfect just like that. Hence, to justify that, here are a few efficient features that make this machine a perfect machine.

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Cutting detailed contours:

The digital cutting machine is the ideal machine for materials like soft or moderately dense leather. Electric Oscillating Tool – EOT makes this machine suitable for cutting soft, moderately dense, dense and detailed contours materials. Furthermore, the set-up of high oscillating frequencies allows the digital cutting machine to work at a very high processing speed.

Cutting thick, tough material:

The digital cutting machine is made for material which is thick and tough. This machine comes with a powerful 8 mm stroke, which is specially made to suit the processing needs of dense and tough materials. Alongside the power stroke, this machine also has an air-driven Pneumatic Oscillating Tool – POT which is placed to make the process suitable for cutting.


The digital cutting machine is one of the best equipment in terms of cutting and engraving a tough material. Having said that, digital cutting machine perforates different types of materials such as leather, rubber, and different textile materials.

Furthermore, given its high-speed capability, a digital cutting machine is capable of punching up to 8 holes per second, thereby, making it a reliable source of cutting tough materials for an operator.

Integrated tool initialization:

An integrated system of tools is a must for a successful run of a machine. With a digital cutting machine, an operator gets just that.

The digital cutting machine promises to come with a fast, efficient and precise set-up of bladed and bits that automatically occurs with an integrated tool calibration system. Having such a set-up helps in eliminating manual errors and any manual steps where the operator had to determine the depth of a proper cut.

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Adaptability at work:

Features of a machine can work up to a certain extent. However, what is the use of the machine if it cannot adjust to the requirements of the material? With a digital cutting machine, one thing is sure that the machine can adjust as per the needs of the work. With several features, this machine is a match made on earth for an operator.

Nevertheless, the question is what are they? Let’s have a view.

Sole materials:

Designed to cut rigid, tough materials, this machine has a perfect combination of robust blades and oscillating tools EOT or POT for processing sole materials.

Stencil materials:

The digital cutting machine is made to process stencil material of all kinds. This machine comes with the right routing tool which offers to cut materials that are tough for a knife to get through.

Rolled materials:

Coming with an optional roll-off unit, the digital cutting machine enables the operator to process rolls up to a width of 2000 mm/90“ and a weight of 70 kg/154 lbs easily and efficiently.

Reasons to opt for Digital cutting service:

Features and adaptability only add to one part of why these machines should be bought for work. Besides them, there are many more reasons which make the digital cutting machine an operator-friendly machine; here are a few of them.

Better service:

What constitutes the digital cutting systems is that these machines provide better service than any other machine with their exceptional performance, precision, and reliability. With adequately trained and highly experienced operators this cutting machine can provide optimal quality work.


Along with solid performance and outstanding quality; digital cutting machine helps the owner to produce non-stop and unparalleled profitability. With continuous innovation in technology and superior standards of construction, it results in low maintenance costs.

Further, outstanding energy efficiency is also a benefit of having a digital cutting machine. Besides that, optimal processing methods, sophisticated material-advance systems, and state-of-the-art vacuum generators keep the energy demands low. This, further, contributes to the eco-friendliness and sustainability of the digital cutting machine.


Based on the concept that adds adaptability and flexibility, digital cutting machines provide features that rarely any other machine can offer.

This unique modularity of digital cutting machine makes way for cost-effective configuration and upgrade cutters for constantly changing the cutting needs of the material. This feature not only contributes to the machines’ exceptional ROI but also makes it a valuable asset who retains its value for many years.

Industries that use Digital Cutting Machine:

As mentioned, the digital cutting machine is efficient enough to the toughest of materials with high precision. With the assistance of a cutting machine, an operator has the luxury to reduce their manual work and improve the level of quality of production exponentially.
Industries a digital cutting machine is used include:

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Leather Industry:

With the presence of a digital cutting machine in the market has made processing leather economical. As mentioned, the digital cutting machine helps in increases productivity and flexibility in an industry and it gradually reaches another level when it is the leather industry.

Be it processing leather shoe sole, lining, or shoe upper, the usage of this machine ensures that the operator gets an optimum level of accuracy.

Apparel Industry:

Just like the leather industry, the presence of a digital cutting machine in the fabric industry has been a blessing for the industrialist. This cutting machine has helped the leading apparel manufacturing companies in terms of maximizing the quality and profitability of their fabric.

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Apart from that, it has also worked wonders on their products as the companies can regulate the market at a faster, smarter and better rate. OMNI CNC digital cutting machine has a pen plotting feature that is 5 times higher plotting speed. This fast and precise machine helps in 3 aspects, such as fabric cutting, pattern cutting, and templates/design cutting.

Large manufacturing companies should purchase high tech digital cutting machines to reduce cost, enhance productivity, and enlarge benefits of their business.

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Graphics Industry:

From cutting out complicated graphics to banners, digital cutting machine’s help has made cutting easier over the classical method.

An operator can create shelf signage, hanging signs, floor graphics, textile fabric banners, vehicle graphics, lightboxes, etc. with the help of a digital cutting machine.

Advertising/Printing/Packaging Industry:

The digital cutting machine plays a bigger part in the packaging industry. The packaging is required to protect the product and also ensure that the product is delivered safely. A good packaging cardboard box, folding boxes, cardboard folder, etc. are created with an easy to use a digital cutting machine. This helps in enhancing the efficiency and potency of the firm.

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The multi-function cutting head designs interactive cutting punching and scribing can be availed from a single machine. The oscillating knife cutting head, crimping reel, V-cutting head, and high-speed milling head of the digital cutting machine has the ability to cut 30 or 60mm honeycomb paperboard, acrylic sheet, corrugated paper, plastic corrugated board, gray board paper, white cardboard, film, composite material, leather, cloth, rubber sheet, pearl cotton, aluminum composite board, etc.

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It also reduces downtime, production cost, downtime, and waste. The digital cutting machine assists in converting the ideas into reality and presents the proposed design in a few seconds.

Automotive-interior industry

Digital cutting machines serve the need of automotive and interior industry. It helps in cutting materials like wire ring pads, plush carpets, EVA rubber soles, latex mats, PVC mats, TPE rubber mats, faux leather, leather, PU sponge composites, etc. Both interior and exterior products are cut with this advanced machinery. If you belong to the automotive industry and you are looking for a tool that meets different cutting needs, then the digital cutting machine help serves your purpose.

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This machine establishes an intelligent production system providing accurate computerized designs and meeting the multi-style production goals of the company. Also, the automatic feeding system of the machine is used to realize auto conveying and auto-correction of the fabric, ensuring the accuracy of feeding.

Upholstery Industry

The digital cutting machine has made cutting more flexible options than ever before. With this advanced cutting solution, the upholstery industry can better meet the demands and expectations of its customers. The digital cutting solution solves the problem of increased production costs due to market customization. The automatic feeding system and intelligent feeding correction system reduces labour dependency and saves a huge amounts of cost of manual production and management. Over manual nesting, the digital cutting machine saves fabric cost and avoid wastage of the fabric that can be caused by artificial nesting.

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The upholstery industry uses a digital cutting solution to digitally manage every piece of the sofa, check and resolve changes in the size of the sofa, color scheme, and design, and complete the nesting of the sofa pieces in the span of a few minutes. The digital cutting machine saves the time involved in production, nesting, and cutting. This machine improves the efficiency and shortens the delivery time involved.

Textile Industry:

Irrespective of the material an operator deals within the textile industry, a digital cutting machine is something that will provide faster and efficient service to the manufacturer. Be it garments, airbags, sun-shades/umbrellas, flags, airplane seats or car seats, the digital cutting machine has the capability to cut through the toughest of material for the manufacturing of the aforementioned parts of the textile industry.

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Also, the use of the digital cutting machine is quite prevalent in paper-made, cardboard, or plastic-made textile industry. Unmatched and flawless precision is the reason why the digital cutting machine is preferred over other machines in a textile firm.

Cardboard Industry:

As mentioned, the digital cutting machine automates its design; besides it improves the productivity of the cutting process by minimizing labour output.

Henceforth, a digital cutting machine is a machine that maintains the design with optimal precision.

Apart from that, a digital cutting machine is a perfect fit for cutting complex patterns on materials like honeycomb cardboard, which requires maintaining high precision while cutting. The digital cutting machine is superior over other cutting machines when making smooth and clean edges is the topic of conversation.

This machine is user-friendly in a way that it neither causes smoke nor any sort of smell during the process that can affect the health of the operator.

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Composite Industry:

Coming with a modular, flexible and cost-effective expandable way of cutting, a digital cutting machine is a manufacturer’s machine. With a highly advanced system, this machine is capable of processing several materials with an unmatched level of precision. Moreover, it is tailor-made for industrial applications such as defense, functional textiles, rotor blades for wind turbines, aircraft, and automotive parts, etc.

The digital cutting machine offers manufacturing companies the need to cut a wide range of materials. With its robust design, accuracy, and precision, the digital cutting solution is widely accepted by manufacturing companies.

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So, here was an overview of why a digital cutting machine is a smart investment for anyone who has a manufacturing firm/industry. It is very important to understand that in this ever-changing market, a digital cutting machine is a business solution that provides a competitive edge to the manufacturer over its competitors.

The bottom line of this is to achieve productive results at a lower cost; a businessman must add a solution like this which is capable enough of performing a different task at any given point of time.

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